Your gaming turn ons


New member
May 4, 2009
synobal said:
Ya space is a big thing for me but there hasn't really been much Scifi recently beyond Mass Effect. There are others but they always focus more on space combat than exploration, sex with freaky alien chicks, and other great tropes of the original star trek.
I think X2 focussed a lot on exploration and economy. A little too much, if you ask me. It lauded the fact that in order to get so much as a new thruster, you needed to invest at least six hours into doing fuck all. But, space was big and it was relatively safe to explore.


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Feb 18, 2011
Smertnik said:
Cellshading/cartoonish graphics/heavy stylization in general. Whenever I see a stylized game I immediately want to buy it, badly. I only can resist if the gameplay is too much of a turn off for me.
Have you tried Chantelise or Recettear yet?


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2012
Lucem712 said:
I'm afraid I'm a sucker for anything with character customization, be it completely your own character (Fallout, Skyrim, ME series) or even just dress em ups (Red Dead)
Argeed!, i just love making myself in a game...all the time


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Other than that question, the ingame radio of Fallout 3/New Vegas really added to the immersion, which is why I've spent just over 300 hours total playing both...
Along with that, if I have the ability to level up multiple skills, like in FFX-2 or even the MW3 multiplayer, that really makes me happy.^_^
I don't have a preference between first- or third-person, it really just depends on the game. ME works as a TPS/RPG, and the aforementioned Fallout games work both ways, although aiming from third-person feels weird.


Wishes he had fewer cap letters.
Mar 7, 2008
-Over The Top action (a la No More Heroes)
-Cell Shading
-In game collectibles that are useful
-Leveling systems


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Customization of any sort. The more complex, the better. I got so into building ACs in Armored Core 3 that I forgot there was a combat portion to the game. It's a shame the cut the complexity of it down. Finding that perfect balance of weight, energy output, energy usage without overheating or shutting down, movement speed, turn speed, radar lock, and a host of other things was something I spent weeks on, and enjoyed every second of it. Then you build a new one that functions differently and uses different weapons, and you get a whole new set of challenges. That's it, I'm putting in my AC3 disk.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
- Orchestral/Opera like soundtracks (See Nier's Shadowlord's Castle/Roar)
- Really well done effects, both smooth and really expertly done, and flashy too as a bonus
- Gameplay concentration, putting graphics second (They still gotta be good though)
- Fast paced gameplay (I'm not much into strategy games like Fire Emblem or RTS games)
- Loads of replay value (I know Monster Hunter is repetitive at times, but I clocked 465 hours on Freedom Unite. How's that for replay value? Best 30$ ever spend in my entire life)
- Voice acting (As long as it's good)
- Really good character customization (Outside and inside of the start of the game)
- Back to music, anything with an Opera voice in it, a full symphony, piano, and a violin put in the soundtrack, will get me every time. (Falcom JDK is a good example. I love countless songs by them, because they are a fast rock/metal band with a wicked electric violin player. They even get a little symphonic in some songs. It makes my ears tingle when I hear it. Symphonic soundtracks are just beautiful to me, and it doesn't take much for me to like a song that sounds orchestrated)
- Final bosses that make you go "Holy shit man!" Examples: Nyx from Persona 3, White Fatalis from Monster Hunter, Ganon from LoZ: Ocarina of Time, Rul Ende from Ys Seven, Merlina from Sonic and the Black Knight

Whew, that's a lot of typing XD


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Good music that fits the aesthetic of the game
A bad guy(s) that seem to be impossible to stop
Leveling system that gives you lots of choice to develop your character(s)
Support characters that add hilarity and depth, but do not steal the spotlight
Lots of back story so you can figure out the motivation(s) for each person/faction


New member
Mar 3, 2012
3rd person.
Smooth controls.
Give me a storyline to follow, minimal sandboxiness is ok.
A world that's not too big, I don't want to spend half a game traveling.
Pretty graphics.
Turn based combat.
Weapon variety/RPG elements (armor, character customization, etc.)

Don't need all of them in 1 game, but those are my turn ons.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
8- or 16-bit graphics and music
Large areas to explore with things to find
Being able to invent, customize, or create things
Saccharine aesthetics combined with the serious themes


New member
Sep 30, 2011
-Good story
-Swords and shit

And above all...the game must be made with LOOOVVVEEE


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Character Customization is a definite turn on for me in shooters. I loved how in Halo:Reach you can totally pimp out your spartan. It's funny how you're scrawny at the start and end up incredibly buff with massive pauldrons and chestpieces at the end.

Cameron Hyatt

New member
Apr 25, 2011
-Good stealth. Doesn't just have to be sticking to the shadows.
-Challenging in both single and multiplayer. Dark Souls is the best example I can think of.
-Eye for detail. Doesn't have to be pretty, but details like having 31 bullets in your gun after reloading with a shot still in the chamber is sweet.
-Well written stories
-EVE Online. I love just about everything in that game.


New member
Sep 3, 2011
-Large scaled battles
-Long Story with extra things to do after you beat it
-Really good customization
-Cooperative survival modes

One thing that turns me off are collectibles in games like Gears of War. I waste so much time just trying to find all of them. But then I find out that I missed some in a level and I don't feel motivated enough to play the level again just to find it.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Well, I can definitely answer to this:

1: Like many others, I love to customize my character in any way I can. Face, gender, body type, armor and armor colors and patters if possible. Better yet, let me play as a cool alien. Because hell, I'll always like aliens better than humans. I'M a human, and compared to aliens humans are boring.

2: In sci-fi, cool aliens. In fantasy, more than just elves and dwarves. For bonus points, make the elves and dwarves unique somehow.

3: In any kind of shooter, guns that are not only good looking, but fun to use. To borrow the Blizzard mantra, "Easy to use but hard to master.". Prime examples: The F2000 from Modern Warfare 2, and the Mattock from Mass Effects 2-3. For bonus points, make it so I can tweak the performance just the way I want.

4: Again, going from Mass Effect, deep characters and great interaction. If you can make me cry when a character dies, or make me really laugh when they make a joke, or just end up being unintentionally funny, you're doing it right.

5: This could be part of the point above, but I think it deserves its own part; Strong, well-characterized Female characters. Don't just make them men in drag or with bigger chest-plates, but actual women with strength. If they also happen to be nerdy and cute, thats icing on the cake.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Other than agreeeing with those OP listed,
-Armor. Lots and lots of armor customization with unique and different armor variants.
-More armor.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
- Color Customization. (And I don't mean just the primary and secondary colors I want to be able to create my own artistic pallets.)
- Games where I can admire the scenery. (Shadow of the Colossus. Assassin's Creed series. Batman: Arkham Asylum.)
- Playing as anything other than a human. (I have a soft spot for the Spyro games because of this.)
- If it's an FPS, I like each reload sequence to be vastly different between guns. (Feels more personal that way, don't ask why.)
- Silent Protagonists. (The Half-Life Series. Bioshock. Portal 2. Bastion.)
- Solid, intriguing stories with good characters. (Bioshock. Half-Life 2. Portal 2.)
- Third person combat that isn't made up of just button combinations. (Jedi Outcast/Academy.)
- Battles that get my adrenaline going. (First couple Big Daddy fights in Bioshock, or clinging to the back of the giant bird colossus in SOTC ... and pretty much all of Amnesia.)
- Cartoony childish games. (Spyro. Fable. Jak and Daxter. Alice Madness Returns. Bastion. And holy hell did I play the shit out of the Harry Potter games.)
- Games where I find background information by finding or studying things in the environment. (The Metroid Prime series. Bioshock. Bastion.)
- Having a single companion or pet. (Half Life 2: Episodes 1 & 2. SOTC. (Yes, I really freaking like this game.) Fable.)
- Games that don't take themselves seriously if they know people aren't playing them for the story. (Borderlands.)
- Good stealth that isn't too frustrating, but still makes me feel like a badass. (Assassin's Creed series.)
- Games that are a blast to play even if the controls are incredibly simplistic. (LIMBO. Super Mario Brothers. Pac Man. Kirby.)
- Pop culture references or nods to other video games. (But I basically just like these at all times.)
- Immersive environments. (Bioshock. SOTC. Amnesia. Assassin's Creed. Batman: Arkham Asylum.)
- Diverse environments. (Metroid Prime. Spyro. Kirby.)

Yup. That's what I got.


Dec 3, 2010
Medieval and mythological settings always draws my attention. Being able to level up and set skills is also a huge plus. I like being rewarded for killing stuff.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
mod friendly ness- it,s one of the reason I keep buying Bethesda games
Cyberpunk- I just love cyberpunk