Your gaming turn ons


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Here are my gaming turn ons

-Isometric perspective (yeah I don't want to take part, I like to watch)
-Space exploration (give me something big and black)
-RTSs that aren't that hard, and involve huge numbers of units (the more the merrier right?)
-Games that take place over an epic time scale (Hey lots of guys like something with a little...maturity)
-Radio stations in games (sometimes I don't want to talk, just listen)

What are yours? and do you know where I can meet someone (I'm talking about games, for the subtlety-impaired) special?


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Ya space is a big thing for me but there hasn't really been much Scifi recently beyond Mass Effect. There are others but they always focus more on space combat than exploration, sex with freaky alien chicks, and other great tropes of the original star trek.

I also enjoy city building and planning.

Really good Co op, not a lot of these for the PC but they are there.

The in game radio stations as well, loved those in Tropico.

Really good scenes in game that rely less upon combat or action. The Haunted house in Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines does this really well.

more to come as I think of them.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Cellshading/cartoonish graphics/heavy stylization in general. Whenever I see a stylized game I immediately want to buy it, badly. I only can resist if the gameplay is too much of a turn off for me.


Jul 14, 2011
I'm afraid I'm a sucker for anything with character customization, be it completely your own character (Fallout, Skyrim, ME series) or even just dress em ups (Red Dead)

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I will love anything with either epic melodrama, mystery, certain types of anime styles and recently fighting games that don't have stupid amounts of stick movements per move and look flashy.

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is fucking amazing. Though maybe I just love that game solely because of Phoenix Wright's amazing implementation. In-character and still completely viable. Oh Capcom you've done it again!

Anyway, there's a reason I think Persona 4 is absolutely perfect in every possible way. Anime esque melodrama? (the best kind of melodrama) check. An emphasis on mystery? Big check. Awesome characters and writing? Check check check. Ding ding we have winner!

The only reason i'm not gonna gush over it properly is because i'd be spoiling it

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
-Character/weapon/world customization
-Open worlds with tons of side quests
-Awesome weather effects (I'm a sucker for rainy multiplayer maps)
-In-game radio/TV stations
-Games within games (Like the arcade machines in GTA)
-Stylized/Cartoonish/Cell-shaded art style
-Horde mode (Especially if it's endless)


New member
Feb 3, 2010
- character designs (it can be anything from sexy to awesome, from cute to grimdark)
- cel shading graphics like NAruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, Wind Waker, etc.
- open world exploration and the feeling of going anywhere when you want (Just Cause 2, Saints Row 3, InFAMOUS 1 & 2)
- over world and dungeon relations like in Zelda, Musashi, Darksiders, Alundra, etc.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
"First person" moments
Falling and Shooting, usually with debris all around
Meat Shields
More than 2 solutions to something
Horde Modes that are fun
Character investment that I care about

my favorite: Chase Scenes, esspecially when they are timed, but they need to be timed better.

Pretty much my favorite parts in certain games (Skip to :50):

MW2 became good for me when I played that scene.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Terminate421 said:
More than 2 solutions to something
I love that as well, the Hitman series has always done this well, and especially Fallout, Fallout New Vegas in particular had the Cannibal Cooking quest were you could approach it in roughly half a dozen different ways which was fantastic.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
bahumat42 said:
synobal said:
Ya space is a big thing for me but there hasn't really been much Scifi recently beyond Mass Effect. There are others but they always focus more on space combat than exploration, sex with freaky alien chicks, and other great tropes of the original star trek.

I also enjoy city building and planning.

Really good Co op, not a lot of these for the PC but they are there.

The in game radio stations as well, loved those in Tropico.

Really good scenes in game that rely less upon combat or action. The Haunted house in Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines does this really well.

more to come as I think of them.
theres a couple of pc exclusive co op to be fair
Magicka was built from the ground upward for this. But we have also has bf3, borderlands, portal 2. In recent years. I think MP shooters often overshadow co op, but they can co-exist.


Co-op (couch or online, i love it)
colours lots of them, the brighter the better, give me a rainbow of mario-esque landscapes over the brown of call of duty any day.
strong soundtracks- Give me a track to play to and i will love you for it, from the radio stations in gta/SR/ssx to the more traditional sonics or bastion soundtracks put effort in and i will appreciate it.
Immersion- Recently only arkham city and Ac:brotherhood have done this, either by filling out the location or giving a good narrative (the gameplay has to be involving enough too obviously)

Il stop there before boring people.
True but I so suck at Magicka I really do like Payday Heist (recently) for co op.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
- customization (character and weapons)
- flight - arcade or simulation, I love both. In the atmosphere on in space
- Age of Empires/Rise of Nations style of RTS
- C&C Red Alert style RTS. Tank rush at it's finest.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Fun gameplay
Good soundtrack
Good aesthetic (and sprites with today's tech they look amazing)
Being able to hit people with flaming punches


New member
Aug 14, 2010
- Detailed artwork (Odin Sphere makes me weak in the knees just looking at it it)
- Finding recordings/journals/etc. that tell you more about the story of the game (Bioshock, Fallout 3)
- First person
- Any features that add realism and make you feel more immersed in the game, I am a huge immersion junkie.
- Gorgeous scenery (Oblivion, Skyrim)
- Cool clothes. I know, I know, there's no practicality or strategy in wearing something because you think it looks good instead of the thing that has the best stats but looks awful. But, sometimes I just wanna play pretty pretty dress-up, okay?


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
Character Customization, i love that in games. i want my character to look badass or silly


New member
Jan 11, 2008
If story based, takes no longer than 10 hours to complete (first time round, and faster in multiple playthroughs), with much replay value and extras.

The story is solid, fluid, and doesn't add any filler.

NO FREE ROAMING! It's ok to make big levels, with exploration, but not miles of nothingness.

NO QTEs - unless it's a QTE of decapitating the moron who suggested having QTEs in the game.

No gimmicky levels i.e. rail shooting levels, unless it's a rail shooter (see 'no filler')

The game has a hot female, or even stars one (yeah, I'm shallow, so shoot me).

Has a soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto.

A diverse cast i.e. NOT where the good guys are Americans and the bad guys are everyone else.

Acting is believable; no over-exaggerated gasping, people stating the obvious, typical American acting, people doing something during a sinister moment instead of watching for 2 minutes as a human transforms into a monster, etc.

A game that knows what genre it wants to be. It's either a shooter, puzzle game, adventure, rpg, NOT adding elements of multiple genres which ineviatably fall too short.

... well, more dos than don'ts above.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
Generally any game with character growth and close relationships with myself and my companions that expands over time. Any game that can get an emotional reaction out of me without resorting to cheap tricks.
Also, huge open world gameplay that manages to be full and immerse as well. I am also naturally drawn to new and interesting settings that aren't the same old thing.
Turn offs include war shooters, chest high walls, and regenerating health.