Your thoughts on... Nerd/Geek culture of today.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Secondhand Revenant said:
Zontar said:
It's like geek culture goes out of its way to make itself look bad.
The problem isn't geek culture doing anything. The problem is non-geeks going out of their way to try and make geek culture look bad.
Do you have any evidence of this?


Evidence that those involved are non-geeks?

Evidence that their motive is to try and make geek culture look bad?
Well for one perfect example there's the "white male terrorist problem in tabletop gaming" smear job that's as laughably bad as it is ludicrous.

That's just what I could find within links to tabs I already had open for other materials (I'm looking through the guy's videos for his 40k related material). I didn't even need to spend 20 seconds looking this up.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
Pluvia said:
Josh123914 said:
Pluvia if you seriously think that, then you genuinely haven't listened to a word half this forum has been saying for the better part of the last two years. I'll let that speak for itself.
Unfortunately Josh a lot of us were here for the beginning and saw everything that happened. There's a way to make a point and it's not creating a campaign that spawned from getting upset that a woman might have slept with people. It'd be disingenuous to pretend it happened because of some noble cause or great injustice.
I was also here at the beginning Pluvia. Sadly we're going to have to agree to disagree on what was important then, to me you're omitting vital info.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Pluvia said:
It's sexist to say gamers were upset because a woman slept with someone? Jesus. That makes about as much sense as that guy that told me it's homophobic to criticise anything Milo has said.
No, it's sexist because it's a misrepresentation of the issue where you're pretending that the problem was men took issue with a woman having sex, not the fact that it has conflict of interest that came form the MEN who had sex with her without disclosing their relationship to her.
-Snip- (Majority is more right than Blizzard)
A the good old majority is always right. A classic.
It's actually more along the line of unanimity. But that ignores the point that man AND women who are fans an paying customers of Blizzard had a problem with the pose being removed on principle, removed because a single man took issue with it on behalf of women (by his own admission) that was to remove a pose that not even a jaded conservative puritan could really argue there is a problem with.

There's really no way to defend Blizzard's action there. Which is probably why pretty much no one tried to do so, though I'm not sure if it's because the progressive press actually realized Blizzard screwed up or the fact that siding with Blizzard would demonstrate their being sex negative.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Pluvia said:
"Misrepresenting" an issue is now sexist?
Inherently misrepresenting an issue isn't sexist, but doing so in a way that tries to make men look like they are doing so for sexist motivations is.

Anyway I quickly went back to the look at the original thread and had a good laugh about how furious people are at her sleeping with people
Oh boy, 6 examples for the third longest thread in the history of this site. That's like a whopping 0.001% of posts.

Ah the good old "The majority is always right", with some strange sex stuff thrown in and mentioning his daughter being "taken issue with it on behalf of women".
We aren't talking about a majority here, we're talking quite literally (with literal being used in its proper form) 99% here. This isn't "majority is right", this is "those who disagree statistically aren't enough to be considered".

And I see you actually did seem to have read the single post which caused all this. Which begs the question why you seem to be the only other person on the internet who seems to agree with him. Unless you are him, but that seems unlikely. So we have 2 people vs. the virtual entirety of Blizzard's fanbase/consumer base. When doing the math, Blizzard is quote frankly insane, with no other words outside of those regarding a lack of intellect being an accurate description of their actions in that incident.

Thankfully (but not really) their taking down the guys running Vanilla WoW servers is such a spectacular fuck up on their part that most people have forgotten about it anyway.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Pluvia said:
The constant backwards views on women that seems to permeate throughout geek culture has only reinforced the image that a lot of it is made up of "man children" to those outside of it, and to a lot of people inside of it.
Ah yes, the "People have views I disagree with, therefore they must be men".

Seriously? That's pretty sexist, if you want to be some paragon of gender equality like you seem to try to be, perhaps you should look closer to home.

Even in the thread you're using to proclaim people of being sexist, nobody has made as big of a sexist generalization as you have just now.


New member
Feb 19, 2014
Nerd/geek culture has grown, it has gotten more vocal, it has been given their own dedicated platforms for communication, their interests are being mined by the major producers of main-stream culture (games, movies etc) which provides validation for them.

The larger size means that the demographic within the subculture who are not socially adept/abrasive has also grown larger, their new communication tools has made them more noticeable than before and they are willing+able to use them.

This paints a ridiculously skewed picture of what Geek/nerd culture actually is: Enthusiasts of all stripes. This skewed image is intensely marketable by media individuals who want something they can put up on headlines, the champions of this skewed image (those who are the loudest of the loud group) become celebrities by virtue of echo-chamber affirmation by those who are akin to them.

NONE of these things are surprising, and is more or less just human nature paired down to a section of the population who happens to like 'X' (where X is your average fandom/brand/dev/publisher/writer etc).

To answer the topic: I think geek/nerd culture is pretty radical, and is full of very nice and intensely creative people. We're just not good at depriving missplaced 'outrage culture' their megaphone.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Pluvia said:
Good thing that never happened then.
If you're making the claim you aren't implying them men who are geeks are inherently sexist against women and that that was the cause of GG, I'm afraid that is in fact exactly what happened.
But hey if all the original threads contradict what you say then I must be wrong eh.
Hey now, just because a few people took issue with a person having sex with 5 others while in a committed relationship doesn't change the objective fact that what drove the Quinspiracy wasn't the fact she had sex with other people, but the fact the gaming press as well as other sites (including 4chan and Reddit, which at the time was enough on its own to warrant hundreds of people looking into the matter). You know this already on top of it all.

Oh man, doubling down on the "The majority is always right"? I mean I love your commitment to that classic argument haha.
Is it really a majority when statistically those who wanted or supported it being removed don't even exist? I'm sorry, but when those supporting something are only a fraction of the margin of error and statistically do not exist, then the phrase "argument from majority" is disingenuous as it implies a minority large enough to constitute being worth mentioning even exists. This isn't argument from majority, this is argument from universality. It's like those who voted "yes" to joining Argentina in the Falklands.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Pluvia said:
Getting upset because a woman might have slept with people? Yeah that is sexist. You said that was intentionally misrepresenting, I say you're attempting historical revisionism and went to find the original threads to show what they said.
See here's the thing you seem to not understand: there's a difference between "upset a women slept with people" and "upset a women slept with people while in a committed relationship". The former is something very few people take issue with, the latter is one very few people don't take issue with. That's what happens when you live in a society that has had monogamy as the norm for so long we literally do not know how far back it started because it pre-dates our written and oral history.

You are painting this issue as if those who took exception to that are the taking issue with the former, when in reality it's the latter and the difference is so large it's disingenuous to even imply they are comparable.

"but the fact the gaming press as well as other sites"? But the fact they what? Didn't get outraged about TMZ nonsense of some nobody maybe sleeping with people?

How terrible. They should have been outraged about a women sleeping with people eh?
The fact they didn't get outraged wasn't the issue. You know this already.

The fact they didn't report on it (despite the fact that had it been a man they would have, and we know this because not a month before they literally did that) wasn't the issue. You know this already.

The fact a woman slept with people in itself isn't the issue. You know this already.

The fact that the person in question who slept with people who broke every rule of journalism by not disclosing their relationship while reporting on her work is the issue. You know this already.

The fact gaming sites, as well as Reddit and 4chan attempted systematic censorship of all discussion on the matter is what made this go from typical monthly gaming drama everyone forgets about into something people took legitimate interest in. You know this already.

We've done this song and dance already, you and I many times over the past two years and I've also seen you do it with others in that time. You can't pretend you don't know these facts when discussing them with people who know that you are aware of them. Unless you have a memory formation problem that you haven't told us about, there is no excuse for the constant need of these established facts to be repeated.

Oh the majority makes Blizzard's game? That's like, tripling down on "The majority is always right" hahaha. I'm going to be honest, I'm loving how much you've repeated that argument like it's a good one. No attempts to change it, just double down and hope it makes sense the fourth time haha.
The majority of people who buy Blizzard's games are, in fact, the ones who should be considered when making and changing a game. This isn't even Economics 101, this is Economics 100.

You may be complaining about the "majority is always right" argument, but the problem is this isn't a law being passed, it's economics, and in economics the majority is, in actuality, right, at least when it comes to who one caters their products to.

But then again it's disingenuous to call it a mere majority given it's in reality a near unanimity, with those who wanted or supported the change being so few they statistically do not exists.

When it comes to a company doing something related to its product(s) where on one side it's the near totality of their consumer base and on the other wise it's so few people that one hand can be used to count them with fingers to spear, you're god damn right that's a case of the majority is right, and those who think otherwise are the people who would in a meritocracy never rise high enough in the corporate ladder to ever be in a position to make such a call in the first place.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Moridin said:
Any of you know how the electron transport chain in your cells works? How about the magnetic coercivity of a material works, or how to calculate it? Do you know anything about fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, classical mechanics, cosmology or astronomy? Maybe you're into number theory, or statistics, or game theory? Are you working in rocketry, software, etc?

Or do you just play games like most of the world, and ***** online like most of the world? Find your own "culture".
I had no idea that only certain fields of knowledge counted. How bizarre.

Zontar said:
You are painting this issue as if those who took exception to that are the taking issue with the former, when in reality it's the latter and the difference is so large it's disingenuous to even imply they are comparable.
Frankly, when the "exception taken" concerns a complete stranger and then continues on for over a year, far beyond the point at which all relevant parties have been made aware, then it's still an example of ridiculous prurience. At this point, it does far more harm than good, and it serves only to make the episode more painful for all involved to have it constantly dragged out, endlessly, on a thousand internet forums by obsessive strangers.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Silvanus said:
Frankly, when the "exception taken" concerns a complete stranger and then continues on for over a year, far beyond the point at which all relevant parties have been made aware, then it's still an example of ridiculous prurience.
Well then it's a good thing it didn't continue for over a year given how it very quickly disappeared and was overshadowed by the questions of why such an inconsequential standard controversy of the week had attempts at systemic censorship committed by websites all over the place (including two which at the time would never have dared to do so with anything that wasn't illegal), and then the Gamers are Dead articles where posted and the Quinspiracy was dead once and for all.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Zontar said:
Well then it's a good thing it didn't continue for over a year given how it very quickly disappeared and was overshadowed by the questions of why such an inconsequential standard controversy of the week had attempts at systemic censorship committed by websites all over the place (including two which at the time would never have dared to do so with anything that wasn't illegal), and then the Gamers are Dead articles where posted and the Quinspiracy was dead once and for all.
Bollocks. It's still provoking prurient commentary on a daily basis-- you just condemned her yourself, one post ago.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Silvanus said:
Bollocks. It's still provoking prurient commentary on a daily basis-- you just condemned her yourself, one post ago.
Well it is the topic that was brought up by Pluvia in an attempt to pain GamerGate and nerds in general as misogynists who don't like the idea of women having sex with people. It's a little hard to counter a baseless accusation without making mention of it.

Plus with that low bar for what constitutes provoking commentary on something, it's hard to think of anything at all that has happened in the past 100 years that doesn't qualify. Setting the bar so low makes it meaningless.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Zontar said:
Well it is the topic that was brought up by Pluvia in an attempt to pain GamerGate and nerds in general as misogynists who don't like the idea of women having sex with people. It's a little hard to counter a baseless accusation without making mention of it.
You countered that accusation by asserting that the condemnation was valid, then? That proves his point, and mine.

Zontar said:
Plus with that low bar for what constitutes provoking commentary on something, it's hard to think of anything at all that has happened in the past 100 years that doesn't qualify. Setting the bar so low makes it meaningless.
Everything provokes some kind of commentary, obviously. This has been recurring endlessly on dozens of sites for over a year now. It's a stranger's private life. Leave it alone now.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
Moridin said:
Any of you know how the electron transport chain in your cells works?
Yes. Much of the rest, no.
Why are you shaming people that didn't get a STEM education?


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Silvanus said:
You countered that accusation by asserting that the condemnation was valid, then? That proves his point, and mine.
Quite the contrary, as it disproves Pluvia's assumption that taking issue with a person in a committed relationship who sleeps with others is the same as taking issue with someone who sleeps with others, and that because of the later is sexist the former must also be sexist. I didn't prove your point and neither I nor anyone else proves Pluvia's.
Everything provokes some kind of commentary, obviously. This has been recurring endlessly on dozens of sites for over a year now. It's a stranger's private life. Leave it alone now.
It's not a private life when that stranger goes out of their way to attempt to keep it in the limelight. The reason Quinn's name keeps coming up but not Greyson's isn't because of sexism, it's because Greyson kept his head down and his mouth shut when it was happening instead of going online, making an ass of himself, becoming a propagandist, oh and violating a person's rights with an illegal and unconstitutional gag order while simultaneously cyber-stalking that same person.

If it was just the sex, only the sex and nothing but the sex then she's be as old news as Dorito's Pope, a meme most gamer's don't even understand anymore. But that wasn't what happened and instead a terrible person did terrible things on a consistent basis and the internet, being the internet, didn't forget.

Here's a very, very easy way to be forgotten that everyone who is against GG seems to either not be willing to accept or simply can't understand: the easier and simplest (and realistically only) way to be forgotten by the internet is to stop, let time pass and go into obscurity. That's it. That's as of yet the only way we have learned to let the internet forget us. But because a lot of those who are big names who are against GG tend to suffer narcissistic personality disorder that isn't likely to happen any time soon.

Thankfully for Zoe though she hasn't done any high profile acts lately, and with the rise of pro-pedophilia op-ed writers at places like Salon the internet has others to focus its disgust at.