A few things I'll give DmC (2013) over Bayonetta 1 and Bayonetta 3, are no insta-death QTE bullshit, and much better level design pacing respectively. Bayonetta 1 suffers cheap deaths you're not going to know your first time through, unless you saw a video or have not touched the game in a long time. Ruining your no death run, because you didn't press the QTE fast enough or not the right way is complete bullshit.
Bayonetta 3 may have bigger levels, but this kills the pacing hard. Especially when you find out that this game was going to be open world at one point, and Nintendo told Platinum to down size. Nintendo should gave told them to down size further, because by mid to late game, the areas are too big, too empty, and most players will get frustrated and won't bother with the non-critical paths or do only the few they need. DmC's level design is very linear, and doesn't leave room for much bactracking, but the levels are as long as they need to be, and none of them outstay their welcome, aside from the beginning of the Slurm factory, and the first part of Mission 12. They're air tight.
This is even weirder on Platinum's end, because they perfected level length and pacing in Bayonetta 2. Which I still consider the best of the franchise and nearly nails everything down to perfection. The worst I can say about Bayonetta 2 is that Cereza's power is nerfed in gameplay, because they want the player to use Umbran Climax. Compared to the first game where you she could knock off even an elite mook's health bar with her P-P-K-K-K (mash button) combo. Her basic bread and butter. Unlockable characters Jeanne and Rosa don't have this issue.