Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing

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New member
Jul 9, 2008
paladinkratos said:
my mom will watch me play video games as if it were a movie. But my dad will actually play games. Mostly for the computer he plays command and conquer, starcraft, the warcraft series, tomb raider, doom, And FEAR
Yeah, your Dad really gets into them from what I've seen. That's good.
Flishiz said:
My mother used to loathe GTA for being a negative portrayal of women and Italians, until I actually showed her the damn game and she laughed her ass off.
Which is proof that the world needs to chill the fuck out and play some games. See if all wars don't come to a crashing halt because all world leaders are busy with GTA and CoD.


New member
Jun 3, 2008
My dad is fairly interested in the games I play, and he's a bit of a gamer himself (though he mostly sticks to the MX vs ATV and FIFA series) and he certainly pays attention to the graphics because he's a graphics junkie. As for my mom, she has no interest in the games I play, especially Silent Hill. She won't let me play it while she's in the room because it scares her. The strange thing is, she was the publisher of a horror magazine (ever heard of Dark Recesses?), and she used to write for the Horror Library... does anyone else find this a little contradictory?


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
I was playing Team Fortress 2 as a scout on 2Fort and when you play scout in 2fort on a 32 person server you die... and you die a whole lot... so my dad comes in and was like "What's the fun in this? You just run around and die."

Also whenever I play Gears of War 2 and someone gets exploded by a mortar my mom always walks in and tells me that it's disgusting.

The only game I got my dad interested in was Call of Duty: United Offensive and he played it for like a couple of months and didn't care anymore. I wish parents were more interested in stuff like that.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
my mum was the first one to complete all the tomb raider games (cept the new ones) in the family...
she's not bothered at all by what we play, she just wishes i didnt watch my cousin play resi evil when i was younger because she was afraid it would give me nightmares
ok i am probably more scared of the possibility of zombies now than i would've been if i'd stayed away, but i didnt get nightmares XD

although my dad just says "what a load of crap", then when we're not playing the PS2 he plays the football and golf games...


New member
Nov 21, 2007
They just told me not to yell when getting killed in CoD Modern Warefare


New member
Feb 22, 2009
yea me too with burnout paradise, there always saying "OOOOOoooooooOOo how pretty!!!" and then when i crash my car, the go "AHHHHHHH wat the hell did you do!!!!"

good times.....good times....


New member
Nov 9, 2008
My dad generally isn't interested in my games, because he only shares the war games and horror games with my brothers. He did kind of do a double-take and give me a weird look when he saw me fighting a pile of garbage in Mother 3, though...

My mom, when she finally catches up with my five-minute, comma-free explanation of the game's plot, characters, and every funny and/or freaky experience I've had while playing it, generally finds them all pretty nice, probably because I've never fought a monk with a giant parasite coming out of his head or (even when it comes to darker things), I always choose to save the poor mutated little girl or take down my enemies with a sniper rifle from five miles away.

The only game I can really say they've both commented on was when I had the Sims and would either spend hours building houses or doing creepy virtual recreations of our family and the people we knew...

Dad: "So, does this mean you're going into designin' houses, babe?" / "Oh, I'm not THAT bald- or grumpy- am I?"

Mom: "Can I have the green bedspread?" / "Aw, that looks just like your brother." <3


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Generally my dad has a single response to any game I ever play. It doesn't matter what game, Be it Warcraft III, Fallout 3, Oblivion, HL2, TF2, Command and Conquer 3--"There you go killing orcs again. Why don't you go outside?"
My mom has shown a passing interest in video games, but I tried to get her to play Portal and she spent five minutes running through the endless loop of two portals she'd created on opposite walls. After five minutes, she said, "I think I'm missing something important here."


New member
Mar 31, 2008
My mom didn't want me playing Mario because it was too "Bad attitude" and he said "in your face" too much. This was when I was 17.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Unlike most of the comments i've read here, my mom is the one who likes video games, while my dad is taking the "jack tompson" route...

and thats why I like visiting my mother more then my father! :p


New member
Mar 4, 2009
My mom sometimes sings along when my brother and I play rockband, or when i play America's Army she says: "You're killing iraqis again?". My dad likes to watch the cutscenes and some of the gameplay, but he used to play tekken with us since he likes martial arts.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
"Oh god, that's disgusting." Says my dad after blowing up a boomer i Left 4 Dead. My dad doesn't like games if they don't have at least a couple puzzles thrwn in. He views FPS games and Open World sandbox games as "pointless". Although a lot of his perspective changed when I showed him Portal and Bioshock. Hell, the whole family gathered aorund to watch me play Portal, right up until the end with GlaDos singing, they all laughed. Good Times. :)


New member
Dec 25, 2008
My dad doesn't play games, but he builds computers as a hobby and he likes to watch me play and see what's the next big graphical breakthrough or the next big publishers. My mom just cares that I have a Xbox controller in my hand a not a crack pipe.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
I rememeber my mom said she was worried I was a sociopath when she saw me playing Fallout 3 (I was killing Megaton). I had to explain that because nobody really had all that much depth in the game, I saw them as clouds of 1s and 0s, making killing them alright in my book.

Now that I look back at it, I could have said that it was just a video game, and had no bearing on who/what I am...


New member
Feb 7, 2009
My Mom gives a look that says: Why are you doing this? This stuff is a waste of time and monny. or What?

Iggy Rufflebar

Senior Member
Mar 26, 2008
My mum used to be a huge gamer when she was younger, I made her play some resi 5 a few days ago, she decided she was going to complete the entire game, thanks capcom for the forced co-op.

The next day she was playing it again with one of my mates over Xbox live.