Your dark secrets


New member
May 15, 2010
Kapri said:
Okay guys but you can't tell anyone... *ahem* I hate peanut butter. Like, reeally hate it. Never met anyone else who doesn't like it so I'm alone in this world, alas.
I love peanuts, but I hate peanut butter. The smell makes me really ill and is way too overpowering. Also just thinking of the texture makes me nauseous.

As for my secret, I guess it would have to be that I'm trans. I transitioned years ago and I pass without any issue. My job is a teacher so it is a good thing I have no problem passing. The other secret would be that I have tried ending my life as early as age 7 and even survived a hanging in my teens (had even blacked out during it).


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I'm unhappy. Like, really unhappy. I've got everything I wanted and needed in life, yet I always feel as if something is missing. I can never relax about the things I have either, as I often believe I'll lose it all sooner or later.

I always try to be happy and optimistic. Supportive towards other people, too. But I, myself, feel terrible. And nobody in my personal life knows about this, because I don't want them to.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
xmbts said:
The more I know or care about a person the less able I am to talk about myself.

There are other things but I don't want to talk about them. >.>
So by that logic... You must care a lot about us, or, at least some of us.


New member
Feb 22, 2012
I used to break into cars and steal shit, made loads o' money and occasionally found a few credit cards that I then ran through different online gambling sites and deposited the "winnings" back into account. Also broke into a house or two although it didn't yield as much considering I used obituaries in the local news paper to find out where I would go next.

I also pirate video games.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
There are many 'classic' movies that I haven't seen.

I'm not just talking the likes of Citizen Kane here, I'm talking about more 'modern' stuff. Like ET or Close Encounters.

I also have an irrational need to hate things that are really popular. Not everything of course, but since its covered in No Right Answer this week, something like Shaun of the Dead. I really hate that film. I wouldn't really be that bothered, to be honest, the film itself is just horribly mediocre. But the fact that so many people seem to love it means I have to hate it, just to redress the balance.

Ok, for a more serious dark secret (Though I absolutely will not go into specific details), due to certain actions on my part, I have caused someone to seriously contemplate suicide...

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
My friend and I got into the show Dexter so for a few years now we've had a game where we make fake crime scenes all over the place including our school houses or just parks or stuff, it's usually harmless stuff like a note in code or something meaningless to anyone else but one time I may have made it look like someone was killed with a chainsaw in his homeroom, it was a bit extreme yes but who won that round? Well no one actually he staged an axe murder all around my car in the school parking lot so it was a draw.

Um I don't know if this is really a secret but my dreams are really messed up I mean straight up nightmare fuel they've stopped scaring me but I started writing them down and when I let a friend read them he was very quiet for a while and then asked that I never show him that book again.

General secrets that not many people know would probably be, I'm probably a sociopath, I like fire maybe a bit too much, I create situations where conflict is the only way out because I like seeing the status quo broken and getting some kind of interesting reaction from the people that someday's seem like robots.

I really can't think of anything else but I'll add anything that springs to mind


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I was assaulted by a friend who was sort of drunk when I was blackout drunk. It fucked me up so bad that I almost killed myself and had to spend a few days in the ward. When I got out a few months later my parents complained about the bills and how I 'could have found a cheaper way to re-evaluate my meds.'

I blame myself for the death of my little brother despite the fact that he was sick, dying, I was two years old and there was nothing anyone could have done.

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
Thee Lost One said:
I'm Single handedly responsible for the emotional deaths of no less than 5 people, and bringing 3 more to the edge of the same precipice, and enjoyed every moment of it all. I'm also responsible for manipulating the flow of a crowds emotional state over all to incite a near riot at local social centers simply to provide a cover for me to partake of a choice actions/items. I know I've scared one psychologist into changing professions at the age of 8, and I suspect I was the final push for two others at about 12.
I've gotten friends to turn on each other and cause teachers I didn't like quit but I must ask how are you so good I'm truly impressed and jealous of your talent.

Teach me!


New member
Oct 1, 2011
Alcamonic said:
I enjoyed the first Twilight movie.

I'm a guy.
When it really comes down to it, its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Not to say it was good, but when it really comes down to it the same people that ***** about it are the ones who revere the Transformers movies and Twilight is no worse than that. However, don't take this as me liking the movie, I thought it was just average. Nothing special, nothing horrible.

But even some diehard fans I know say that the series took a huge decline after that and judging from trailers and plot summaries I don't see how they could be wrong.

CrazyGirl17 said:
Er... I have a transformation fetish. That's all I'm saying on the matter, because I'm a bit embarrassed by it...
I mean this in all seriousness, what is this? I'm a little afraid to look it up to be quite honest.


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
ECasThat said:
xmbts said:
The more I know or care about a person the less able I am to talk about myself.

There are other things but I don't want to talk about them. >.>
So by that logic... You must care a lot about us, or, at least some of us.
Some, though the only real secret I can think of is extremely personal and I don't make a habit out of advertising it. xD


New member
Aug 22, 2009
afroebob said:
CrazyGirl17 said:
Er... I have a transformation fetish. That's all I'm saying on the matter, because I'm a bit embarrassed by it...
I mean this in all seriousness, what is this? I'm a little afraid to look it up to be quite honest.
Well...I'd guess transformation. Transition from one form to another, either happening to someone else, or as a fantasy to the self. Honestly, that seems to make more sense than a lot of other fetishes I've heard of. I mean, we have one body. Sure, we get fit, we get fat, occasionally we may even lose limbs, but aside from normal growth and decay, a human body generally stays the same in many ways throughout life. I guess some people would want to experience something completely alien, and what's more alien than being a completely different person/thing than you currently are?

Dr Jones said:
Doclector said:
It kinda links in to feeling in many ways, primal and non-human.
I'd say those feelings are more human than most things we do nowadays.
Well, the rest of the "humans" would not agree.

As for more dark secrets, fairly sure I said it before, but I almost killed one of the people who bullied me. I just snapped at a point. Beat some of them up, almost strangled one of them. The red mist lowered a little, and I let him go, walked away. Honestly, I still wonder whether that was the right thing to do sometimes.

Kyle Donovan

New member
Dec 10, 2011
I had drunk oral sex with a goat and dressed up as a BDSM slave and tied myself up with no one else around me.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
I am petty that way >:D
Too bad we can't count that as a dark secret, huh? But we may still be able to save it! ;)
I'll put it safely in my pocket here and save it forever.

I just realized I haven't shared any of my dark secrets here. Hmmmm.... oh well >;D
Cmon, be brave! Show all the spunk of the bro way: tell me some secrets, okay? :)

Hmmmm... well I suppose I can divulge one. Since everyone's talking about sex in here...

Spoiler alert if you don't want your image of Fappy tainted by his sexuality!

It really turns me on when I get to choke my partner during sex.

I feel like a sociopath admitting that >.>
Choking? I'm pleasantly surprised! I did not take you for the type. Interesting. I can't relate though. Never tried it. Maybe I'll be the chokee in my next sexual encounter? Then again, people here are pretty hit & miss when it comes to sex, especially more deviating acts. :)

The best thing I have by comparison is that I love for my hair to be pulled/pull someone elses hair during sex. Pain & pleasure at the same time. :D
Hair pulling is in a similar vein as well I think. I like to use hair as leverage >:D

But yeah, I actually don't do that kind of stuff often. I think I just have to be in a sinister mood >.>
Your girlfriend enjoys it too, I hope? :)

...Right? <_<;
Yes, but I am very light on the choking ;D

She prefers to be held down. I must oblige her lest I get several scratches all over my back XD
Scratching is great though! It gives her leverage, plus stability. Now if you don't like scratching, I can see how it would be bad. I personally love it though. Waking up the next day, and having a sore back for some reason feels really good. It hurts, but it's nice. :)
A certain degree of it is totally cool, but if I don't keep your under control she'll terrorize me! DX

Mr Binary

New member
Jan 24, 2011
I'm a really anti-social person, and I tend to spend every waking moment at home on the computer because I'm afraid that real people will hurt me, emotionally more so than physically... though that is also a possibility. I sometimes think of generally negative ways to dispose of any issues I am having, though I never act on these. I've had depression since I was four and a pretty shitty house-life. I think about suicide and self-harm often and I do also act on these feelings from time to time. I keep all of my emotions bottled up so I act monotone or fake around others, trying to get them to like me. I also talk to myself because I only have one friend.

I've also never been in a relationship... and that makes me feel sad and like I am less of a person.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I got turned on by clop-fiction once and, I hate hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and didn't even finish it..


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
ok...heres one..kind of

I hate mean people

in that I mean I HATE people whom I find morally in no amount of suffering will be enough, people who don;t grasp right and wrong and do bad things...I hate them so much