Your opinion on Cannibalism.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
On the note of how human tastes, many cannibals have said that it tastes quite a lot like pork.
Rather than the obvious comment of "it tastes like chicken" which most people resort to when describing the taste of something to make others more willing to eat it... I've never understood that comparison though, chicken is boring unless seasoned/prepared/cooked in specific ways. Just go cook a breast in nothing but a little oil in a pan and it's utter crap. Do the same with some bacon or a steak and it's not half bad. Add seasoning to anything and I bet you could make a trotter or a jaw bone taste good. Hell wrap something in batter and herbs and most people wont question what the meat is, it tastes that damn good. You could probably pass off human ribs as any other animals rack, just barbecue them bones up and the taste will follow.

On the unhealthy aspect of eating human meat, too much can both drive you insane and give you a full body tremor like parkinson's disease. So, it's the kind of thing you could only eat on occasion. Hell most ancient Western European cultures were animistic, so eating ones ancestors and relatives at their funeral was common place, part out of the luxury of meat I imagine, but also as a spiritual symbolic ceremony of having them become a part of you as you were once part of them. I've never understood the reaction most people have to cannibalism... Of course, unconcentual is wrong, but to thus daemonise and hate it out of general principle is silly really. Anyway, I'd eat just about anything, just to try it, just to say I have, just to see if there is anything out there that's nicer for special occasions than the big three (chicken, pig, cow), which I personally find a bit repetitive.

I think I'll stop there before people get more worried than they probably already are...

My apologies...

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
Togs said:
Wrong, theres no other word for it.
I take it you mean about my "The cannibals we know are mainly fiction" statement.
That's toward the way they're portrayed. They don't eat absolutely everyone they find in a big pot, as films would have us believe.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
"Finish off your plate young man! You ordered it, now you eat it! Your dinner was morally expensive!"


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Count Igor said:
Togs said:
Wrong, theres no other word for it.
I take it you mean about my "The cannibals we know are mainly fiction" statement.
That's toward the way they're portrayed. They don't eat absolutely everyone they find in a big pot, as films would have us believe.
No I meant cannibalism itself


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Kipohippo said:
I think it should be legalized...

Think about that one a while.
Thought about it, and I gotta say I came up with more than I thought I would. On the one hand, cannibalism being legal doesn't mean it is now legal to KILL people to eat them. On the other hand, legalisation of cannibalism may lead to an increase in murder...but then again, surely if people were willing to break the law in the first place this shouldn't make much difference at all. Hmm. Very deep.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
Togs said:
Count Igor said:
Togs said:
Wrong, theres no other word for it.
I take it you mean about my "The cannibals we know are mainly fiction" statement.
That's toward the way they're portrayed. They don't eat absolutely everyone they find in a big pot, as films would have us believe.
No I meant cannibalism itself
Ah yes, sorry. Misunderstood what you meant.


New member
May 2, 2011
me must eat some humans......
no ...put down that shotgun

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
It's fucking digusting and I will murder anyone who does it if I meet them. I took that question well...


New member
Mar 19, 2009
The first two are wrong the other two are ok, animals can't consent so it seems kind of wrong, same as beastiality, The Native Americans did it as human sacrifice as far as I know also it was to members of other tribes, as for the two that I deem ok, you should do what you can to survive & if the person is dead then no one is harmed.

Da pyro man 999

New member
Aug 24, 2009
Well, when we tried to feed ground up sheep to sheep, they got scrapies. When we tried to feed groung up cows to cows, they got mad cow disease. So, i don't think it would be very good for us if we started to eat eachother.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I do know that people aren't supposed to eat people. It gives you the shakes. It can also make you into a monster of Inuit lore.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Count Igor said:
Basically, I'll narrow it down to a few questions.
What do you think about animals eating their own species? Edit: Sorry. Worded this badly. I meant us feeding animals their own species for cheap food?
What do you think of Cannibalistic tribes?
What do you think of eating an arm/leg/whole-person to survive?
Would you eat someone to survive?

But any thoughts on the topic are welcome. Those questions are just for help.
Oh, that's kind of gross. And according to the Simpsons it would cause a zombie apocalypse.

Not sure. Is it for food, or ritual?

To survive? If truly necessary, then it's fine.

As long as someone else cooked it for me. I mean, I don't think I could stick a knife in little Timmy from down the road and carve out a nice sandwhich, but if someone gave me a Timmy burger and I was starving, I could eat it.

Also, as a voraphile, I find this thread fascinating.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
The only question I find worthwhile to comtemplate upon is whether to eat with mustard or custard.
Yes, we taste awful, hence the condiments.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Eating human flesh in the long term as deleterious effects on the physical and mental state of human beings, it should be avoided. Plus, we probably taste like chicken anyway.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
I had to look up prion disease (this is when your brain becomes porous. It's basically mad cow disease) because I thought that cannibalism was the cause of it... looks like it isn't. But the disease has become associated with cannibalism due to the study of a cannibalistic tribe that had passed this disease around due through eating each other.

Cannibalism is still very unhealthy because any disease/illness the dead person had is fully transferable to you.

Exfil 22

New member
Apr 10, 2011
There is the problem of certain incurable brain diseases such as Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. These are almost impossible to transmit except through human cannibalism, and cannot be removed beforehand. Also, because they are genetic in nature and emerge late in life when inherited, detection would also be difficult. There would be a serious danger of epidemic.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I would never eat another human being except for pure survival. And then only if I knew how he died.