Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Xvito said:
My parents are really picky, up until recently they wouldn't let me play violent games at all.

They still don't like it, when I'm playing Fallout 3; they always comment on how violent it is... So, not to piss off my mother; I tend to not brutally murder people while she's looking.
Same here it was hard enough to convince them to let me get it. Thankfully my um doesnt look but if she did she would be very annoyed my dad looks sometimes and when he does he doesnt like it but most of the time he leaves me alone.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
My mother hates games so I try not to play them around her, one interesting story is when I was when I was in a Dungeon in Guild Wars:EoTN with a friend. She told me to "Get off that and go study for your exams!" and I replied "For god sake woman! If I don't do this these poor dwarves will die?Do you WANT to be blamed for the end of the dwarven race?".

In retrospect she was right.


Elite Member
Nov 27, 2007
My parents don't say much when it comes to the games I play, my GF however got incredibly addicted to some of the Nintendo DS games I play, so now she's stolen my NDS and I can't play it anymore :(


New member
Apr 16, 2009
My mum doesn't care and my dad finds it hilarious when I run over people on GTA so no one in my house cares about how violent videogames are.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
The last game I played around my mom was Road Rash for the PS1. I rode my motorcycle over an old lady and jumped a police barricade. She was shocked to say the least.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
IsoNeko said:
My Mum thought Frank West was in her words "bonny" (Which means cute).
bonny means handsome ... which could mean cute too i guess so just ignore me haha

eh my parents dont care really

if im playing GT5 or Fifa it catches my dads eye for 5 or so mins infact when we were gettin GTA my dad would play it first to see if it was suitable for us since we were underaged was a big moment of my life turning 18 and being able to go get the game instead of havin to persuade my dad to come buy a game he could care less about

my mum however is harder to please but she was happier when i actually explained to her what the story was about and its not just a game that rewards killings ... misslead by what she heard on the news

but yeah they really dont care anymore


New member
Nov 2, 2008
I know my mom reacted adversely to the Resident Evil remake on Gamecube when it first came out, and I was able to convince both of them to play Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire and at least try out JSRF. Other than that, they pretty much leave the whole gaming thing alone unless its flight simulators (dad) or PC games like solitaire (mom). My mom loves Space Invaders, though.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
when ever I am bored and just wanna play a game to run around in I pick GTA IV and Assassins Creed
I am still with my dad, until Summer then I get my own place, and whenever I am playing something like this he stops to look on occasion and will say something like: "You need to slow that horse down, you are gonna hit those people... you can jump off? Aww look now they are gonna fight you.. You don't need to kill them.." or for GTA IV: car explosions, gunshots, and me cursing all at the same time; " why can't he have an office job?"
my mother was cool with all games
but they have both said at at least one point in time: "Now if you spent as much time studying as you did playing games..."


New member
Mar 10, 2009
My mom will usually sit next to or near me when I pay games. She said that she is interested in them and wants to watch me play. She usually makes funny comments about the games.

For Example: I was playing Fallout 3 and I showed her the MIRV and when I used it she laughed. So later on when a super mutant showed up I was using the flamer and she said "No don't kill it with that use the gun that made the big explosion." My moms Japanese so she saids everything with a slight accent. It was very funny.

My dad on the other hand could care less.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
The most i ever gat was "that looks good" about crysis and "that doesnt look very nice!" for L4d


New member
Feb 17, 2008
My parents have never cared, from when I first started playing games when I as 8. Now they have no reason to care because I'm far too old. Although my father will play pretty much any RTS I throw at him.

Sombra Negra

New member
Nov 4, 2008
RebelRising said:
While playing Grand Theft Auto IV, my Dad said, as I was driving through an exploding chain of cars and running over people,

"Drive carefully...oh, and shoot that cop through the windshield!"
You have an awesome dad.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
My parents like games too, but they do make fun of some ones I like. My dad hates when I play any Samurai or Dynasty Warrior game, but it annoys me how much hate he has for it. My grandma has the more traditional view of all the violent ones I play.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Sombra Negra said:
RebelRising said:
While playing Grand Theft Auto IV, my Dad said, as I was driving through an exploding chain of cars and running over people,

"Drive carefully...oh, and shoot that cop through the windshield!"
You have an awesome dad.
Indeed he is; he is not at all fazed by violence, rather, he enjoys it.

Want more proof? He wanted to try out VATS just so he could blow off a guy's head in visceral detail.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
My parents don't understand gaming. Except for some stuff on the Wii.

Up until I moved out to go to high school (a private boarding school) movies and games that had ANY language, or even the tiniest bit of violence over the level of Wind Waker (which is the only game we had at the time that I played) were "prohibited". My dad got pissed once because I downloaded the Jedi Knight 2 demo on MY OWN, laptop to see how much better it ran compared to our old machine....which is odd since the JKII violence is about as much as they have in WW.....He also took a Bond FPS game for the gamecube that I got as a christmas gift (from my Grandma no less!) and sold it on eBay because it was a shooter.

Fortunately I was introduced to GTA3 shortly after arriving at the boarding school and haven't turned back since. I always had to hide the higher rated games when I was at home, and once they moved up to the town the school was in it was difficult, but I got by. Now I live on my own and can do whatever the hell I want, so it's great. They know I game, but they finally figured out that they can't do anything about it.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Heh, neither of my parents are interested in games, which is a shame, i believe.

My mum let me play GTA Vice City when i was 4, so i don't think she objects to much, and she bought me GTA 4(technically shouldn't it be GTA 6?) last Christmas.

My dad jokes often about or imitates the explosion sounds in Halo 3.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
My mom doesn't like when I play violent games, but otherwise she doesn't really care. My dad will watch for a little while and go "pew pew pew" when I'm shooting things, but he doesn't care much either.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
My da watches me play sometimes and comments on the graphics and such and my ma just sorta leaves me alone when I'm gaming...usually. Neither of them really care about the games I play.