Your video game hot take(s) thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Of the classic Konami TMNT Brawlers, my list goes like this:
  1. Turtles in Time (SNES)
  2. Manhattan Project - This one has better level design, stage variety, and the most enemy and boss variety of the classic games.
  3. Hyperstone Heist - The reason why it's higher is because of better and balanced gameplay. HH does have the better soundtrack over its SNES counterpart and is closer to its Arcade version.
  4. Turtles in Time (Arcade)
  5. TMNT Arcade
  6. TMNT Arcade (NES)
Shedder's Revenge trumps all of these, obviously.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I pretty much agree with everyone about game length but I'm also someone who defends the length of the recent Assassins Creed games. I dunno, it all depends on what you're going into a game for, I guess.

I'm definitely not in a mood to deal with Big Open World these days, but moods change! Now that I've burned through all the small/indy games that interested me on GamePass, I'll be open to something big like Starfield or Assassins Creed: Whatever or Dragon Age 4 if they're good and I'll want 50 billion trillion hours of content for my $70.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Here we go...
Judging by the video thumbnail I’m guessing he just means the gore gross out factor. Yeah some of that shit I’ve seen is just juvenile shock value bs. Like at least with MK it’s so outlandish as it is that you know what to expect, but here you know they’re taking everything completely seriously and want the player to as well. So seeing Joel’s eyeballs bug out of his head is just like…wow, maybe try having some fucking discretion you douchnozzles.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Judging by the video thumbnail I’m guessing he just means the gore gross out factor. Yeah some of that shit I’ve seen is just juvenile shock value bs. Like at least with MK it’s so outlandish as it is that you know what to expect, but here you know they’re taking everything completely seriously and want the player to as well. So seeing Joel’s eyeballs bug out of his head is just like…wow, maybe try having some fucking discretion you douchnozzles.
It's more of a joke video poking fun of people so focused on graphics, that they'll get upset about one little tiny, microscopic, mistake. You know, the dumb stuff, like puddle gate from Spider-Man. He still does have an important message towards the end where he actually does get serious once he finishes with the joke rant. The gaming industry's obsession with graphics, and how you have graphic whores that go super overboard and cry, because everything is not perfect to their vision.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
It's more of a joke video poking fun of people so focused on graphics, that they'll get upset about one little tiny, microscopic, mistake. You know, the dumb stuff, like puddle gate from Spider-Man. He still does have an important message towards the end where he actually does get serious once he finishes with a joke ran. The industries obsession with graphics, and how you have graphic whores that go super overboard and cry because everything is not perfect to their vision.
The whole thing probably springs from one primary source: The infamous "downgrade" of Watch_Dogs. While the gaming community's fixation on graphics to the microscopic scale is ridiculous, certainly, the industry's concurrent focus on them uber alles means that taking away promised graphical fidelity- especially in an underhanded way- comes across as false advertising.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The whole thing probably springs from one primary source: The infamous "downgrade" of Watch_Dogs. While the gaming community's fixation on graphics to the microscopic scale is ridiculous, certainly, the industry's concurrent focus on them uber alles means that taking away promised graphical fidelity- especially in an underhanded way- comes across as false advertising.
Sterling mentions this at the end of the video.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

11 years ago, I thought this was weird hot take, but the guy had some points. Bayonetta is the game with better level design, enemy roster, and most bosses than DMC4, but ages bad with the obnoxious insta-death QTEs or scripted sequences going on for too long. Nowadays, I rarely bother with a playthrough of the first game. DMC4 does have better combat, but always been the case. Bayonetta does have complex combat, but was always intended to have more a streamlined approach. Bayonetta 2 takes this approach even further. The sequel pretty much spoiled me from going back to the first game as much. Better level design, better story and developed lore, better weapons (I miss Sai-Fung so bad!), even more bonuses that are easier and not obtuse to unlock, and the best replay value ever!

DMC4's other problems are most of the puzzles suck, bonuses are lacking (DMC4: SE fixes that), and certain levels are not that fun to play on another run. The original PC release of 4 did start the Legendary Dark Knight Mode, so it's something. More could have been done had the game not been held back console hardware, nor rushed to meet demand.

Vanilla_DMC4 you can't get me touch much at all, because of the Special Editon on 8th gen consoles or PC, and DMC5. The original iteration became obsolete, and I only keep my copy, because of legacy. The same can be said for Vanilla_DmC (2013), but I never bought the game until Definitive Edition for a good reason. I do appreciate the lack of QTEs from either games. Though Nero's grab finishers a technically optional action commands without the (B/[O]) button prompt.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Ok folks, I'm calling it- video games nostalgia has gone way out of hand.

I just heard there's going to be TWO Goldeneye re-whatevers, on different platforms with different features.
That's it, we're done folks, we did it, there's no more types of nostalgia to mine.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Ok folks, I'm calling it- video games nostalgia has gone way out of hand.

I just heard there's going to be TWO Goldeneye re-whatevers, on different platforms with different features.
That's it, we're done folks, we did it, there's no more types of nostalgia to mine.
But that's beauty of Nostalgia. You can mine it forever and then in 20 years this Nostalgia will be Nostalgia for the next generation and so on until the sun burns our little planet to a crispy chip.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That's it, we're done folks, we did it, there's no more types of nostalgia to mine.
Foolishness @Old_Hunter_77. Foolishness. There is always some type of nostalgia to mine. You know better. I am surprised they're doing two different versions of GoldenEye. I just know about the one on Switch. Where's the other one?


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Foolishness @Old_Hunter_77. Foolishness. There is always some type of nostalgia to mine. You know better. I am surprised they're doing two different versions of GoldenEye. I just know about the one on Switch. Where's the other one?
Xbox, I think? And one of them has online multiplayer and the other doesn't, but the other one has some fancier graphics and the other doesn't... I dunno man I got from SKillUp's weekly game news vid and he explained it and not all of it got through my give-a-shit filter.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Xbox, I think? And one of them has online multiplayer and the other doesn't, but the other one has some fancier graphics and the other doesn't... I dunno man I got from SKillUp's weekly game news vid and he explained it and not all of it got through my give-a-shit filter.
The Switch version has online multiplayer too. It was announced in the Nintendo Direct yesterday.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Judging by the video thumbnail I’m guessing he just means the gore gross out factor. Yeah some of that shit I’ve seen is just juvenile shock value bs. Like at least with MK it’s so outlandish as it is that you know what to expect, but here you know they’re taking everything completely seriously and want the player to as well. So seeing Joel’s eyeballs bug out of his head is just like…wow, maybe try having some fucking discretion you douchnozzles.
Well, I mean... you're playing a zombie game where in the first 15 minutes you will already have been exposed to a zombie scratching a dude to death in a car. Having a zombie the size of a bear do an equivalent amount of damage to the player character is rather fitting.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Well, I mean... you're playing a zombie game where in the first 15 minutes you will already have been exposed to a zombie scratching a dude to death in a car. Having a zombie the size of a bear do an equivalent amount of damage to the player character is rather fitting.
It’s just…some of it feels like gore for gore’s sake. Like most of the stuff in Hostel is shown that way because that’s all the movie has going for it is shock value, but for something like this game, do they really need the camera to focus on Joel’s eyeballs going all looney-tooney out of their bloody sockets in the most gruesome way possible? It’s something that a bad player might be seeing over and over again….ugh.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It’s just…some of it feels like gore for gore’s sake. Like most of the stuff in Hostel is shown that way because that’s all the movie has going for it is shock value, but for something like this game, do they really need the camera to focus on Joel’s eyeballs going all looney-tooney out of their bloody sockets in the most gruesome way possible? It’s something that a bad player might be seeing over and over again….ugh.
If it was they'd show it everytime Joel gets killed. They don't. The level of brutality of the player's death increases depending on how dangerous the enemy (zombie) is. Regular zombies will be shown beating you to death, Clickers munch out your neck, and Bloaters straight-up tear your face open. And with that last one it cuts to black right as the death gets truly gruesome to punctuate it - it leaves you with that final image of Joel's eye starting to bug-out, but never shows how truly gorey it actually gets. Sure, it gets gorey, but it doesn't revel in it. And by that point the player will have experienced and caused a fair bit of explicit violence themselves, so anyone that can't really stomach it will have probably called it quits already. Also, I think you can actually turn off the gore in this new version of the game.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
For those hoping Bayonetta 3 gets on Switch Emulator so it can run "proper" and be at "4K 240FPS OMG!", I don't give a damn. The game will run fine on Switch. This is Platinum you're talking about. All I need is 1080p/720p at 60fps. Y'all get the emulated version, and I have 0 problems with it, but don't be bragging dickholes to people buying the actual copies.

I find Wesker more entertaining and engaging villain in RE5 over the villains in RE4 or RE6. "The Right To Become a God" is truly Shakesperean and is one of my favorite scenes in the game.

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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
For those hoping Bayonetta 3 gets on Switch Emulator so it can run "proper" and be at "4K 240FPS OMG!", I don't give a damn.
Meh, that's really only possible on replays. I mean, it's technically running at 4k240, but it won't feel like it the first time around because of the frequent stutters, since you haven't built up a shader cache yet. Tho this differs from game to game, some are more prone to shader compilation stutter than others.

Also, I'm guessing Bayo 3 will be 720p60 on Switch, for the most part hitting that while docked with occasional dips in effect heavy scenes, and performing a little less in portable mode. Mostly because that's how Bayo 2 ran, and I'm assuming Platinum is aiming for similar performance. Tho it's possible that they could eke out a little more, since they're not porting from a different system and have more experience developing for Switch.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Meh, that's really only possible on replays. I mean, it's technically running at 4k240, but it won't feel like it the first time around because of the frequent stutters, since you haven't built up a shader cache yet. Tho this differs from game to game, some are more prone to shader compilation stutter than others.

Also, I'm guessing Bayo 3 will be 720p60 on Switch, for the most part hitting that while docked with occasional dips in effect heavy scenes, and performing a little less in portable mode. Mostly because that's how Bayo 2 ran, and I'm assuming Platinum is aiming for similar performance. Tho it's possible that they could eke out a little more, since they're not porting from a different system and have more experience developing for Switch.
Bayonetta 2 ran buttery smooth on the Switch compared to the Wii U. The game rarely ever had any frame rate drops, unlike the original version. So I'm more than trust Platinum enough.
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