Your favorite rule of combat.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
What i've learnt from games:

-Always have a plan
-Always have a back-up plan, and an escape route
-Never underestimate the value of a stealthy flanking manoeuvre
-Fight the enemy on your terms, not there's
-Everyone has a preferred style of combat, find your's and master it.
-Knowing the map is everything
-Knowing what the enemy will do is also everything
-Tanks aren't invulnerable- roll back and shoot from a distance.
-Sometimes, it's you who has to be the one guy to take down the helicopter.
-AI's are predictable.
-Humans, once made angry, are relatively predictable.
-If you die trying to kill a certain enemy twice, it's not worth it, move on.
-He who has air support has the power of God
-The winning team is the one that can bring the maximal amount of firepower on the enemy from a maximal amount of locations.

From playing IL2 Sturmovik:
-In aerial combat, fly higher than the other team
-Clouds are your best friend when retreating from the enemy
-Approach bombers from unpredictable directions
-Be unpredictable in dog-fights
-When on the tail of an enemy fighter, don't worry about his friend behind you too much, if the guy in your sights is good enough, the guy behind you won't hit you. If he's not a good pilot, you'd have shot him down before his friend came.
-Flacks a *****, either fly high above it, or around it, never fly slowly above it
-If you are on the run but have to fight the enemy, fight them over friendly territory