Your name


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Like everyone west from greece who was named after the great god Dyonisos i had to "suffer" under the extremely funny joke that if you change the D into a P and leave an N out its Penis. children are sooooo unfunny.
Dennis the Penis hahahaha-_-


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Shane. I get oft repeated screams of "ShaneO" 'cos of Shane Warne (as my surname begins with O) but its all good. I get "Nice Bowling ShaneO" fairly regularly too! Dealt with Shane the Pain for a few years too but honestly that ones pretty appropriate!

I went to school in Ireland, Liam. Every fifth person is called Liam or has more vowels than consonants in their names. Your teacher is a prick, and I'm a teacher. She should be shot. Worst named kid I ever taught were two girls called Queen and Princess! Guess what their elder brothers were called- yup, King and Prince!! Seriously, with parents like that, I'll stick with Shane any day!


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Liam's not that weird of a name, I've never met anyone named Liam before so I don't have any cool stories >.>

My name is Jeffrey but I just go by Jeff and no one has a problem pronouncing it but my last name Kennerknecht (ken-uhr-nekt) no one can pronounce correctly and I whenever we did roll my teacher would always say "Ok Jeffrey ................ Ken-uhr-k-nec-htuh" some teachers never made an attempt at it to >.>


New member
Aug 7, 2009
My name is Hasker. (Haas - Kur)
It's fairly unused ... everywhere. I'm unique, I am awesome. I have a really weird name;p
May 29, 2011
My name is Oskari. Almost everyone had trouble pronouncing when i was living in the us. After a while I just told them to call me Oscar.

Didn't stop some random asshole from mocking me for it. I punched him. One of the teachers told me I did a good job.

I love america.

And no, Liam is a fine name.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Robert Ewing said:
As you can see by my escapist name, my name is Robert Ewing. (Roh-Bert, You-Ing)

Next to nobody every pronounces my last name correctly. But everybody is fine with my first name.
I had no problem with your last name, but I immediately thought of Patrick Ewing as I was into basketball when he was playing.

OT: Liam is easy for me, but I have known few Liams in my life. At least your parents spelled it right.

My name is Tarah (taw-raw). I have never known another person who spells it like that. It has two pronunciations, but usually spelled 'Tara'. So my parents spelled it with an H implicitly to be different and because my mom figured if she put an 'H' on the end people would use the pronunciation she wanted. Problem: there is a very common name with only one pronunciation spelled almost exactly the same - Sarah. No no, she wanted people to use the other pronunciation. So no one EVER gets my name right, nor can they spell it. Essentially I have to just answer to either. Couple that with one of those 'confusing-to-idiots' last names with an apostrophe and I'm really glad I'm out of high school.

My biggest problem now is the rampant misspelling of my first and last names on bank forms, credit cards, etc. Online anything is a ***** because a lot of online forms do not accept apostrophes, and since everything is based on computers these days, I have huge hassles all the time because of my last name. ARGH!


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I used to get picked on a lot for my name, My name is Troy Dick, not dick as in short for Richard, not Dickens or anything like that just Dick.

Hilarity then ensues.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
*looks at her name* yeah....i came home in tears more than once from being teased about my name(and yes my name is legally april)


New member
Jun 30, 2011
My name is Leon, and people often mispronounce my name as Liam. Annoying, as Liam is a terrible, terrible name. (I kid, I kid!)


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Liam is a good name pretty common in the uk and ireland and as another shortening of william.
Your teacher just sounds a bit special.

My name is Rebecca, no h or k, people trying to pronounce it as if they were there can be bad or once rebEAka with a bea like beaker in the middle -.-

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
My real name is Richard so I got the whole Dick name problem however this only started in High School by my friends. I glad I'm not friend with them anymore.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
RedxDecember said:
My name is Liam (LEE-YUM). I'm white and I go to a primarily black school. I fit in pretty well, but recently a teacher couldn't pronounce my name. She'd call me Lam or Laim or Leem. I didn't care about that. That's her issue and it's minor at most. But since then I've had kids come up to me and just say "Your name is (insert offensive slur here)." No laughing, etc. Just saying it to be a dick. I don't know why this makes me feel so insecure, but it just gets me in the right way. Call me fat, that's fine, I could go on a diet and change that. Call me stupid, I could go read a few books and pay attention in class. I never take insults that seriously. Call my name retarded, stupid, gay? Not cool. I can't change it and I don't fucking want to. But for some lame reason I care about what they say. So if you've read so far, I thank you and here are my questions.

Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?

Thank you for reading.
My last name, yes.

The public education system is filled with the most abhorent slime who contrary to belief will not fail at life.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I know a few russians that can't pronounce my name - calling me 'Corner' instead of Connor. Though I find it difficult to properly pronounce their names correctly so I guess it's normal, worldwide.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I have a slightly unusual first name (Brant), so far from being given a hard time about it I've endured a life where absolutely no one ever remembers it or hears it correctly. Even my girlfriend's mother was calling me Brent after knowing me for 6 years. My co-workers sometimes call me Bryant after working with me for half a decade. I've had Frank, Brad, Brett, Grant, Barry, Ryan, and even "Burn" offered up to me by clients. But most of of them just call me Brian. "Thanks Brian!" they'll write, right above my email signature, which clearly says Brant.

It used to bug me, a long time ago. Now I just greet it with a certain weary indifference.

Arjen Ab

New member
Jul 9, 2011
Not a whole lot of people have a problem with my first name Arjen although some pronounce Arjan.
As for the last name even computer systems discrimenate against that. It's A.B. and no it's not short for something


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).

Incidently, I have friend named Liam, and he's had the same problems with Americans who can't seem to pronounce it correctly.
Australian here.

I've known only 2 males called Ashley. Both gay.

It's a girls name.

OT: I knew a Liam, he was a cool guy. His dad slept through Cyclone Tracy under a ute (truck for Americans), he was a car nut and handed me the first bullet I ever saw. He was pretty bad ass.

Unfortunately I'm not in contact with him as I moved away at age 11 and wasn't smart enough to keep in contact, he also doesn't appear to use social media.

Also, OP. did they say things such as "Your name is shit." and "Your name is bad." or were they saying things like "Your name is arse-face.", "Your name is loser-fuck."
ie. Saying your name was something else, which is pejorative, or saying that your name was a bad name?

QuietBrilliance said:
I used to get picked on a lot for my name, My name is Troy Dick, not dick as in short for Richard, not Dickens or anything like that just Dick.

Hilarity then ensues.
Your name should have been Hugh (name which gives the initial G) Dick.

Huge G Dick. :)


New member
Nov 10, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).

Incidently, I have friend named Liam, and he's had the same problems with Americans who can't seem to pronounce it correctly.
The only way your name would be more awesome would be if you were called Leslie.

I have always had similar problems with my name. I'm called Nathan (from England) and pretty much lived my whole life in Germany and up to now only one of my English teachers was able to pronounce my Name correctly