Your name

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
RedxDecember said:
My name is Liam (LEE-YUM). I'm white and I go to a primarily black school. I fit in pretty well, but recently a teacher couldn't pronounce my name. She'd call me Lam or Laim or Leem. I didn't care about that. That's her issue and it's minor at most. But since then I've had kids come up to me and just say "Your name is (insert offensive slur here)." No laughing, etc. Just saying it to be a dick. I don't know why this makes me feel so insecure, but it just gets me in the right way. Call me fat, that's fine, I could go on a diet and change that. Call me stupid, I could go read a few books and pay attention in class. I never take insults that seriously. Call my name retarded, stupid, gay? Not cool. I can't change it and I don't fucking want to. But for some lame reason I care about what they say. So if you've read so far, I thank you and here are my questions.

Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?

Thank you for reading.
I hate to say it, but part of your problem is answered in your first sentence. With all the flash mobs and everything else going on in this country, I can definitely see where you might have some that would come up and give you problems because you are white.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
i have the same name as you, only mine has accessories (the 'Wil' part). i've never gotten any shit for it, but i get really shit willy jokes that are only annoying because nobody can come up with anything new after three years.

i also get called malcolm... i dont know why...


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
My name is Callum, not a very common name but I like it.

Rock 'n' Soul

New member
Nov 15, 2009
You'll be OK. Your name isn't stupid at all. My brothers name is Nesbitt Jett. Want to talk about getting made fun of? He had a hell of a time. Eventually, you'll have more of an option to choose who you surround yourself and you won't find that problem anymore. Just remember, people that go out of your way to hurt you and have a laugh at your expense aren't worth your time nor are they worth the mental effort to worry about their insults.

Just ignore them, and try to make the best of it for now. You'll find you enjoy having a not so common name when you get a little older.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Liam's a fine name, bro.

I got picked on for my name from the age of seven to the age of sixteen - because apparently, it's not ok to have an atypical spelling of a very common name. Being named Sarah rather than the typically Swedish Sara, I got renamed Sahara by just about every person I ever went to school with. Seriously, I had people follow me around yelling "SA-HA-RA ÖKEEEEN!!!" ("öken" being the Swedish word for "desert").

I fucking hate people...

Seriously, though, the only thing you really can do is to ignore it.

Or take martial arts lessons and beat the crap out of the little pricks.
Uh... No, don't do that... Sorry... Still a bit bitter.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Liam sounds good, nothing wrong with it.

I've obviously been ridiculed with Rick because well damn, rhymes with dick (or ''pik'' which is dick but in Dutch, which I am)
This was all of course in elementary school.

Otherwise no ridicule.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Gaiseric said:
Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).

Incidently, I have friend named Liam, and he's had the same problems with Americans who can't seem to pronounce it correctly.
Well you share the name of Bruce Campbell's character in Evil Dead so I think that makes you more awesome.
s0nic_al said:
Aprilgold said:
Well, I'm Nathaniel. I'd rather have a BAD ASS name like Lion or Ashley, but Nathaniel if fine.

Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).
Thank our movies for that, all action films set a name limit for some reason over here.
Ashley Williams of Evil Dead is one of the most Badass heroes I know of.
I'm also a badass.



Who said I wasn't?
could be worse, they coulda named you Sue XD

William >.> i got no hate for it


New member
Feb 2, 2010
my name is Jandás Bence (Bence is my first name, we reverse it in hungary)
the first one to reply with a right pronounciation gets an imaginary cookie from me


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Considering that "Hank" is quite difficult to mess up, I haven't had that much of a problem.

My last name on the other hand...


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Liam is a bad name?

Have they never heard of Liam, fucking Qui-Gon Jinn, Neeson?



New member
May 24, 2011
Wow just reading some of the names that have been mispronounced. Wtf? How can you possibly mispronounce a name like James or Evan? Anyone who can manage that probably has something broken in the speech center of their brain...

Anyways OT:
Liam is not an odd name at all. Nor is it difficult to pronounce. I feel like you've just had the terrible luck of being stuck with people who can barely read, having to read your name out loud. Seriously, anyone who has trouble pronouncing Liam is in the same boat as those guys I mentioned in the beginning of my post.

SckizoBoy said:
My name: Aidan... not many of them around, at least not Chinese ones, anyway...(!)
We share the same name! And actually I think a couple years ago it was ranked the most popular name in the United States so it's not that uncommon anymore, however I have never even heard of someone Chinese with the name Aidan until now lol.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
SeeIn2D said:
SckizoBoy said:
My name: Aidan... not many of them around, at least not Chinese ones, anyway...(!)
We share the same name! And actually I think a couple years ago it was ranked the most popular name in the United States so it's not that uncommon anymore, however I have never even heard of someone Chinese with the name Aidan until now lol.
From my first post, tell a lie, despite having that name, (as per my profile) it's shortened to Eddy... you can sort of see it, but it's still weird, though I've never liked being called 'Aidy' or anything 'Dan' related...


New member
Jun 22, 2011
I know a few people called Liam and nobody ever had trouble pronouncing their names. Having said that I live in Ireland so it's a common enough name here. My name's Hugh (H-Yoo) and a lot of people I know had trouble pronouncing it when we were younger. I had the same problem whenever I went to America, the problem being that everyone pronounced it as "you"