Yahtzee's Not a Jerk, Just Baffled

Mr. Fister

New member
Jun 21, 2008
ChromeAlchemist said:
Susan Arendt said:
He probably still thinks you're a tool if you love Super Smash Bros., though.
And it is for that reason we are bitter enemies for life.

I thought it was an act to a certain degree though, no one could possibly be that jaded all the time, but that's not going to stop the dozens of Yahtzee threads that are no doubt going to flood in.

I probably wouldn't mind him too much if his die hard fans didn't take his words as bible. It's like if you seemingly hate a game, you are 'speaking the truth', something I just don't get.
Yeah, it doesn't matter how exaggerated his reviews are, or how nice he is in real life, but I will hold that review against him forever.

I sort of figured it was an act when I saw X-Play interview him during GDC '07. Aside from being slightly awkward, he seemed like a different person. It's almost like Yahtzee and Benjamin Croshaw are two separate people.

And his fans are exactly why I dread certain ZP reviews. I don't care what he thinks as much about a game, since his opinion is just expressed in an obviously over-the-top manner, but with every video he posts, you'll inevitably get his more extreme fans spouting direct quotes from him like his opinion is absolute truth. It's quite depressing.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
If i walked past him on the street i would probably just give him a casual G'day,

Why do people act like OMGZORZ ITS THAT GUYZ to everyone who is a celeb?


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Wow, seriously, tattoos?

Yahtzee, has never came across as a jerk to me, more just someone who speaks there mind and isn't afraid of what people think.

Honestly, anyone who thinks he's a jerk has lived a sheltered life in my opinion. I've met people that make Yahtzee look like a saint.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Its all well and good claiming you feel uncomfortable having people come up to you in the street, but this claim doesnt really hold much water when you're plastering studio photos of yourself on the internet (hardly necersary given the nature of his review)- its like someone asking you to stop taking pictures of you while slowly removing your clothing...


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Mr. Fister said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
Susan Arendt said:
He probably still thinks you're a tool if you love Super Smash Bros., though.
And it is for that reason we are bitter enemies for life.

I thought it was an act to a certain degree though, no one could possibly be that jaded all the time, but that's not going to stop the dozens of Yahtzee threads that are no doubt going to flood in.

I probably wouldn't mind him too much if his die hard fans didn't take his words as bible. It's like if you seemingly hate a game, you are 'speaking the truth', something I just don't get.
Yeah, it doesn't matter how exaggerated his reviews are, or how nice he is in real life, but I will hold that review against him forever.

I sort of figured it was an act when I saw X-Play interview him during GDC '07. Aside from being slightly awkward, he seemed like a different person. It's almost like Yahtzee and Benjamin Croshaw are two separate people.

And his fans are exactly why I dread certain ZP reviews. I don't care what he thinks as much about a game, since his opinion is just expressed in an obviously over-the-top manner, but with every video he posts, you'll inevitably get his more extreme fans spouting direct quotes from him like his opinion is absolute truth. It's quite depressing.
Indeed. Despite how much I love the game so far as well, when The Conduit review rolls by, there's going to be quite the shitstorm methinks. A shame.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
I first heard of Yahtzee as a result of watching his review of SSBB, but didn't give him much thought at first. I don't care for the fact that he rips on the games I love with a passion (namely Mirror's Edge and Valkyria Chronicles), I still think he's funny as hell and quite frankly, the gamer's voice of truth. The comedy just comes as a bonus.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Klarinette said:
MrBrightside919 said:
That's understandable...

I'm not sure how I would be able to react if people came up to me and acted like they already knew me my whole life...
A lot of musicians talk about that sort of thing, actually, when they're first starting out. People come up to you, call you by your first name, ask for an autograph, etc. and it can really put you off if it's not constantly the first thing in the front of your mind.
Agreed. I know a lot of musicians that revel with their fan-strangers, however. Still, if I were ever in this position, I would fall into the 'get weirded out' category. I never really was comfy with strangers. In fact, sometimes I just get incredibly cynical. Like..."-why- are you being so coozy. WTF do you want from me..."


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Well, ZP is an awesome series, and australians are awesome, and so are trilby hats and beards...so, y'know...

What im trying to say, is, Ben C. is liquid awesomeness soldified into human form.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Yahtzee, weather you love him or hate him, is a shock jock for the internet generation.

He does his job well.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
tehbeard said:
Tattoos? seriously wtf people.

I like to think of Yahtzee as the video game equivelent of House. And that is why we love him.
Good call!

Honestly if I met Yahtzee, I would probably ask for autograph... I just wouldn't know what else to do


New member
Apr 15, 2009
chronobreak said:
I've been in bands, I currently work in Television, and I've had people recognize me all the time, and I've even signed autographs. I would never, ever say "I just don't get fans", because whatever these peoples motivations are for loving you, they just do, and if you put yourself out there it's just something you have to deal with. A better response would have been "I appreciate people taking time out of their day to view my work, thank you all for supporting me!".

In a fan-centric business, be it wrestling or internet videos, it's very important to make sure the fans know you appreciate them, or else they ain't coming back, and you have less butts in seats. Not hatin on Yahtzee, just sayin', it's kind of a bumbling response when he could have taken that time to thank the people that got him where he is today.

Ride the wave and be happy for what you got, Mr. Croshaw, there's a lot of people who would kill to be in your position, and it most certainly won't last forever. But, as a fan of yours, I hope it does.
Sure, you have to value your fans. But it is weird. I'm in a band and even though we're not even close to famous, people still come up to me and act like we've hung out. It's not a big deal, I just have no idea what to say. Even people who are being normal about it end up being a bit disappointed, I think. Most of the time it goes like this:

"Hey man! You guys rock!"
"Thanks a lot man, I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Yeah it was totally great."
*fan wanders off looking a bit lost*

Mind you, this is probably my fault as much as theirs. This is why I don't run the merch table.

The Jackyl

New member
Jul 11, 2009
Nossy said:
"I never thought Yahtzee was a jerk. Just honest about video games. I love you Yahtzee!"

-Says Me, the guy with a ZP Tattoo
I think you might need professional help.