Your teleported to your worst nightmare, you can take ONE video game character as a companion...

Faux Furry

New member
Apr 19, 2011
If player generated characters don't count (any end-game character from the Elder Scrolls series would suffice), then I'd probably pick Inspector Carmelita Fox to be my partner in braving the worst nightmare.

A combination of Capable, Cute and Clever (though not quite up to the task of getting Sly Cooper unless he wants to be gotten)would go a long way towards making the nightmare a whole lot less unpleasant.
That she has a gun and she isn't some kind of sociopath or a hero operating in some serious shades of grey who might, under some circumstance, turn said gun on me also help make her a good choice.
I could probably even convince her to do all of the work for me For Great Justice or what have you, locking the nightmare creatures safely away in the deepest reaches of my sub-conscious mind once again...unless Sly Cooper finds his way in and frees them or something.

I'd also probably have picked Felicia from Dark Stalkers since she already fights nightmarish creatures with a smile on her face the entire time, but she might have a little too much fun goofing around rather than taking care of business.


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Well my nightmares are always lucid dreams ( and I know they are nightmares because 90% of the time there are massive amount of bugs everywhere. Oddly though the bugs are just THERE they do not interact with me. hmmm... hard choice.
Hardly, if ever do I receive physical harm in my nightmares, so I don't need protection. Although I am often running from something but it hasnt reached me yet.

I choose: Tanya from Red Alert. This OP woman can kill tanks with a pair of hand guns. HAND GUNS


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
One character? Easy. Nyarlathotep.

Nyarlathotep is present in the Persona games and, in fact, is the real-proper villain until P3. He is, effectively, all powerful and well-versed in nightmare. Whatever my worst nightmare is, which I can't properly identify in the first place, I have the bigger gun.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
z3rostr1fe said:
I'll bring Captain Anderson! Wooo!

I'm sorry, Captain Anderson, as in the Alliance officer who commanded the SR-1 Normandy before Shepard? THAT Anderson? Because, if so, that is an incredibly interesting choice...interesting indeed: he does have that ultra calm voice and a bit of cheeky roguishness...interesting indeed.

You know what, I am digging on that.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Foxblade618 said:
z3rostr1fe said:
I'll bring Captain Anderson! Wooo!

I'm sorry, Captain Anderson, as in the Alliance officer who commanded the SR-1 Normandy before Shepard? THAT Anderson? Because, if so, that is an incredibly interesting choice...interesting indeed: he does have that ultra calm voice and a bit of cheeky roguishness...interesting indeed.

You know what, I am digging on that.
+10 internets to you! :D

He's one badass guy, and I think I can learn from his experience in battle. After all, you can make a life-size statue of him if you melted all the medals he has. :D

Tentickles said:
I choose: Tanya from Red Alert. This OP woman can kill tanks with a pair of hand guns. HAND GUNS
What era of Tanya? The old one or the new one? I liked the old one(maybe partly due to nostalgia), although the new one's hotter.

To clarify, i'm talking about RA2 and RA3 only, as it appears that RA1 also had a different Tanya. Oh, they'll go together nicely with Captain Anderson! :D


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Starkiller. Or Ezio.

Having said that, I could happily take Kratos, Master Chief, Freeman, Mercer, Batman, War. Or the birds from angry birds.

Or a creeper from minecraft- I doubt the nightmare creatures would want to kill me if their carefully built creations were being blown up.

Drummie666 said:
Number-14 said:
Alex Meecer... that's about it
I did. That's an incredibly bad idea. Do you WANT to get infected with the black light virus!?

OT: I would go with Samus, but seeing as how the nightmare involved her anyway, I'll go with somebody that wouldn't create a paradox.
I'll take Alcatraz. Ridiculously overpowered and quiet. And if he died, I could take the nanosuit!
And yeah, I'd happily be infected with the virus, the guy in prototype 2 is and it makes him a badass as well.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Anyone who can bring loved ones back from the dead?

I can't think of any specific hero's, prolly not a Final Fantasy character as they always have some stupid downside to coming back from the dead.

I dunno. But my nightmares (haven't really had one since about 16) always use to be about my family dying, so Kick Arse Super Soldier doesn't help out a lot.

Chocolate Mousse

New member
May 23, 2011
Definitely Albert Wesker. In fact, If i were ever to choose a VG character to be my wing-man and bro for life, it would be him.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
GameMaNiAC said:
MasTerHacK said:
Chuck Norris
You're supposed to pick a video game character.

OT: I'd probably take Duke Nukem with me, I'm ashamed to say it, as Forever wasn't that awesome. But Duke is.
Chuck Norris rules over everything... Expect a roundhouse kick to come your way some time soon...


New member
May 19, 2009

Would pretty much destroy anything. Just hope he doesn't run low on health and decide to eat me.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
I would take Jar Jar Binks. Someone has to do the honorable thing and sacrifice himself to get rid of this one.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I would take Caboose from RvB because he would "eat my unhappiness" (those who watch know the episode with that quote, somewhere in season 4 I believe). Once my unhappiness is gone, I wouldn't care that every surface was covered in spiders. I hope. :/