Holy shit! They can genuinely not go a single day without putting their feet through their mouths at this point can they? xD
Sigh, I know the will to say something to steer the minds of everyone to that special place you think is real is great: Peter Moore did recently, that guy from DICE talking about Sci-fi did as well, Cliffy B was another and Mike Capps all those years ago too, among many others in nearly every business in the world as well as politics. But at this point, M$'s best defense would be to simply keep its trap shut, since everytime they try to soften the message they sent at E3 they only end up exacerbating it instead.
Here's the key problem with these kinds of speeches: there is no more reason to take any corporate message at face value anymore. Even if it's not apparent, when any group of people is able to see what the problem is with one of these speeches, said people (in this case quite ironically) use the internet to show where exactly the message doesn't match the reality of the world we live in. From there, the rest of the world realises the message itself was plain bullshit to try and mask an ugly truth.
It didn't even take a middleman this time, it was already in the article:
Andy Chalk said:
There's no question that the world has changed but Mattrick's comments miss the mark rather widely. Being connected is great, but being able to function while disconnected is pretty awesome too - and that's something that phones, tablets and PCs will all happily do (minus things like making phone calls or surfing the net, obviously) when they're not connected. They don't just stop working if they go more than a day without phoning home - a mighty difference between the Xbox One and everything else out there.
And when the reality trying to be sold by a PR speech is broken, everyone just gets madder than before due to the intended deception! At this point, it begs the question: why issue one of these speeches in the first place? You're just begging to be bashed again! Geez! x(
Captcha: Skynet knows.
Huh! So that's why.
Hmm, 'kay. Excuse me, I have some preparations to make.