Your video game hot take(s) thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

I get where this person is coming from. A remake is fine, but it does not need to be overly expensive. I don't mind one or two remakes every once in awhile, if the game has not aged well, or is on a console that is hard to get or an expensive old copy of the game. Max Payne 1 and 2 you can find on pc, but as pointed out, Rockstar delisted the old Max Payne games and a lot of regions that are not the United States of America.

These remakes are safe bets, but they're always be new games to play. But most of those new stuff ain't worth crap. It's why I rarely ever bother with AAA stuff anymore. You want new stuff, go to the indie and AA market. That is where most of your new stuff are going instead of sequels, remakes, & "live services". Also, while Resident Evil has gotten remakes, the franchise still gets bonafide sequels. I know the writer is probably alluding to the Resident Evil 4 Remake, but it'll take a long minute before that comes out. Given the production troubles rumored about 6 months ago. Besides, Village it's practically a remake of RE4, but in first person and universal monsters style horror.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The modern Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (aside from Vanilla 3) does not have the worst ranking system, but it's not that good when you stop and think about it. To get the best ranks, you're not incentivized to vary up your attacks, but spam ultimate techniques, steel-on-bone for Razor's Edge, or both. Other than getting a high ranking, no awards are unlocked, aside from maybe some achievements/trophies. You don't get extra essence or anything unlike DMC. Ironically, Razor's Edge has the best ranking mechanic out of the three, because each fight and combat encounter you do is ranked based on how fast you completed and how much health you did not lose. With that said, RE's ranking system is not perfect either, but way more enjoyable by comparison. You know it's telling, when games such as No More Heroes III and Killer Is Dead have far better ranking systems by comparison or in isolation.

If a fourth game ever comes out the game needs a hard lock on function. It makes no sense from all three games, and their respective re-releases not to have one. The soft lock on function straight up sucks, and how anyone can defend it are blind fans or deliberately acting oblivious. It somewhat works, but it's annoying when Ryu or a playable lady aim or attack an enemy I did not want to attack. Yes, lock onto the demon on the stairwell, and not the demon lunging it's claws 3 ft. away from me!


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts the story of the series is not complicated it just commits a greater sin of being convulted. Stuff could be solved just fine if people in the Nomuraverse would just speak straight forward.

Also the Kingdom Hearts series is not stupid enough in my opinion. The Disney and Final Fantasy aspect feels off to the side to focus on the Nomuraverse aspect but it neeeds to embrace all the insanity.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts the story of the series is not complicated it just commits a greater sin of being convulted. Stuff could be solved just fine if people in the Nomuraverse would just speak straight forward.

Also the Kingdom Hearts series is not stupid enough in my opinion. The Disney and Final Fantasy aspect feels off to the side to focus on the Nomuraverse aspect but it neeeds to embrace all the insanity.
Yeah, was listening to a podcast of people talking about OG Kingdom Hearts and they started talking about how it's convoluted or how Ansem comes out of nowhere. Like... KH1 isn't complicated aside from trying to understand the ending with what Kingdom Hearts is or where Sora and co. ended up, before that it's pretty easy to follow and Ansem is set up right at the start as the cloaked figure and in his reports. All the real WTF stuff starts up with Chain of Memories yet people just get swept up in the memes and retroactively look at KH1 the same. And I don't mean that in a defensive way for KH1, just that people can shut their brains off when analyzing something and just go with whatever the majority opinion is, even if it doesn't fit, rather than develop their own opinions.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
While I see the appeal, I will never get invested in MMOs ever. It's a waste of my time, money, and energy, and I'm glad to be focused on just regular games without subscription models. Though if I ever decided to try one, it will always be Dungeon Fighter. WoW I never had any interest in. The art style is fine and has good moments, but I can think of plenty of the games that have better or more interesting visual fidelity. Even when taking every generation and update into account on the game.
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
While I see the appeal, I will never get invested in MMOs ever. It's a waste of my time, money, and energy, and I'm glad to be focused on just regular games without subscription models. Though if I ever decided to try one, it will always be Dungeon Fighter. WoW I never had any interest in. The art style is fine and has good moments, but I can think of plenty of the games that have better or more interesting visual fidelity. Even when taking every generation and update into account on the game.
The biggest barrier to MMOs for me was always the societal contracts. It always sounds like a chore to get the most out of them by interacting with other players and scheduling meet ups and organizing you party.


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
The biggest barrier to MMOs for me was always the societal contracts. It always sounds like a chore to get the most out of them by interacting with other players and scheduling meet ups and organizing you party.
Problems with MMOs for me is I want my game to end. I used to play here and there and be hyped for updates but if I look away for a while and come back the whole game changed and its like playing a bad game of catch. Now I am just at a point where her is this experience I will take it for what it is thanks for the time and move on to something else.

Plus the fact that so many games out there keeping my self to one just doesn't fly with me. Might be a mental mirror to my current issues with commitment.....


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Current wave in the indie and AA space is to make a game and have its combat system mirror the souls games. This is not my cup of tea but I understand why this wave is the zeitgest right now.

Personally my favorite indie era was taking the tower defense game and expanding its capabilites. This era gave me Ors Must Die, the under rated Iron Brigade from Double Fine and my all time best games Dungeon Defenders. And a special shout out to Monday Night Combats co op mode.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Current wave in the indie and AA space is to make a game and have its combat system mirror the souls games. This is not my cup of tea but I understand why this wave is the zeitgest right now.
You are not wrong but there are plenty of games from the AA and indie side that are doing their own thing, or doing a genre throwback. Even during the Tower Defense days, there were plenty of Indie Games doing their own thing. Not to mention all those 8 bit style (even though most of the time it's not true 8-bit or the games are obviously doing something that NES or Master System could not handle) platformers that came out and are still coming out today Honestly, I'm happy for the Indie scene during the late 2010s up until now, cuz we've been seeing so many different genres either brought back into the forefront again or taking off so well. I am loving this era because of the revitalization of the 2D brawler genre. It was a slow start, but once The Takeover and Streets of Rage 4 came out, we got styles of these games coming out of the woodwork. It is still happening!
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Problems with MMOs for me is I want my game to end. I used to play here and there and be hyped for updates but if I look away for a while and come back the whole game changed and its like playing a bad game of catch. Now I am just at a point where her is this experience I will take it for what it is thanks for the time and move on to something else.

Plus the fact that so many games out there keeping my self to one just doesn't fly with me. Might be a mental mirror to my current issues with commitment.....
That's kind of part of the full package of why I never got into them. Yes, keeping up with updates on MMO's can be a little bit of a hassle but it's usually something like every 6 months or something, right? If it was just about going back to a game with new content then that's one thing, but having to keep a group together and all that and constantly stay in contact and keep up with levels and abilities, yada yada yada, is overwhelming and cumbersome. You can't just stop playing and take it up again when you feel interested because keeping a group together requires constant attention. It's like gacha game dailies but you have to navigate real people and... interact with them!


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The modern Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (aside from Vanilla 3) does not have the worst ranking system, but it's not that good when you stop and think about it. To get the best ranks, you're not incentivized to vary up your attacks, but spam ultimate techniques, steel-on-bone for Razor's Edge, or both. Other than getting a high ranking, no awards are unlocked, aside from maybe some achievements/trophies. You don't get extra essence or anything unlike DMC. Ironically, Razor's Edge has the best ranking mechanic out of the three, because each fight and combat encounter you do is ranked based on how fast you completed and how much health you did not lose. With that said, RE's ranking system is not perfect either, but way more enjoyable by comparison. You know it's telling, when games such as No More Heroes III and Killer Is Dead have far better ranking systems by comparison or in isolation.
To add to this, I actually like the story elements in Ninja Gaiden 3. Don't get me wrong, the story is not good, but I appreciate the attempt of having the more focused story style of the NES games. Not a lot of parts of aged well, but at least they attempted to fix it in Razor's Edge. First by removing that narmy as hell "Don't kill me, mate!". Turning to Ryu in to a Kratos does not work. If I need a ninja action game that questions the heroes morality, Metal Gear Rising doesn't much better job, with or without the comparison, and actually takes those uncomfortable steps.

What I do like about Razor's Edge, is that Ryu is more emotive and has expressions just like the original NES games. The stoicism is still there, but much more laid back and not as double down like in the previous reboot games. Itagaki when way too far into the stoic badass territory. The only thing I wish is that they kept Josh Keaton from the second game, as Ryu's voice. I would have heavily preferred him over Troy Baker.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I know this isn't the hottest take out there but playing Elden Ring and watching videos about Souls games has gotten this back on my mind.

The Souls community can be really awesome. The Souls community also has a really obnoxious faction who are fucking obessed with the idea that there is ONE PROPER WAY to play any of these games and if you didn't play the way they think you should be playing, you really didn't play/beat the game and you're a fucking casual or something. Also the idea that anything FROM does that runs counter to their preferred playstyle will herald the doom of FROM and SOULS to them.

These include but not limited to:
-Using Magic.
-Using the terrain.
-Using poison.
-Using grenades.
-Using NPC summons/Spirit Ashes.
-Using Co-op.
-Using OP weapons.
-Using OP armor(haveldad, grass crest shield, etc)
-Using weapons the boss is weak to(Again, Poison,etc).

Keep in mind these are all things the game provides to help you play and win, but it feels like to some people that the "PROPER" souls experience is Solo, Melee, no magic, no AI help, No specing for boss weaknesses, etc and because that's the way they play, that's the only way to play and they get fucking mad if you're not doing it the same way because apparently no else else is allowed to have an easier time then they did. I've legit argued with people who said I was cheating myself out of the Souls experience because I "didn't see the bosses entire moveset", whatever the fuck that means.

In particular, it's been notable in the ER playbase where using Spirirt summons(especially the Mimic Tear) is some kind of goddamn heresy. Dude, I've been playing these games since DS1. I've beaten a great majority of the bosses(excluding DS2 because DS2 has a lot of BS extra bosses I don't fucking care about), Dark Souls 1 had a lot of boss encounters were it felt reasonable to take on a boss 1 vs 1 and feel like an amazing epic battle, but I'm long past the point where I'm really to call in help so I don't spend 8 hours bagning my head againest 1 of 100 fucking bosses/mini-bosses in this game because my reflexes just aren't fast enough to deal with thier crazy shit anymore and I'm gonna bring ever fucking edge I can. If that means rolling 4 deep with crazy bleed and rot weapons, that's what we're fucking doing. And honestly, I'm gonna admit, I like co-oping in these games. It feels a lot more interesting to try to work with some random guy on some way to take down some fucking dragon in a way we both survive the encounter and see how the whole thing plays out.

Also, there's the whole thing where these games depict a world where everything has gone to shit, everyone is out to kill you(and notably only you), enemies get to pull whatever they want, but somehow only you are expected to act with "honor" by....not bringing friends, not using every tool in your toolbox, etc because....something something the poor boss AI can't handle 2 fucking targets something something you're not being fair to it(But it's okay if the Boss does it to you).
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I've legit argued with people who said I was cheating myself out of the Souls experience because I "didn't see the bosses entire moveset", whatever the fuck that means.
People like that are so utterly pathetic that they need to attach their sense of self-worth to beating a video game. And then of course they need to make themselves feel better by attacking others who "didn't do it right".


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Keep in mind these are all things the game provides to help you play and win, but it feels like to some people that the "PROPER" souls experience is Solo, Melee, no magic, no AI help, No specing for boss weaknesses, etc and because that's the way they play, that's the only way to play and they get fucking mad if you're not doing it the same way because apparently no else else is allowed to have an easier time then they did. I've legit argued with people who said I was cheating myself out of the Souls experience because I "didn't see the bosses entire moveset", whatever the fuck that means.
Congrats, you just described the toxic parts of the Ninja Gaiden fan base, and the Devil May Cry fan base! Ignore the assholes, and play your way!

Speaking of which, censorship aside, I prefer Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 over the 360 release any day of the week. Suck it, hardcore NG diffculty nerds!