Your 5 most disappointing games, 2008-2012


New member
Apr 30, 2011
luke10123 said:
s69-5 said:
luke10123 said:
Why is everyone laying all this hate on Dragon Age: Origins?
Let me repeat what I said on page 1:
Dragon Age Origins: Dull, repetitive slog through an uninspired landscape. When a rip off LOTR story and unoriginal and unlikeable characters are the high point, it's amazing anyone likes this giant turd. Bioware does have some loyal slav- er, fans who enjoy anything these talentless hacks put out.

That didn't even mention:
- Unoriginal MMO styled, ability, cool down, repeat + bait and lure. Or heavy reliance on broken magic based AoE styled attacks.

- The FFXII Gambit styled "Tactics" didn't work. They were buggy as shit and usually didn't do what you wanted them to resulting in clusterfuck combat.

- Relationships amounting to moot. Sorry, but if I can feed gifts to people to break the relationship system, it's not good. Beyond that, the rewards were some stat bonuses - whoopee! Star Ocean 2 on the PS1 had a better relationship system than this piece of shit.

The best RPG of this gen was Dark Souls. The second was Demon's Souls. The third was Valkyria Chronicles.

In my opinion DA:O is the single most overrated game of this gen, followed by Skyrim. I actually somewhat enjoyed Skyrim though. I had high hopes for DA:O based on the trailers, and word of mouth. It disappointed in all respects.
Hmm, I'd have leveled most of that critisism against DA2, where the world and combat were much worse than the original. I admit that the combat was a little old school but I don't believe that makes it bad, just tried and tested (unless you were playing on a console - that'd be your first mistake, it not that kind of game). Regardless, I don't know anyone that bought the game for the combat but I don't think it's much of a negative. Next, I think the relationships were really good and thought out, admittedly none of them were Biowares best (HK-47) but their games are always better than most, and the story and the way you can affect it is always the highlight. Loved it. But we all know art is subjective and people have very different tastes, so there you go.
It happens. Out of my group of friends, who we usually all agree on a lot of things about games, I was the only one who like DA:O. Made me feel small and alone.

I will say though, Dark Souls was fantastic too. Probably my biggest high light, I tried Demon Soul's as a rental, and just felt frustrated. I bought Dark Souls on a whim, and really poured myself into it, and it won me. Completely.

Sorry, I kinda replied to both of you.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
kingthrall said:
2012- year of an entire games worth of disappointment.
Yet to find even one game to live up to expectations
I heard Guild Wars 2 met some expectations. I had a lot of expectations for it and they met most of them.

On Topic:

1. Mercenaries 2: I loved the first Mercenaries and when I heard there was going to be a sequel I was really hoping for it to be good. While I didn't hate the game I also didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

2. Rage: From the previews of Rage it seemed like it was going to be an open world game and I was hoping my choices would help determine what happened in the world. Instead it was a corridor FPS with lackluster story. Plus, it had a worse ending than ME3.

3. Dead Island: While I didn't hate Dead Island I also didn't love it either. I consider it average. I hate how no matter how many zombies I kill or how many missions I do it didn't help make the island any safer. If I kill 10,000 zombies or help survivors arm themselves I want to feel like I am actually making a difference in the game. I want to see safer areas with little to no zombies. I want people to feel safer.

4. Homefront: Homefront was bad. It wasn't just bad, it was terrible. It was being built up as a COD like game but with a great story and how it was written by the same guy that wrote Red Dawn. Not only was the story terrible but the game was pretty boring too. I am just glad I rented it.

5. Minecraft: I found Minecraft fun for the first month. Now I can't ever play it again. I got so burned out with it in the first month the thought of playing it again just bores me.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I have little to be disappointed by, but of the ones I can recall off the top of my head, and be ready to be shocked, because I haven't seen it come up yet (I am still just on Page 1, though)

Kind bad #5: Duke Nukem Forever. Let's just get it out of the way. We all know why it is bad, but the sad thing was was that except for Duke Nukem N64 and Land of the Babes on PSX, I had no hopes for this game ever being good (I was 8 & 10 when I played them, respectively). The flaws it has are recognized by me, but overall, I was more disappointed that it wasn't more fun to play (and the Hive. Goddamn the Hive to hell)

#4: Batman: Arkham City. I loved Arkham Asylum, beyond words do I love Arkham Asylum. When I beat it the first time, I instantly declared it One of my favorite PS3 games I've ever played (I know it's on 360, but I don't have a 360). I was hyped for Arkham City (as everybody probably was), and the end result was more or less a Sandbox full of baddies but it felt seemingly empty, with boss battles that save for one (Mr. Freeze on Hard mode) is some of my least favorite fights I've ever been a part of. Batman doesn't fight; His job is to defuse the situation and stop the elaborate plan, not engage in fight scenes. It, to me, damaged everything good about Batman that Arkham Asylum did well (The Boss Fights were hella better, and I'll defend it every step of the way why I think that).

#3: Dante's Inferno. There are few games I'm willing to express utter hatred for, and this one was one of them. When I saw the trailer, I was excited, but as I got into the game, I couldn't believe how boring the actual game would have ended up being. Nearly every locale has fire, seemingly sluggish fighting controls and above all else, no real reason to continue further. I never finished the game, but I had no reason to really want to.

#2: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Flame Shields on, I didn't like Uncharted. Everybody talks about how they didn't like how smug Nathan Drake was, wisecracking every few minutes, but I guess I glossed over any wisecracks. Too bad, considering that to hear a joke or two might have made it more fun. As it stood, I was nothing more than some guy shooting for a few shots, then I got shot at and voila! I started over. And Over. And Over. The game amounted to nothing, really, just a continuous duck shoot gallery that had no character, a far cry from what Naughty Dog had been known for (...I liked Crash Bandicoot, sue me).

And I don't have a #1, sadly. I haven't played enough games. I suppose I could say Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, but that came out in 2007, so hopefully, four will do.
Mar 5, 2011
My biggest was defiantly Skyward Sword. So bad. My faverite Zelda was Wind Waker and SS couldn't hold a candle to it in terms of story, gameplay, or graphics. Although the crafting was fun.

Skyrim wasn't be any means a bad game (I've played nearly 80 hours) but it wasn't what I wanted from it. Luckily modders are fixing that.

Diablo 3. I am disappoint.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations. It just didn't capture me like the other ones did.

capcha "It's super delicious" No, Kellogg's, disappointment is not delicious.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
FootloosePhoenix said:
bandman232 said:

5: Skyrim: Absolutely superb, and a surprise to me because I HATE the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion in particular.
I've noticed that, generally speaking, people who were fans of The Elder Scrolls series disliked Skyrim and yet people who had never played a TES game/didn't like them adore Skyrim. Of course I shouldn't be surprised; in hindsight the game was obviously marketing itself towards a larger audience and Bethesda adjusted aspects of the gameplay to appeal as such.

Again, I found Skyrim fun for awhile, but it just bombed in terms of what I wanted from an Elder Scrolls game.
Believe me, I tried real hard to play Morrowind and Oblivion, but they weren't very compelling or fun to me. I just had more fun with Skyrim.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Not really in any order

Operation Flashpoint 2:Dragon rising. PC
Just awful was so hyped by this was expecting a real sequel to the first it was just a lame FPS with Operation Flashpoint on its box (yes i know ARMA 2 is the real sequel.

FarCry 2 PC
very repetitive run her kill them ect

Gran Turismo 5 PS3
Yeah its good but its missing something that 1234 had seems kinda dumbed down

Battlefield 3 PC
Just not a real BF2 sequel its very dumbed down and missing out all the great things from bf2 that made the game great. the maps are not all that great (not getting the DLC cos well i carnt be arsed with it al it is is new maps really, and yes i can afford too)

The Settlers 7 PC
Love Settlers games this one looks nice and has the charm To me it very meh and has so much potential but they have tryed to make it all social and is in ya face about DLC.

Command and Conquer 3/Red Alert 3 pc
I just can't seem to have fun on them like i did back in the day also RA3 WTF its a mess topped of by that fucking ***** in the game

Am worried abotu the future if am honest I shall never pre order a game again new games now just seem to made as a cash cow they dont seem to have any hart and soul into them and very little attention to detail.
Am worried that the 2 games am looking forward to Company of Heros 2 and GTA 5 will come out and they will be very mediocre


New member
Jun 25, 2010
Deux Ex: Human Revolution
-- Confusing "skills" and hacking combinations to try and level up through, each 'city' felt small and lifeless rather than huge and over-crowded, terrible boss fights, and the story was pretty slow and uninteresting. I will attempt to re-play this at some point but it was so disappointing to try and play initially.

Far Cry 2
-- Automatically re-populating camps everywhere made it pretty much unplayable. Simple as that. And as I loved the 1st game this was so disappointing.

-- Maybe because I only played this recently rather than when it 1st came out, but to me it was a very, very repetitive game and with a twist that I was actually fairly underwhelmed by.

Fallout New Vegas
-- I loved Fallout 3 so much it made me go and buy the original game. But NV just didn't do it for me at all. I found myself bored early on and found the story and the side quests were nowhere near as interesting as in 3. I got about 12 hours in and just stopped playing.


Apr 28, 2008
crazyrabbits said:
MetalDooley said:
MammothBlade said:
You don't have to play a game to get a general idea of what it's like. That's what gameplay videos and reviews are for.
I disagree.As far as I'm concerned you can't form a proper opinion on something without experiencing it yourself.For example if I had just gone by the reviews of Alpha Protocol then I would never have played it and as a result I would have missed out on one of my favourite games this gen
Well, if you've researched a game enough and have seen gameplay and the plot up to a certain point, you can make a reasonable conclusion on what the final product is like. That doesn't change that MammothBlade's remark about DNF was incorrect - as someone who actually did play the game, I saw that it plays like an FPS out of the 90's with Halo mechanics grafted onto it. It played exactly as I expected it to.

90% of the recommendations in this thread seem to be piling on popular games that people didn't like comparatively minor elements in.
I actually liked DNF (and I have three other friends who also liked it).
No, it wasn't the best FPS ever, but it was at least a fun distraction. The shooting mechanics were fine. The levels, at times, were actually pretty clever (the kitchen level comes to mind) and it was kind of a fun, in your face, pretty gross game. To me, it still felt like Duke did back in the 90s.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I'd like to start with by acknowledging my response to people who thought Skyrim was

Ahh... I'm not just kidding.

1)Minecraft- It's fun with others I'm not disputing that, and I honestly thought I'd enjoy the game much much more and I wish I did but I got bored when I was by myself.

2)DayZ (if you could call it a game)- Terribly hyped and not worth it if you aren't FULLY commited to the gametime.

3)Fallout: New Vegas- I loved Fallout 3 as one of my top 5. I hate Obsidian.

4)Of course it's cliche but I don't care: Mass Effect 3- You know why.

5)The Old Republic- Sorry bro, hate to see you go, but I love to see EA leave.


New member
May 9, 2010
i tend to not dislike games but can complain for hours abour certain things so here are the most annoying things In video games of the last 5 years.

Shin megami tensei strange journey. Why in the name of whatever god you worship did you remove all of the improvements to the fusion system from devil survivor I really liked simply selecting which skills to inherent instead of having to repeatedly start the fusion process over to get the best results and simply searching for what demon you want and then looking with what demons you can accomplice that is also a lot nicer.

Fallout 3 new Vegas and skyrim. please remove your inventory weight limit it isn?t realistic it isn?t challenging it?s just very annoying its nothing but a big stop sign telling me to go back to a town or city and and store or sell the stuff I don?t need and then return to exploring it got so bad in skyrim that I stopped playing for a while and are now resorting to console commands to make the game reasonably fun.

Dragon age origins. Why in the name of the maker did you have me complete a dlc to get a chest to store my stuff and why did you then not place it in the party camp because you see I care about the story so I don?t like to sell things like my family heirloom sword or one of the million of swords I got trough quest that are all worse than the sword my character apparently pulled from a alternate dimension when I completed the darkspawn chronicles.
Uncharted 1. Stop killing me why are you so insanely hard also the amazingly huge plot hole involving the diary.

Assassins creed 1. Drunks lepers water and guards that?s all.

All the assassins creed games. Your combat is too easy.

Mass effect 3. Your ending sucks and there?s a huge plot hole involving the reapers and the citadel that nobody seems to talk about thanks to the bad ending.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
pilouuuu said:

The biggest disappointment ever. So much potential wasted in what ended up being a dumbed down experience.
When I saw this thread, the first thing I thought of doing was listing Spore 5 times, but it looks like someone did the hard work for me.

Don't get me started on the space stage especially. Terrible, just terrible.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
In no particular order

1. Grand Theft Auto 4 - ME3 & RE6 were disappointing but still good games, GTA4 not so much. Shitty driving mechanisms, lame missions, tedious side missions, shitty controls on foot, awful shooting, stupid save system. One of the most overrated games ever. 6/10

2. L.A. Noire - Thought I was going to love this, but it was boring and tedious. 6/10

3. Skyrim - Great game in so many ways, but I lacks soul. Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas got me hooked and I played them for 150+ hours each. I loved those games. But I find myself not playing Skyrim a lot. 8/10

4. Resident Evil 6 - Resident 4 & 5 were great. RE5 is definitely one the very best games this generation, so I was expecting a lot but it didn't quite deliver. 8/10

5. Mass Effect 3 - One the best games I've ever played, and then the ending. Huge anti-climax. 9/10 (minus 1 for the ending, everything else was sweet)


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2011
United States
Hmm, I've been pretty disconnected from this gaming generation but I think I can wrangle together 5 games from the last 4 years and give a little write up...

5) Skyrim

I've never been the biggest Elder Scrolls fan, but sometimes it's nice to be a part of the conversation, rather than an outside observer. I tried on multiple occasions to get into Oblivion but it never felt natural playing it on my 360 and I could not get it to run on any playable setting on my laptop or desktop. So when I heard that Skyrim fixed a lot of the things I didn't like about Oblivion I was intrigued, and again, it was nice to be a part of the conversation, but once I hit my 70th hour I lost interest. The same thing happened with Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, I know that there's still lots to do, but it all feels so inconsequential that the only reason to do it is get more useless money or a weapon that's slightly worse then the one I'm already carrying. The breaking poing for me came when a dragon attacked when I was in Riverwood and the guards and I killed it. I was kind of expecting the guards to be talking about it for awhile, but it never came up, despite the skeletal remains of a dragan right in the middle of the village, a constant reminder of the dangers of the world as well as what we are capable of doing if we band together, but nobody talked about it. It was at that point that I decided that expansive world's just aren't worth the effort if the events that happen in them don't mean anything.

4) Darksiders

In early 2010 I bought a PS3 to replace my second broken xbox 360, and I decided to buy a brand new PS3 exclusive game where you get to play as the personification of War. Things seemed okay starting out, it really reminded me of the opening scene from [Prototype] but whatever, I'd roll with it. It was when I started collecting the souls of fallen enemies in order to get upgrades, while playing a fighting system that really reminded me of God of War, except worse than the game that was 5 years old at the time, and the general unlikable protagonist that I was just bored. I don't like to quite Yahtzee, but he put it perfectly in his review when he likened the game's design to a pile of popular games from the last 5 years all stitched together. It brought nothing new to the table and didn't provide me with any of the catharsis I thought playing as one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, so I ended up selling it and using the proceeds to buy a copy of inFamous which was a lot more fun.

I should also say this is more a disappointment because it was my first PS3 game and it didn't exactly set my world on fire.

3) Alan Wake

Despite Condemned: Criminal Origins proving me wrong, I was pretty much ready to declare the survival-horror genre done after playing Resident Evil 4 back in 2005. It managed to find that sweet spot of still being a little scary, but giving a nice action experience in ways I hadn't seen since Half-Life and System Shock 2 back in the late '90's. So I wasn't at all surprised to seeing this more or less become the default game play style for the new survival-horror franchise as seen in Dead Space the new Silent Hill games, and of course the rest of the Resident Evil series, and you know what, I was pretty much okay with that.

My problem with Alan Wake is that it wasn't scary. It embraced the action elements of the game and for the most part improved on what Resident Evil 4 laid down. I really liked how easily Alan moved, and how fluid it seemed, but there was very little horror or even any real psychological aspects to the game except the lake hospital thing, which is where the game's story got the most intriguing for me. That said though, the idea to have the camera zoom in on the shadow people things was just dumb and completely reduced any sense of dread, especially when they were easy to outrun and the regenerating health really destroyed any notion of survival. There was maybe a few scares where I'd go into a build and be immediately blindsided by a Fallen (I think that's what they were called), but it was pretty token.

It still hasn't stopped me from playing through it more than once because it's a good weekend game and I haven't collected all the manuscript pages yet, but it definitely left me feeling lukewarm after waiting so many years for it to come out.

2) Assassin's Creed & Condemned 2: Bloodshot

This one is a tie so I'll just go in alphabetical order

The original Assassin's Creed had a really cool concept to drive the story, and I have to admit the scenery was pretty amazing, but the gameplay really wasn't up to much. I was kind of expecting a cross between the Thief and Hitman series', with the former's setting and armament crossed with the latter's sprawling level design that encouraged multiple plays to learn all the different ways of assassinating your target. What we got was more or less these weird camera angle cutscenes, and then a big sword fight because I could never do it stealthily (which may be a failing on my part, but everyone else I know said the same thing). Coupled with the same three side quests and getting to all the viewpoints meant that for every hour or so I played I never really enjoyed it. I'll concede that Assassin's Creed II fixed many of my gripes, but it was a poor first part that really made me never warm up to the series enough to both keeping up with the yearly releases.

For those who have seen Yahtzee's review of Condemned 2: Bloodshot this may seem similar, but he and I have very similar tastes when it comes to gaming, and to be fair I played my copy before he did his review so for all I know he could have lifted this from my mind (or they're just common complaints). While the sequel definitely improved on the combat and the detective aspects of the game, it really did start to fall apart towards the middle (and even a little at the beginning as we're being told why the homeless have all gone psycho), but whatever, I was expecting an explanation at some point. While all the levels certainly did have their scary moments, the thrill really was gone by the time we're in the museum level using swords and axes. I mean it was a nice juxtaposition to the other levels in terms of design, a non decrepit modern building to explore, but the setting of each level was really what made it scary. The cabin level can kind of get a pass because that bear chase sequence was pretty pulse pounding, but when it gave way to just shooting enemies, I really felt let down. The final level was particularly confusing just given this massive structure on the outside of a massive metropolitan city that's kind of clumsily mentioned in one of the news reports to give it some context, but otherwise just feels really out of place. By that point it was hard to believe I was playing in the same setting as the creepy as fuck department store from the first one. Oh, also what the hell was up with the suicide doll robot things?

1) L.A. Noire

Besides Heavy Rain (which I didn't play long enough to form an opinion on before it was stolen), L.A. Noire is the only game in this console generation that I actually pre-ordered. I use to LOVE the Tex Murphy games as a kid and I'm pretty sure they served as the main inspiration for my aspirations of becoming a detective in real life. I wasn't expecting L.A. Noire to be an exact recreation of that game, but I also really wasn't expecting there to be as many action segments either. I mean yes, realistically police officers are more likely to get into a firefight with criminals than you or I, but when I got an achievement for killing my 100th enemy I was just... turned off. Even in the 1940's a cop with a body count in the triple digits would be pulled off duty and probably awaiting a civilian review board.

It wasn't just the action though, I found the crime scenes to be a little too easy, with the noise cues and vibration features helping too much. Interrogations started off being a little tricky, but I actually managed to ace the Leland Monroe interrogation by the end of the game. Then there was the Homicide desk where I was presented with two suspects who I knew were innocent, but still had to pick one of them. Some of the platforming also got a bit tedious, like on that decrepit old movie set, but at least there was that feature to skip some of those parts because they really added fuck all to the game.

Lastly, while the story was very true to the film noir genre, I really found it to be floundering towards the end. The introduction of the new character and the affair Cole had with that German singer both came out of nowhere and kind of got in the way of the narrative for me. I did like how whenever I thought I had the overarching mystery figured out there was something new thrown my way, but when I had a bunch of patrol officers out trying to kill me at the end of the game I was just done with everything and wanted it to be over.

So yeah, those are my 5 games, thanks for reading if you did. Sorry I don't get to talk about video games that much so I tend to get a little verbose.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
I don't have five. One game I was disappointed with was the new Armored Core. Now dont get me wrong, the gameplay, graphics and online connectivity were great and I love From software for dark and demons souls but omg is armored core hard. Maybe I just suck but I was struggling to get better at that game. Typical of From software is a quicky tutorial and then you're thrown in against live players but unlike other online shooting games like modern warfare you just get destroyed, over and over. I mean I dont want it hold my hand but it could have benefitted from a longer tutorial system.

Also I didn't care for the new Final Fantasies too much. I'm not sure what it was but I just couldn't get into them (although lightning was pretty badass). I think my biggest problem is I'm not good at the new battle system. Some games with timing base moves I can do perfectly but FF just eludes me.

Lopende Paddo

New member
Aug 26, 2004
The force unleashed 2 (...)
Soldier of fortune payback... (2008 in australia so it counts :p)
gta 4 for PC (ran like a turd under a rock under a mountain of turds...)
Supreme commander 2 (...)


New member
Oct 13, 2012
ok here' my 5 most disappointing games from 2008-2012.
1: batman arkham city- repetitive combat and dull story.
2: final fantasy 12: too much grinding and a boring story and uninteresting characters
3: crysis 2: very dull and lifeless story, repetitive gameplay with no variety
4: mirrors edge- very dull story and horrible combat
5: FEAR 3: booooring....

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Oooo so many

Spore - The pre launch videos showed a form of proper evolution where creating your creature and interaction in the enviroment resulted in geniune evolutionary development. The final game did away with this in a bid to quantify everything you did with your creature, add an leg that adds +1 movement, it dumbed it down beyond belief, oh and the whole last galaxy level was grind beyond grind

GT4 - This is purely a development time vs quality issue, the game was in development for 7 fucking years so how we ended up with a half finished pile of nonsense is beyond me. 1,000+ cars yet a good 75% were of such low quality you wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. From day one we had internet and connection issue and anyone who still plays today knows that the online still has major issues and whilst all this is going and non of it is being fixed we are still getting hit with useless addons that don;t improve the core mechanics, photo share, real world data telemetry the entire B Spec part of the game. It's a great game that had little real focus, too much rubbish attached and added on and took way too long to appear.

Duke Nukem 4 Ever - Rubbish, if GT4 took to long then Duke Nukem not only took too long but then took the total piss. GT4 has a solid game buried beneath a lot of rubbish Duke Nukem was just plain rubbish.

Skyrim - So much promise and yes a great game by it's own right but Oblivion managed to have a sense of epicness to the quests and missions Skyrims just felt way to short and lacked any sense of epicness. I think I know how all those Morrowind players felt when they looked back on Morrowind while playing Oblivion

My last choice is a toss up between a few different games Metero 2033, FF13, Bioshock and BF3. They all have various reasons for being massive dis -appointments most of them either not living up to the established franchise or not being Stalker (I am looking at you Metero) but my final choice goes to

Diablo 3 - This was my first and last look in to the ARPG market. I saw the game and wanted something different but Blizzard just ruined the whole experience. We start with the always on line aspect which introduced the fantastic concept of lag in a single player game, a game which often relied on twitch game play. They introduced a pay to win concept with the RWAH. In the end the game just comes down to grind and grind and got way boring way quick.