Your opinion on Cannibalism.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Dulcinea said:
BrEnNo1023 said:
Dulcinea said:
Just don't eat a child or anyone not able to legally consent.
I agree. People should have a choice whether to be eaten or not. I can just see it now.
"Excuse me sir, can i have your verbal consent to eat you alive?"
"Why certainly, I'm glad you asked, instead of just going for my jugul--" by now the good gentlemen are now grappling on the floor, the former's gnashing teeth now closing in slowly but surely on the latter's larynx...

...Ahem, well sorry but i just found your post amusing :p I meant no harm by it. In all seriousness, if I were in that situation, I can't say i'd be able to bring myself to kill a live human and eat them. However my opinion on this would probably change if i'd just spent a week without food. I would do everything in my power to exhaust other alternatives before resorting to killing another human being with the aim of eating them.

It would be a lot easier if they were already dead...I dunno, it's a psychological thing.
But then you don't get the rush of killing them, as you slowly feel their life drain away and their chests rises for the last time, desperately and futily trying to stay alive, clinging to all they love in the worl- I mean... Wait...
Smooth. Hannibal, is that you? :p


New member
Jan 13, 2011
Head Chef Dom said:
I think its a great idea. It allows you to fill your belly and remove people who oppose you all at the same time. Just stay away from comedians, they taste funny :)

back on topic, theres no need for it and people who feel the need to do it seem pretty sick to me
Try an electrician. They're shocking.

Or a quantum physicist. You can justify it by saying that in another universe, they aren't eaten, and you are in fact, saving that one because if you didn't eat him here, he would have been eaten over there. (... something is probably wrong with this last joke...)

Yeah, can't quite see the appeal in cannibolism.
Mar 30, 2010
Count Igor said:
What do you think about animals eating their own species? Edit: Sorry. Worded this badly. I meant us feeding animals their own species for cheap food?
What do you think of Cannibalistic tribes?
What do you think of eating an arm/leg/whole-person to survive?
Would you eat someone to survive?
1) Well the animals eat the food, so they obviously have no problem with it.
2) At least they're easier to see coming than some sociopathic Lector wannabe.
3) I think in extreme survival situations people will do whatever is necessary.
4) Only a Free Range, Fair Trade human; I want none of that tenement-farmed stuff.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
It's not worth the potential prion disease except in extreme life or death scenarios.

Feeding animals products from the same species has usually stopped due to concerns of the above prions.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Don't think it should be legalized because of huge can of worms that would come along with it. Look how much Beef is regulated because of risk of disease and we can't even contract half their diseases. But anything the person your eating has you can catch too. Legalizing would only upon us up to a new risk with out very strict regulation that would cost alot of money to function.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Eh, I don't think you should eat dead people if they tell you not to. That'd be weird.

Otherwise, you can if you won't. I personally won't though.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Don't really have an opinion about it (guess it's just to far fetched to think about in a modern society) but i saw a interesting documentation about cannibalism in New Guinea a few days ago and they found 3 or so people that have actually eaten human flesh (the tribes converted to christianity in the 60's/70's and don't do it anymore) and they talked about it quite casually, also they have never eaten/heard about someone eating human flesh to survive/just cause they want meat only as revenge or when they killed and ate a "magic" man.

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Kecunk said:
Once you resort to cannibalism you are basicly just an intelligent zombie and should be destroyed immediately

Armed CounterZombie Militiaman are on their way to skylight raid anyone who agreed that it should be legalized.

In all seriousness, I don't see where it would actually be needed outside of a disaster situation in which case it wouldn't really matter.


New member
May 14, 2011
Count Igor said:
us feeding animals their own species for cheap food?
This should be avoided at all costs. Recycling of cow material into meat and bone meal was a major factor in the BSE (mad cow disease) epidemic which hit the UK in the 80s. This resulted in severe implications right through the 90s as cases of vCJD hit humans and the economy suffered due to a lack of beef exports.

If you feed animals material from their own genus you have a high chance of cycling diseases in that population to the point it will build up and affect humans through health or economic factors.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Tribes can do it all they want, people are starving, if the only way people can eat is to eat other humans and that human is already dead it just kinda makes sense.

It doesn't have a place at all in modern society, but from a survival standpoint why would you let meat go to waste.

I imagine we taste like shit though, the don't exactly have as health a diet compared to a lot of animals.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Wrong, theres no other word for it.

And yes human meat is very bad for you- its been linked to large number of diseases, with prion disease being the most well characterised of them.

Nate Corran

New member
Dec 26, 2009
Whatever floats your boat. Just make sure that if they are able to give it, have the permission of said person.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009

This film is the basis for my opinion. I can only morally accept it in EXTREME situations.

Could I do it myself, even in those situations? I can't tell you that, I honestly can't.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I would taste human flesh, if it was salvaged under healthy and ethical conditions and cooked correctly.