You Will Never See a More Ridiculous COD: Black Ops Kill


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Am I the only one that noticed the crate being made off to the right of the massive explosion that consumed the chopper in mid air totally in tact with zero damage and falling with no velocity or force as if it was hovering on a string that was just cut. What really should have happened was after the chopper was shot down, there shouldn't have been a care package, it should have been destroyed along with the chopper. Some other wreckage could have killed him, but that was just sheer stupidity. The guy who designed that really should have taken a step back and asked himself, "Wait, what did we just make?"


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I've seen one better. My friend was playing MW2 with the .50 cal sniper. He fired a full clip at a guy, and on the last round: headshot! Not good enough you say, well the bullet went through the guys head and blew up an explosive barrel, which set off a claymore that killed two people, which set off another claymore which killed another 2 people. It was insane.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
There was a a great one for MW2 where the last kill of the round some dude just threw his knife in the vague direction of a blip on his map and caught the guy mid sprint between two containers.

Still, this is pretty awesome.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Eh... wasn't that interesting. Helicopter got shot down and he was standing in the wrong place while it was going down, I'd hardly describe it as a Rube Goldberg machine (the fact that it's only 2 steps is the first problem with that comparison). Funny, yeah, but certainly nothing I haven't seen comparable variants of in other games.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Soylent Bacon said:
They installed Final Destination code in the game.

You see, he was playing with his friend splitscreen while online, and at one point, he screen cheated, narrowly avoiding being killed by his friend. Little did he know that you can't cheat Death forever, so Death followed him in Call of Duty relentlessly. He thought he had beaten death when he dodged his own grenade that bounced off of two walls and an enemy's head only to land back near him. He thought he had outsmarted Death, but he just didn't see that care package coming...
...a game that did this would, quite literally, become my favorite game ever. Karma: The Shooter?


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Jamash said:
jaketheripper said:
Jamash said:
If I didn't know better I'd say that was made on something like Garry's Mod, it seems so unbelievable that a sequence of events could conspire to produce such a hilarious kill and it happens to be recorded, but as it stands, that's brilliant.
black ops records every game... lol
Yes, I realised this after the first person quoted me and told me that, but when I was told a third time I edited my post and put a strike-through over my error.

I don't really see why you felt it was necessary to for me to be quoted a fourth time and mocked for this, especially since it's obvious I've now retracted my erroneous statement about it being recorded.

Do you really have nothing better to do than to point out people's mistakes and laugh at them?

The very least you could do is comment on the original article and well as mocking me, rather than just posting an off-topic dig.
Hey! Did you know... That black ops, has some sort of device... That allows you to... Record... games n stuff? :D

:p Just playing with you

I was immediately reminded of the pigs flying halo video when I saw this, sadly some one already beat me to throwing it up here. :(

I can just imagine the reaction of the player though..

Charging in there all >:O

only to be like... D:


New member
Oct 23, 2008
General_Potatoes said:
MagicMouse said:

I have personally witnessed MANY more random kills that in that in Halo and Battlefield.
really thats pretty random to me. but i guess halo has more random kills.
Speaking from personal experience, I've been killed by a supply drop before. ANd yes, whilst fairly random, it does happen every so often to someone in games.
But only in halo can a freakin ghost explode, make teh wing skid across the floor to a man cannon, launch said wing, have it fly through the air and kill you while you were going in the opposite direction via another man cannon.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Sgt. Sykes said:

But this means that the game was actually designed so that could happen, right? For what other reasons would boxes fall down from shot down choppers?
Well, maybe to be fair and give the player their package, but it'll be somewhere else, and not where they called it in to?

OT: Woah, irony. This is put up a day after my friend sends me that clip. Funny then, funny now.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I guess the person that set up whatever brought down the helicopter, since without them, it wouldnt have happened.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
I actually didn't realize that Theater Mode exists on the Xbox 360 version... I might want to get Black Ops and simply never go online with it. Does anyone know if Theater Mode can record all-bot games, or Zombie games?