You are Walking Down a Hall, Turn Around and See This...


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Dragunai said:
Buchholz101 said:
Dragunai said:
Anyone who says fight it is talking crap.

If you saw a supernatural monstrosity running at you ALL logic is going to say "If I stand my ground then I will most probably die."


Its supernatural.
What says you can even hurt it?
What says you can even grab it or avoid its attacks?

Unless you're a professional demon / monster hunter you'd run and I doubt there are many of them around =p


And I say this having just completed Fear 3... so yeah by the laws of the net I am now an authority on supernatural monster fighting ^_^
Don't pretend you wrote the encyclopedia on basic human behavior, fighting may not be the smartest thing in this case, but assuming they recgonize it as a threat, a good number of people would turn and fight.
And at what point did I claim something so drastic?
Someone is over embellishing a point methinks :<

Right so you are saying that you are at work (as that is clearly an office) and you turn around to see a creature wrapped in a straight jacket of its own skin and you would stand your ground?

Considering you would most likely have a file in your hands from the photocopier and if you are lucky a bic pen in your pocket.

Dragunai said:
Buchholz101 said:
Dragunai said:
Anyone who says fight it is talking crap.

If you saw a supernatural monstrosity running at you ALL logic is going to say "If I stand my ground then I will most probably die."


Its supernatural.
What says you can even hurt it?
What says you can even grab it or avoid its attacks?

Unless you're a professional demon / monster hunter you'd run and I doubt there are many of them around =p


And I say this having just completed Fear 3... so yeah by the laws of the net I am now an authority on supernatural monster fighting ^_^
Don't pretend you wrote the encyclopedia on basic human behavior, fighting may not be the smartest thing in this case, but assuming they recgonize it as a threat, a good number of people would turn and fight.
And at what point did I claim something so drastic?
Someone is over embellishing a point methinks :<

Right so you are saying that you are at work (as that is clearly an office) and you turn around to see a creature wrapped in a straight jacket of its own skin and you would stand your ground?

Considering you would most likely have a file in your hands from the photocopier and if you are lucky a bic pen in your pocket.

The way I denounced your claim was an exaggeration meant to draw attention to the fact that you're obviously not the sole authority on the matter, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that was a joke.

My point is, there's no way to account for how every single human being would react to this, all you can do is guess. All you did was take your reaction and apply it to everyone.


New member
Jun 30, 2010

Oh I mean, defend myself with a. . . pack of gum. I don't really carry weapons on me.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Put down the camera first. Then I would shit my pants and stand frozen up to the point where he kills me/ eats me/ rapes me/ kisses me.

By the way, thanks for that, you woke my girlfriend up :p


New member
Feb 5, 2007
Buchholz101 said:
The way I denounced your claim was an exaggeration meant to draw attention to the fact that you're obviously not the sole authority on the matter, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that was a joke.

My point is, there's no way to account for how every single human being would react to this, all you can do is guess. All you did was take your reaction and apply it to everyone.
Right only that wasn't a joke was it? You attacked me and I bounced it.
You exaggerated because that was your reaction, it had nothing to do with drawing focus to a point I never made. My joke was obvious, yours is none existent because its an attack you're trying to cover.

90% of the people who have replied have said they would run because its what 90% of people would do for real.

I'm now bored of you already. You're not trying to make a point you're try to pick a fight and I'm not going to bite.

Consider all of your response's ignored from here on in.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
1: I never mentioned morality or your character.

2: You made the first punch my attacking everyone who claimed they'd defend themselves.

3: Your "superiority" only shows you're unable to produce a proper argument, and in the off chance you are serious, your arrogance places you about 2 steps lower than a common YouTube troll.

The Thinker

New member
Jan 22, 2011
Freak the hell out. Go to other people. Very, very quickly. Or I would say "Nice costume!" and probably be killed.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Why not just abuse the fact that he will only hunt you if you can see him?

*Grabs a paper and holds infront of face*


New member
Aug 1, 2009
well, seeing as I am a zombie, my first instinct would be to eat it. I don't see myself outrunning it anytime soon...

err ummm... I mean...

brains... that's right... brains...


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Keep running until I notice that Im getting tired, and probably will have to fight it. Then I will look for a good weapon, and try to hide somewhere, where I can ambush it.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Fist, I would see if giggling at the ghostly actually works. Then, I would run away. Lock myself in a room. Stay in that room till it got quiet and try to get the fuck out of that building


New member
Oct 17, 2008
emeraldrafael said:
getting attacked by people, depends. There's the normal thugs and robbers sure, but then tehre are people who just hate my guts and would have no problem with killing me. Just as I would them. So often, no, I wouldnt say often. its varied, mostly by who makes the other pissed enough to retaliate in that fashion.
Hahaha, oh man. I know this is from like five pages ago, but I just couldn't stop laughing. Hey rafael, if you are still around, tell us more about the tough, brutal life of a 19-year-old who made 6800 posts on a forum about video games.

Anyway, I'd run. Those things are invincible and forget you exist once you crawl into a cupboard. No biggie.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
I would be like "awww crap!" and I would remember that I have a sword and chop its head of at the very moment it came into contact, and I would be like, that game would of been so much easier with a sword.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
"why the heck are you chasing me?"
Then slap the cos-playing idiot for trying to scare me like that.