Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing


New member
Nov 5, 2008
My mom is indifferent so long as I don't spend to much money on games and my dad plays, Civilization 4, Quake and the Sam and Max Tell Tale games. I need to tell him about QuakeLive eventually.

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
My mom once took offense at me playing Heroes of Might and Magic III. She confiscated the game after watching one of the 2-d sprite battles. I was 12 at the time.


New member
May 10, 2008
My mum saw me playing Devil May Cry. She yelled "that's bloodthirsty!" I said "that's nothing" and put God of War on. Needless to say, she left me alone when I bought Resident Evil 4.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
orannis62 said:
SmilingKitsune said:
My parents have always been immpressed by, but completely uninterested in games, they can appreciate the glory that is Fallout 3, but they'd never want to play it themselves.
Same here. My mom would never play it, but I've explained and showed her The Path, and we've actually had an in-depth discussion about it.
Dok Zombie said:
I bloody hate how parents have that habit of wanting to talk to you just as the final cutscene of a game starts. I've spent weeks completing this thing, kindly shut up so I can see how it ends!

Pausable cutscenes should be a legal requirement.
That's one reason I'm glad I have a 360; wanna pause a cutscene, hit the Xbox Guide button.
Thats with every console

PSP simply turn it off or on hold
DS close the case
PS3 hit the PS button
PC Ctrl+Alt+Del
MAC (Something)
Wii hit the home button

thats mandotory


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
How do you parents react when they watch the game your playing ?

My parents don't seem to care or notice what happens when they watch me playing a game

When i play MGS4 my dad is only intrested in the cut scenes (I'd say because they tell a great story)

While if i play any FPS my parents see no interest mainly because they probaly don't understand whats going on in game but my Grandma Hates FPS see says it's because they make her dizzy.

But in Games like Burnout Paradise (where it's easy to notice whats going) it bothers me that they never make any commentry none on Graphics or how amazing something looked when i did it.

So My parents Overall view when they see me playing a Game

Is like they don't care at all or have no interest regardless of what happens in a game
but when it's something like a swear word then they end up wanting to know more about the game

Whats your Parents view on a Game they watched you Playing ?
My parents are gamers, so they always wanna know whats going on. I recently got DOW 2 and my Dad just asked if he could have a turn. So yeah my parents are always interested.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Haven't lived at home for quite some time so I can't really remember my paretns reactions to me playing games, except their concern over my fits of rage after getting beaten for the hundredth time by that fucking Spiky Tiger in Secret of Mana.
They do think my sister spends far too much time playing guild wars however.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
I was exploring the wastelands in Fallout 3, my mum came in and said 'that looks really boring'. Two minutes later I'd been attacked by a group of raiders and she said that 'that was more like it'. I had to explain the VATs system, and finished the last one of with an insanely gory headshot. She said nothing in return. She just left the room, muttering something to the effect that I'll never play that game in front of my younger brother.

My dad likes racing games, and shooting games such as Time Crisis (for the PS1). Everything else for him is boring.

At least both my understand when a games graphics are good. That's possibly the one thing they're good at noticing.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
My parents usually don't care all too much. My dad has tried to play Halo, but he can't quite get the controls, so he doesn't. One of the first game i bought was starcraft, and he was put off by the face of Kerrigan (sp?) on the cover of brood war. Oddly, though, my parents were more worried with me seeing nudity than graphic violence, which led to my dad and I "talking" after the FOX news story on Mass Effect.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
All games I play are, according to my mother 'That stupid japanese game,' 'That stupid lego game,' and 'That stupid super-heroes game, where all you do is fly around,' and so on
And don't get me started on MMORPGs- "No mother, I can't just pause it!!"
She hasn't played proper games since Tomb Raider 3. She complained last night that I haven't played Tomb Raider Underworld that she got for me. She went against my rule of not buying games at full price...

However, she doesn't say much about Half Life 2. Perhaps she was impressed...


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Jharry5 said:
At least both my understand when a games graphics are good. That's possibly the one thing they're good at noticing.
It would be more better if parents knew the technical achievement in making a game look this good


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
my mom only had a problem with two games I played.

She made me return Mortal Kombat 3, because of the blood

And she made me destroy Diablo 1, because of the pentagrams

Fast Forward a few years, she's been a gamer since FFX, she doesn't give a crap.. My dad's experiences with gaming was some Street Fighter 2 back in the day, nowadays, he's to games as a fish is to a swingset.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
My mom when I started playing Madworld "This game is silly."
During the dungeon level "If you swing the wii remote down you throw him further"

When a Tank spawned in l4d. "Don't throw a molotov at it, the only thing worse then that would be that thing on fire"


New member
Mar 31, 2009
My Dad tends to be pretty interested in what I'm doing. When I play TF2, he actually provides me with commentary, it's pretty funny. He also plays CS:S but he kind of sucks because he only plays deathmatch gungame. The only thing my mom will say is "gross", or "that's disgusting" when there is any blood or gibs.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I would first like to point out that I have a nerdy-nerdy father, I am a second generation comic book and anime geek. My dad wasn't into games before my brother and I were but he has since played them with us from time to time.

So my dad has played Brawl, Rock Band (he always asks my brother and I if we'll play with him), Phoenix Wright, Melee, X-Men Legends, probably every Spider-man game that has been made, Trauma Center, Warioware and watched a bunch of others.

My mom on the other hand doesn't like games as much, it's not even close. She's played Trauma Center (being a nurse she thinks it's hilarious) and Rock Band (yes, my whole family plays Rock Band together, leave us alone.) Sometimes she objects to certain games and hates it when my brother spends too much time on X-Box Live, but for the most part she's indifferent to it.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
There are only two games that my parents have expressed negative opinions on: Grand Theft Auto, and the History Channel Civil War game.

My mother dislikes GTA. She trusts my brother and I to separate reality from fiction (enough to let my brother get GTA IV despite being 16 at the time), but doesn't like to see it played (this was the original cause of the Xbox being moved downstairs).

My dad told me that the History Channel Civil War game sucked, and that he was going to return it.

Aside from that, my parents are generally pro-games, and they even play a few themselves. Mom tends to be more relaxed - her favorite games are Roller Coaster Tycoon and Guitar Hero, though I have taught her Portal. Dad used to play Red Alert 2 and America's Army a lot. These days, he doesn't have the free time for games. He dislikes console controls. They don't like my brother or I to spend too much time gaming (particularly alone), but that's about the extent of it.

This probably has something to do with working in the software industry.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
My dad got me into gaming by providing such classics as commander keen, earthworm jim and worms... Sadly i think i destroyed gaming for him, because he has this small issue with losing, he can't cope with it as a result we only played mortal kombat once. I think the time i setup a network game of unreal tournament against him really was what broke his interest.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Mostly, they don't care. Sometimes my dad will play madden with me, but when I try to introduce an fps thats when the fun starts. Two joysticks?!?! He says confused and saddened.