Your most overrated game(s) of last decade


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Wayneguard said:
Definitely bioshock. I've really tried to like it but it's just not doing it for me. Can't really put my finger on what it is exactly...
OMG me too. I was going to type those exact words but I wanted to have a legit reason fro hating those games.

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
let's see
CoD MW2 and black ops played them both never really got into them and multiplayer wasn't really that special highly over-rated
WoW only reason I'm still playing it is because of my friends that play it I found it fun for a while until it just gets repetitive


New member
Apr 13, 2008
GTA 4: story was fine, it just lacked fun...and good cheat codes

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: I liked COD4 and Black Ops is fine but MW2 just seemed to me that it just threw in a whole bunch of shit without really playing the game.

(Don't kill me) TF2: Now granted, the game is fun, but it's not really the style I really enjoy. I like my fast paced twitch shooters. I liked my bunny hopping and grenades but this game didn't really give me what I wanted. Now overrated? Sure, does that mean the game is bad? No.

Gears of War: Game got to repetitive for me. Then I got a new PC and I couldn't copy over my save file from my old PC thanks to GFWL. Well..that's more of a Microsoft issue and not an Gears of War issue...but still, I didn't get all the hype.

I forgot what happened in the PS2/Xbox/GCN era


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Fallout 3, personally. It was literally like shaking a dull, ash/brown piece of paper a foot from my face.....for 30 HOURS!
With 50's music, which i actually liked though.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
kouriichi said:
Halo Reach, Batman Arkham Asylum, GTA4, Uncharted 2, MAG, and LittleBigPlanet.
How are the bolded overrated. They are praised for being different and exciting. Uncharted 2 did indeed have the best graphics in 09 as well as great dialogue (I love the lip syncing in the game, they mouth the words nearly perfectly). The gunplay is all right but the playable cinematic experiences in the game really made the game shine.

Arkham Asylum was praised for finally not being a shitty batman game.
Remember, the main reasons its so popular is because
1. You are Batman
2. The game isn't ass
3. Mark Hamil is an amazing Joker.

IDK what is so overrated about LBP. Its a platformer that allows usrs to create their own levels and stuff. Not much to overhype about in the game.

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
SyphonX said:
It sells well in active military nations. Coincidence? Probably not.

Also, "It's popular because it's fun." Not true, it's popular because people buy what their friends buy.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree, I could live in the most pacifistic country in the world and still like COD, hell.. I'm personally a pacifist and wouldn't kill anyone to save my own mother but I still like the thrill of playing on line matches in COD games..

And the entire Western world that buys COD is militarized, basically the whole of humanity is.. (apart from the Swiss and some other countries that are tiny and/or unimportant)

Finally I've never bought a game just because my friends play it, I buy games because they are fun, I know many people who don't play with friends on line, they just play with randomers.. + most games are popular because they are fun, its only the X-bros that created the social gaming myth..

Rant over and OT: Half Life 2 (I didn't think it was very good when I played it), Minecraft (yes I think its awesome but for what it is, its overrated, although Notch is a beast to create it by himself)
Oh yes and any game that features on the BBC news, you know they get paid off to broadcast games on the BBC news..


New member
Aug 29, 2009
well theres is the obvious CoD suxs!! or halo suxs!!!!!
but really i have to say perfect dark zero i played half an hour and my head began to hurt with retardation


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Assassin's Creed - level design and free running are amazing, but everything else is rather poor, combat especially.

Dragon Age. They promised me the new Baldur's Gate... not even close.
Aug 18, 2009
Palademon said:
Modern Warfare 2. Spawning the crowds of people saying I must be a loser who plays WoW, quoting their stats at me. I thought Modern Warfare 1 was better.
Agreed!! That, coupled with a nuke glitch that never really got fixed and the absolute worst behaved gamers in online multiplayer history. Throw in a campaign storyline that could be described as shoddy at best and you have MW2 in a nutshell. While Black Ops is a nice upgrade to MW2, I feel like it'll be garnering this very same "honor" in the years to come.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Final Fantasy X. The game came out at the start of the decade, but fuck it, it was horrible. Now when everyone thinks of Final Fantasy it's either X or VII. They don't deserve that.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Dragon Age:Origins
Red Dead Redemption

Edit: Oh and Limbo. Yeah the art direction is great but I didn't see the big attraction other than that. It's my own fault for buying it though. I'm not much of a puzzle/platform gamer.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Rkiver said:
The Halo series. It's ok.

Seriously folks, better fps out there, most of them on the pc.
This is word for word what i was gunna write. I would tell people who only play COD to play TF2 but
a) The community would suffer
b) they might explode from playing somthing good instead of the same, not bad but not great, brown FPS games


Magnificent Retard
Dec 27, 2010
Call of Duty: Black Ops. The singleplayer is full of dumb (or if you turn up the difficulty, cheating) AI and any tension in the game is removed by the fact that you can hide behind cover for 10 seconds and heal completely. Also, as Yahtzee pointed out, the plot didn't make any goddamn sense and, if you played it enough, would probably give you ADD. Then there's the multiplayer. Oh god, the multiplayer. (I think this next statement applies to all Call of Duty multiplayer games since 4.) The whole experience is set up to allow people who have played longer (keep in mind that I did not say "are more skilled") to massacre newcomers through cheap killstreaks and the horrible unlock system. Also, any aiming challenge is removed by the fact that every gun is ridiculously accurate, which also makes sniper rifles completely pointless.

World of Warcraft. A pointless grindfest designed to get players addicted and keep playing (and therefore paying), and nothing more. Unless you want to grief other players, that is. WoW is great for that.

Team Fortress 2. The random unlocks and impossible achievements ruin what would be a great game.

Spoon E11

New member
Oct 27, 2010
WoW I mean its 6 years old and outdated. I think blizzard are just releasing expansions to keep trying to get money out of people by putting people off quiting by building social ties and all of that crap. And £9 a month WTF blizard is that? a rip off thats what. I mean I want warcraft 4, not starcraft 2, not WoW expantions not "titan" whatever it may be.
