First: Mad props, Yahtzee. I've been forwarding ZP around to all of my mates since discovery. Good show.
Second: 13lade is right, to get the feel of truly defecating apple pies, you need to head into the 'Heartland,' where I am currently trapped. This will generally fuel your wonder and contempt; it certainly leaves me chagrined and apologizing while overseas.
Third: for a whonk that prattles on about how 1337 your Latin skills are, your English needs a bit of polish: "When a job needs done or a problem needs solving..." This sentence beggars explanation; it sounds positively American. Your verbs should agree, and you separate clauses with a comma, my good man. For clarity's sake: "When a job needs doing, or a problem needs solving..." or "When a job needs to be done, or a problem needs to be solved..." Though, the latter is in the passive, and that's passe.