Yahtzee's Not a Jerk, Just Baffled


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I haven't done anything to earn fans, but as an asocial introvert, I can definitely empathize with feeling discomforted by all the odd attention. When he ever seems mistrustful and standoffish towards his fanbase, I don't mind in the least.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
you know, this really doesn't surprise me, i would probably act the same

if somebody came up to me and showed me a tattoo of a show i did, i would probably laugh at them


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Klarinette said:
MrBrightside919 said:
That's understandable...

I'm not sure how I would be able to react if people came up to me and acted like they already knew me my whole life...
A lot of musicians talk about that sort of thing, actually, when they're first starting out. People come up to you, call you by your first name, ask for an autograph, etc. and it can really put you off if it's not constantly the first thing in the front of your mind.
Its called Fame and its an evil ***** aint it


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I feel his pain, being recognizable as I am in my small town. And I would buy him a beer or coffee if I met him on the street. Then I would fudge it by asking how to beat Peach in Super Smash Bros.
Or I would think ahead, get a copy of Painkiller and ask him to sign that, after our small simple conversation over beer or coffee.
Malicious said:
I never thought of him as a jerk,i admire his creativity and enjoy he's show,tho i doubt a lot of people did either,since his show increased the traffic here some 400% (meaning 75% of people here came for him,untrue but interesting) ,but a tatoo is too much,if you like something get a tatoo that lasts for six months,if you still like it,make it official,but dont use real ink or you might regret it
Actually it was a link to a ZP vid from another site that pulled me to Escapist. But it was what else was in The Escapist that kept me here and got me to make a profile(and this was before, but not long before, Unskippable came out.) It takes one thing to get people's attention, but so much more to keep them around.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Well I wouldn't go past buying a t-shirt, which I already have, may buy an imp while I'm at it but tattoos are too far!


New member
May 5, 2009
Yahtzee's a dick, not a jerk

and of course if he wasn't a dick I wouldn't watch zero puncuation,
and if i didn't watch zero puncuation I wouldn't be here
and your lives just wouldn't be the same


New member
May 1, 2009
xmetatr0nx said:
So in hes just a normal guy...who would have guessed. God knows id seem a bit standoffish if random people acted like that around me. Oh well its the price you pay for being a celebrity of sorts.
no Yahtzee will never be normal


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
I don't think I would recognize him in the streets if I were to come across him, unless he was a either crouching as he is in the picture, ranting, or had somehow become a Trilby-hatted Outline that we've all come to know, and even then the first two wouldn't make me recognize him immediately, if at all. I like his work, but it's much the same way I like anyone else's work--good for them, give 'em a nod that indicates just that, and maybe even a tip of the hat, if it's particularly useful or commendable. Beyond that, I see no point in carrying on in an estatic manner about what some bloke has or has not done.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I am sure Yathee is just an Alias of his he seems he is a nice person but as he has said in his reviews people like him because of how he critises games in his videos so he hasn't really got a choice that his videos make him look like a "jerk".


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I don't really care. If I met him, It would be cool if he let me buy him a beer, but I wouldn't push it. I wouldn't even stay and drink a beer with him, he has his life, I have mine.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Well, Susan, force him to interact with the Escapist users, then.
I mean, I've heard that he likes the Escapist community less than the average fan.

Really, though, I'd need to hear him talk about something other than games to see if he really is a jerk.
There's a certain bitterness mixed in with the prattle of a bitter, angry person that can be identified quite easily. Its in his reviews a little, but I'm not sure if he puts it there for effect or tones it down for the public.


Winter is coming
Jun 13, 2009
Yahtzee is a critic, or Ben Croshaw, or whatever, we're taking about a critic here. Now I'm about to butcher a quote from Siskel & Ebert, (one of them said it, can never remember who);
"A critic isn't there to tell you what not to watch but to bring to your attention that which you may have over looked."

Well, okay thats pretty close. As far as critics saying something is awful, usually gets me to see/play whatever it is. I do this to make my own opinions, I played X-Blades and Onichambra simply because the reveiws were so bad. I played them for a couple of hours at most before returning them to gamefly. By the way, the reveiws are right.

Back to point. Yahtzee's reveiws are very entertaining and sometimes I find myself agreeing with him, other times I think he's full of shit. But thats all part of thinking for yourself. By the way, the ZP tattoo is a bit much, I'd buy and imp or shirt, but then when I've stopped being entertained by this I can get rid of them.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Tattoos? seriously wtf people.

I like to think of Yahtzee as the video game equivelent of House. And that is why we love him.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
I imagine Yahtzee to be something like chef Ramsay; a criticizing hardass at his job, but quite indeed fun when you're hanging out with him. As for people coming up to him and acting like they know him? Yeesh, no wonder he's snippish with them. I'd be.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
He already said he didn't understand people in some of his early reviews.

Also I hope he is just talking about Super Smash Brothers Brawl, that is definitely a tossers game.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
tehbeard said:
I like to think of Yahtzee as the video game equivelent of House. And that is why we love him.
Ha - brilliant analogy! :)

I think that critics are just that - critics. Bonus points is that if you ever meet them in person, you could probably have an interesting and lively debate.

Aside from that, he's just another Big Name Fan in the fandom that is video gaming. They come and go, so kudos to him for enjoying his interests and making a buck out of it. :)