You Are Probably Using Google Chrome to Read This

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Personally, I'm surprised Internet Explorer does as well as it does. Though, I suppose that has to do with the fact that its 'standard'. That doesn't change the fact that, for me, its absolute crap.

As for my browser of choice, I'm sticking with Firefox. Its just what I'm used to, and it works. That's good enough for me.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I'm on Safari, and I don't have a Mac. Using IE is like going to the Barber to have your teeth pulled. i.e. "people still do that?!"


New member
Jun 16, 2009
DustyDrB said:
I actually tried out Chrome all last week, but I'm not a fan. I'm back to Firefox. There were a couple things that bugged me:
-There wasn't a search bar (I have at least a dozen search engines saved for the Firefox search bar)
-The "scroll straight to the bottom/top" trackpad motion (on a MBP, it's scrolling up or down with three fingers on the trackpad) didn't work with Chrome for some reason. I'm way to used too that. Not having it feels icky.

But whatever, what browser people use is not a big deal. So if anyone starts arguing about browsers in this thread: We're laughing at you.
The search bar and address bar are the same bar. Just don't type a URL and it'll automatically Google what's typed.

Milo Windby

New member
Feb 12, 2010
I'm still very much in love with Firefox and I don't think I will be switching anytime soon.
So yeah, I'm not using Google Chrome to read this =p (feels special in a hollow sort of way)


New member
May 2, 2011
I'm losing my patiences with Firefox. I used to love it, but the last couple of months has been nothing but freezes, bugs and crashes. I just updated from 10.0.4, which could have been half the problem (especially since it's up to 12 now.)

I also have Chrome installed, but it doesn't seem all that great either. My problem is I've read that Firefox tracks a lot of what you do, but I figure Google would be tracking even more. I've heard decent things about Opera, so that may well be my next option.

Oh, Firefox also seems to be bad with resources. 150-200k not including all the plugin containers which could be another 100k+ and then the high CPU usage. It doesn't seem that much better than IE. Not impressed.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Recently switched to Chrome from Firefox. The switch wasn't for any real reason though. I've used Firefox for a good few years and never had any trouble with it; I just thought I'd like to try Chrome. I'll be honest, I haven't really noticed a great deal of difference, except for a less intrusive toolbar. Ho hum.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Will not use Chrome again until spybot can immunize it.

Which is a shame, since FF will randomly poop out on me with an INSTANTANEOUS crash (no lag or unresponsiveness) Sorry Bout That! crash. All the time. Once more and I will trade security for convenience.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Using Opera/Firefox

I don't really see all the fuss. In my opinion opera, firefox and chrome more or less work the same. However I can't forgive chrome for not having dropdown menus in the address bar, and also if you open task manager while running chrome, it seems that each tab is treated as a separate window, which tends to add to the memory taken up. Maybe thats why it crashes more?


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Aww I'm one of only 1% who use opera in the UK but that said more than 52% of Germans use Firefox which I found surprising .


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
Safari on windows and firefox whenever I use Ubuntu. Tried chrome, was a bit awkward from what I was used to so I switched back.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Triforceformer said:
DustyDrB said:
I actually tried out Chrome all last week, but I'm not a fan. I'm back to Firefox. There were a couple things that bugged me:
-There wasn't a search bar (I have at least a dozen search engines saved for the Firefox search bar)
-The "scroll straight to the bottom/top" trackpad motion (on a MBP, it's scrolling up or down with three fingers on the trackpad) didn't work with Chrome for some reason. I'm way to used too that. Not having it feels icky.

But whatever, what browser people use is not a big deal. So if anyone starts arguing about browsers in this thread: We're laughing at you.
The search bar and address bar are the same bar. Just don't type a URL and it'll automatically Google what's typed.
Notice the drop-down list on the right. It allows me to search whichever one of those websites from right there. It's convenient.

I missed being able to search a website in that manner. That and the trackpad motion I mentioned before are two things I use with extreme frequency.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
I tried to use Chrome once, but it's retarded and is missing a wide collection of features, and there's not even addons to take up the slack.

My biggest issues with Chrome are:

1) The lack of a bookmark sidebar. I have upwards of 120 bookmarks and I flip through them very frequently. The pop-ups and dropdowns Chrome uses for their bookmark integration are next to useless, and having to tab over to my bookmarks is just aggravating.

2) The complete lack of NoScript. If you're unaware, NoScript is the greatest Firefox addon of all time. It blocks all Javascript from executing unless you explicitly allow it. It literally makes it impossible to get a virus and not know about it. The fact that Google hasn't put the hooks in to make it possible in Chrome is almost criminal.

I have a few other issues with it, but they're mostly aesthetic quibbles and not something I'm overly worried about. I'm never going to use Chrome without those fixes though (at least, not for personal use, it's the only browser installed on my work computer).


Non-gamer in a gaming world
Nov 20, 2009
Firefox is as stable as a house of cards in an earthquake for me... however, until DownThemAll comes to Chrome, I'm sticking with it.