Yes I smoke.. So I'm the devil now?

Reverend Del

New member
Feb 17, 2010
Deathleaper said:
There was truth here once
Sigh, so very right. Smoking causes cauncer and thus is villified. Quite rightly too, it's a bloody deadly habit at best. But folks don't think of the fact that ANY smoking causes cancer. They just see us fag smokers being evil.

For the record, smoking is bad, smokers are not.

OffTopic: Main reason I quoted Deathleaper here is because I always read this name as Deathleper. Bloody Nid codex ruined your name for me. Sorry.

Edit: And for anyone calling me an idiot for smoking: Sod you too. Passing judgement on me and any like me just because you refuse to try and understand why folks do what they do. Easier to sit staring at your screen calling folks fools. Far better reasons to think me a moron than the mere act of inhaling carcinogenic smoke.


New member
May 10, 2008
personally, I hate the stereotypical talk against smokers. One of the most obvious reasons a person smokes is because it helps to relax the nerves or pain a person feels. Could some people be more sensitive to the smoke? Sure just like some people are more sensitive to bee stings than others.
Does a non-smoker have a "right" to tell a smoker not to smoke in an inclosed space like an elevator or subway/train or in certain clubs? Sure, but mostly because it's in many people faces in such a tight spot.
Does a non-smoker have the right to tell a smoker to not smoke in an open space like a bus stop or park or parking lot? Heck no! The non-smoker can move their own selfish but a few steps away from the smoke. I've smelled BO from individuals far worse than cigarette smoke. Don't even start about getting "cancer" from 2nd hand smoke for if that was true, there would be tons of smokers in hospitals for cancer because they smoked for years, but there are only a handful at best. It's a popular theory, but still needs far more facts before it is true.

I don't smoke. I don't really need to smoke. But that does not give me permission to talk **** about people for such a basic habit that can be easily walked away from if it bothered me.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
I live in the UK and where I'm from I think I'd be right in saying that at least 40% of the population in the area smoke. I am a smoker too and I have been since I was 13, currently 22. I love smoking, I don't just smoke for the nicotine fix or out of boredom, I smoke because I genuinely enjoy it. There's nothing better than a cup of tea and a cigg first thing in the morning, or the glorious after meal smoke, and the best one of all... a pint and a cigg.

I know people frown upon smoking and it is slowly becoming more and more unacceptable within modern society, but at least where I live at the moment things aren't that way. When I was at University earlier this year I experienced a different environment where I'd say less than 20% of the population in the area smoked, it was a rare occurrence to see anyone smoke unless it was at a night club/pub. Again these aren't exact figures but just my observations. Whilst there though I DID receive some funny looks or people avoiding me, even going to the levels of not talking to me because I was a smoker. In my home town that isn't the case, people don't seem to care if you smoke or not.

So yeah I don't have a problem with smoking, but I won't be a douche and blow smoke in peoples face's or force someone to have a cigarette if they don't want one.


New member
Dec 27, 2010
I do smoke occasianally (fags, cigars, pipe, you name it), but my main poison of choice is snus (ground up tobacco you put under your lip). I consider that to be more considerate towards other. That being said, smoke never bothered me, and people always searches for things to whine about, smokers being an especially easy pot-shot. I don't get why some people whine or protest loudly about other peoples choices. So all anti-*insert whatever*, shut the fudge up, you are not their mum...

Personally, I hate religious people, for the same reason many people hate people who use tobacco, I think they are weak. So I might seem like a self-righteous prick, but the main difference is that I avoid religious people, and unless they try to stuff their shit down my throat, I just avoid them. No need to try to stuff my point of view down their throats, innit?

So to all smokers, non-smokers and generally everyone. We all have something about us another person detests, and there is only one way to fix it. LET IT GO! There is no need to be a ***** about other peoples choices, they have made them, and they certainly don't give a rats ass about your opinion. Even if a member of your stigma-group of choice is inconsiderate and try to push their "thing" on you (meaning to or not) just be nice.

The moral here is: Don't be a prick. Respect peoples choices, especially if you hate it. Your opinion is not right, not for everyone.

Just as a little story on the end. I have been, and currently are, dating smokers. To be honest, if you kiss them, the taste will go away after a mere few seconds...

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Smoking is fine. It's just I don't do it. And you say you don't breathe into people's faces? Congratulations, we're going to get along just fine, if you can handle being called smelly from time to time by me.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
nbamaniac said:
Question: Pretty much what the title says.
Cool. Go ahead and smoke.

I'll just paraphrase a little bon mot I overheard a few years ago:

"You are a smoker. I'm a drinker. We both have equally unhealthy habits.

However, the side effects of your habit are smoke and tar. These get in my clothes and hair when you stand nearby.

The side-effects of my habit are urination and vomiting. How'd you like it if I got those in your clothes and hair!?"


Just to completely contradict myself, I'm just about old enough to remember when you could smoke in British pubs. I actually quite liked the atmosphere (no pun intended) smoking added to pubs and bars. It marked it out as a place for the grown-ups to go and do grown-up things, away from the sterilised, finger-wagging nanny-state. And hell, nobody goes to the pub for their health, do they?

Matt Oliver

New member
Mar 15, 2011
my mom and sister both smoke, I can't stand it and the smell absolutely disgusts me, I wish they didn't smoke but whatever at this point they are adults they know what they are doing to themselves if the redundent taxes don't prove anything.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I just hate the smell really, If you smoke, good for you, just dont do it around me. There are areas where you can smoke and if you stick to those then its fine, i cannot and will not stop you, however when people start smoking in areas where they shouldnt thats when we have a problem. Of course by that point its not the fact that theyre smokers that makes them dicks, its the fact that they're dicks


New member
May 22, 2011
I didn't smoke until I hit 18, and I admit I did look down on certain people for it. To clarify- We were on a college trip, we would have to wait before setting off so certain members of the group could have a fag. Not 15 minutes of travelling later, we'd hop off the bus, and they'd spark up again, and refuse to participate in anything until they were done. I guess what I'm trying to say is anti-social smoking is a dick move.

Went to Uni, approximately... ALL of my friends smoked, we were polite, observed no smopking policies, stayed away from doors etc to respect non-smokers, never had a problem, never had a dirty look or anything. I've kinda quit now (money/can't find Lucky Strikes in my hometown) but yeah, I think it's the actions of a few are pasted across the board, bin your butts, I can't stand seeing people flick fag ends onto the street within 5 ft of a bin. Christ.


New member
May 11, 2009
Like with most things, I don't care what you do, so long as you don't get in people's face about it.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I don't know if any of the other Escapists have noticed it yet. There is a very specific dichotomy between 'smokers' and 'non-smokers', and it's not that one does something the other does not. I however, have noticed that there are 4 types of people on this planet.

1: Smokers: Apparently, these people (including myself) smoke, and are therefore, the devil.
2: Non-smokers: The title says it all. These people do not smoke, and never have.
3: Ex-smokers: These folks don't smoke, but they used to.
4: Reformed smokers: These are the people that used to smoke, don't anymore, and see no problem for vilifying a smoker for smoking, as well as pushing the 'quit' idea until you just want to slap them.

I've also noticed something else. Smokers tend to be some of the most laid back people I've ever met. Until they run out of smokes. When that happens, pray to whatever deity you may hold to that they find one soon.

Keep in mind that I'm a smoker, and have been for years. I'm married, have friends of all types and none of them see a problem with my habit. Just one old man's smoking opinion. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go sharpen my horns. I'm going out today. =)


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Negatempest said:
personally, I hate the stereotypical talk against smokers. One of the most obvious reasons a person smokes is because it helps to relax the nerves or pain a person feels. Could some people be more sensitive to the smoke? Sure just like some people are more sensitive to bee stings than others.
Does a non-smoker have a "right" to tell a smoker not to smoke in an inclosed space like an elevator or subway/train or in certain clubs? Sure, but mostly because it's in many people faces in such a tight spot.
Does a non-smoker have the right to tell a smoker to not smoke in an open space like a bus stop or park or parking lot? Heck no! The non-smoker can move their own selfish but a few steps away from the smoke. I've smelled BO from individuals far worse than cigarette smoke. Don't even start about getting "cancer" from 2nd hand smoke for if that was true, there would be tons of smokers in hospitals for cancer because they smoked for years, but there are only a handful at best. It's a popular theory, but still needs far more facts before it is true.

I don't smoke. I don't really need to smoke. But that does not give me permission to talk **** about people for such a basic habit that can be easily walked away from if it bothered me.
This. People are jerks. Not only jerks, but selfrightous jerks. I`m sick of strangers getting in other people`s business.

Pyramid Head

New member
Jun 19, 2011
The world is too boring to deny yourself the odd vice. Smoke em if you got em because we'll probably wipe our sorry asses off the phase of the Earth before a four smokes a day man develops any health problems.

In all seriousness, i don't care if you smoke so long as you don't blow it in my face. We all have substances we abuse.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
nbamaniac said:
I have always wondered before why people smoke, but I never even looked down on them. That was 2 years ago; now I'm a regular smoker of at least 4 cigs per day. Cigs have this eloquent taste, and because of this I smoke if I'm doing nothing just to remove my boredom (Nothing like a good ole Marlboro to liven up my day). During these 2 years, I have discovered one thing: There are a lot of self-righteous pricks who think lowly of me and our certain category.

Example statement that I overheard just a few days ago:

"Ugh, I don't smoke like him. I'm not an ex-convict."

I turned and looked for the guy (I'm pretty sure from the pitch of the voice) to confront him but didn't find him because either the guy was a ninja or my eyes were broken.

Question: Pretty much what the title says.

Off T: Noticed my join date in the Escapist jumped to 1970 o_O.. Glitch?

EDIT: No, I never "smoke people in the face", I consider it rude anyway and don't worry I strictly follow "no Smoking" policies. I'm also pretty much aware that we stink. Yeah I'm a dirty bastard blabla. I'm just disappointed at the fact that people here in our area don't use THESE as their reasons but rather rely on a defective moral crapfest.

And yeah I know the dangers of smoking, I bet even a dog would know that. I'm not that too concerned about my life span though; if I die because of this then so be it. It's not like I lived a miserable life.

EDIT2: To everyone who commented that I'm stupid because I smoke, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all changed my life completely. >xD

Lol seriously, no offense taken. ;)
So long as you follow no smoking policies and are aware of the risks than there is really no reason to view you negatively. Although keep in mind stereotypes are a thing of all groups, and the smoker stereotype is that rude guy who smokes in no smoking areas and tells everyone its his right to smoke there.

Also as for your specific scenario he might not have been talking about you. From the brief sentence taken out of context it almost sounds like he is a light smoker talking about a guy they know who is a chain smoker.

"Ugh, I don't smoke like him. I'm not an ex-convict."

The like suggests that he smokes, but not to the extent of the "ex-convict".


New member
May 22, 2010
I'm a smoker with kids and here are two things that I don't do because they bug me alot and as a smoker and a parent I know that there is no reasonable excuse. (Only one of them is parentally related but I felt it was pertinent info).

1. Parents who smoke while pushing the pram/walking hand in hand with the kids. I don't by totally into the "Never let your kids see you smoke" mentality but I can see the smarts with the second hand smoke issue.
When I've had a long day with them I need a smoke and will take the first available opportunity. Those opportunities are when I meet up with friends so they can keep a hand on the kids while I take a position a few meters downwind and light up.
In extreme times I wait till they fall asleep in the pram and then go to a quiet park, put the kids somewhere safe where I can see them/move to them in under half a second and take the aforementioned position.
My kids always take priority and there is no extra puff as soon as they need my attention.
Since I am in the same group as these assholes and I have a perfectly viable solution I am justifiably critical when I see others doing it and I have no problem with anyone who would call a parent/guardian out on it.

2. People who need to smoke right up to the doorway of a building/bus/pram and then exhale their last drag once they are inside.
This is especially annoying on trams when I am with my kids.
My solution, I keep my eyes down the track and plan ahead. My cigarette is extinguished and I have fully exhaled twice before the doors open.
I usually have a 5-10 minute walk at the other end if I need a top-up.

As for people who judge smoking on the morality aspect, morals are personal so they can keep them to themselves.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I will put it as simple as possible.

You smoke. You are an idiot.

Let me explain why.

1.) You STINK.
2.) You LITTER.
3.) You do not respect the health of people around you.
4.) You do not respect YOUR health.

Debate it or not all of these things are true. Now if you were SMART you would quit and tell other smokers to smarten up and do the same.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Four pages of smokers are the devil and noone posted Steve Hughes?

Steve Hughes []