Your opinion on Cannibalism.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Nando Parrado and others survived a plane crash in the Andes by eating the bodies of those who died. In extreme survival situations, I think this is perfectly moral, and it's the only time when civilized people would even consider it.

Ah, what Redlin5 said.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
As a human i see myself to be above the animals (i am an Homo Sapiens after all) and instead of relying on my insticts i use my superior brain power (compared to animals relying on instinct) and reason and think what is moral and ethical. And no, cannibalism IMO is not either.

Also, i am vegetarian so i dont meat in general really so yeah...
I would not eat human flesh even if that would mean i would die.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm of the opinion that if you were to die a death that involved your body not becoming contaminated and you and a friend//family member were both so inclined, you should be allowed to leave a part of your body to them in your will so that they may taste human meat atleast once before they died themselves and vis versa. I would love to try human meat, but there's about no chance I ever will... Just imagine a big juicy T-bone steak with chunky chips from your Grandpa who died in his sleep! Or perhaps a smoked back bacon sandwich with tomato sauce from an old friend you haven't seen in a couple of years, but you recently found out they died in a car accident! These are morbid indeed, but I do feel they are a wonderfully interesting, respectful, and even romantic thing to do. Rather than, of course, kidnapping/killing/consuming a victim against their will, ala Jeffrey Dahmer! Bon appetite y'all! Eats Pizza Hutt! *grins*
Jul 9, 2010
No, I don't like hot-dogs.

In all seriousness I think it's one of the few things in the world that I will forever be ethically against, there's no need for it in my opinion, even in those oft-touted "do or die" scenarios. Also, doesn't that go against our instincts, I'm pretty sure it never happens in nature.

I would like to hear what PETA would have to say though.


New member
May 27, 2010
Eh, it's sort of like child porn for me (holy shit that's a good start). Technically the porn itself is harmless, but making a franchise out of it would require the systematic exploitation of innocent children. In the same way, I can't see anything wrong with actually eating a person (besides the instinctual repulsion, if there is any, that probably kept us from eating each other as proto-people), but the implied murder is obviously unhealthy. If it's a Donner party scenario, I don't think the morality of eating an already deceased relative is as relevant as the question of how to get the kids to buy that it's chicken.


New member
May 27, 2010
Clockwork Scarecrow. said:
I'm pretty sure it never happens in nature.
May want to check that again mate. []


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Serving UpSmiles said:
I would considor it "nessecary" in third world countries, if someone is truly desperate and has no morals its the same with why people rape and murder, it's from desperation and depravity.
A man does not need to have sex to survive (edit: and neither does a woman of course) so there is not a single case where rape can be justified. Same goes for killing (self-defense being the obvious exception of course).

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
I'm for cannibalism for survival.
It was acctually an unwritten rule among sea-farers, the Coustom of the sea as it was called.
This where first illigalized in 1884 in England after the incident with Captain Tom Dudley, where he and two other crewmates where forced to eat the flash and drink the blood of a fourth crewmate.
The rule where passed more because of the wish to set the Anglo-saxon's image as high-class than any other reason, and even though Dudley where sentenced to death, he was released shortly after the trial, because it was just a ploy to illigalize all forms of cannibalism.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
You are what you eat, I guess?

Eating a person would probably have all the various nutritional nonsense needed to feed a person. It's got it's own set of consequences that make it unattractive, but whatever.

kayisking said:
Serving UpSmiles said:
I would considor it "nessecary" in third world countries, if someone is truly desperate and has no morals its the same with why people rape and murder, it's from desperation and depravity.
A man does not need to have sex to survive (edit: and neither does a woman of course) so there is not a single case where rape can be justified. Same goes for killing (self-defense being the obvious exception of course).
It's unlikely the human race would even exist without rape. How's that for justification?


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Nooooo. Just no. Even if I were starving and the person was already dead I wouldn't do it.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
You know I've just never had human prepared properly.

You try it roasted and it doesn't taste like chicken it just tastes like crap.
I guess barbequed person if fine but the way I barbeque things you may as well just eat a lump of charcoal.

Not my personal taste but that's no reason to condemn something.
Besides it would end world hunger. One way or another.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
My only problem with it is that the people who I can morally justify eating usually aren't the same as the people who would be healthy and nutritious to eat :)
Apart from that I see it as a great way to cut down the population while feeding the masses.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Interestingly if someone volunteers to be killed and eaten it's still ilegal to actually kill them.

So if someone volunteers to have a little, non-lethal bit, chopped off and eaten it should still count as assault but doesn't seem to.

So the conclusion is make killing someone legal or make getting a body mod illegal. I can see no flaw with this logic.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
As with most things in life kids, it's all right as long as you don't get caught /jk

Depends on the situation. Someone dies and other people are starving to death, sure why not. A body is just a body, not a human. Need to be careful cooking human though, it burns real easy.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Dulcinea said:
Just don't eat a child or anyone not able to legally consent.
'Cos lots of people would be willing to sign said waiver, especially if there happens to be an available notary in that survival situation?