As a massive Halo nerd and fanboy, this wasn't necessarily the "Xbox Series X event" to me, but more of a "Halo Infinite reveal event", and to that end, I had a massive frown on my face about half way through the demo they showed, and I only really perked up again, seeing the new Warhammer 40k Darktide trailer, and the Fable trailer.
This needed to be a smash hit. This needed to be a home run. This needed to be "Hey, Halo 5 was a bad time. The Xbox One was a bad time. We can do better. We
are doing better. Here is Halo Infinite in all of its glory, running on the Series X". Eurgh, what a mess.
I think from the very first frame, I realised that this game wasn't exactly pretty. Maybe the bar has just been set way too high, coming from The Last of Us 2, but that is a next-gen looking game on current-gen consoles, and it makes Halo Infinite look like a current-gen game from like, 2017.
Faces don't look great. Textures
definitely dont look great. The outdoor lighting looks flat, and shadows don't even look like they are appearing half of the time. Armour looks like it is made out of plastic, and nothing looks "real". Not to mention the incredible level of pop-in with the grass and clouds. This just doesn't look like a game from "the world's most powerful console". I think this is a perfect example of why "4K/60FPS" is just a bit of a buzzword, because games are a lot more than just how many pixels are on screen, and how often they appear. Halo 3 looks more visually appealing, and that is a game from 2007.
Not to mention stuff like this.
Left, Halo Reach, 2010 (Xbox 360)
Right, Halo Infinite, 2020 (Xbox Series X)
And then there are the new guns, and every single one of them look like they are ripped straight out of Destiny. Hell, even the HUD looks the same.
As for the gameplay, sprint and clamber/climb are back, so boo. The grapple hook looks fine, and apparently it is going to be a pick-up in multiplayer, so I guess that is okay. The sound design is pretty meh - again, coming from DOOM Eternal, where literally every weapon was BOOMING, everything just sounds pretty weak. Oh, and it is apparently an open-world game, at least to some extent - so yay if you like open world games, but a massive boo for if you dont (like me).
Ultimately, I don't get 5-years of AAA development time from the demo we have just seen, and the whole thing just looks
rough. If this demo was shown last year, after the Discover Hope trailer, I would have been hopeful that they could iron out all of the problems that we have just seen. Here, though, with the game less than 6 months away? I just have a feeling that this is going to be a really rocky release.
I can't help but just feel grumpy.