Your Waifu.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
TeeBs said:
Its been a while since I've been on the escapist, I don't remember the forums being so anal about this stuff.

Its for fun guys, if you don't have a waifu you don't have to post. Its harmless fun.

Also for the topic at hand

Since we are already talking about pony waifus Rainbow Dash.

Human Waifu, I would probably pick...
Meh, I prefer


New member
Aug 6, 2008
I don't watch anime so Western animation it is!

It has just occurred to me that they're both blue and they both have more or less the same hairstyle. Perhaps there's a pattern here.

Red Albatross

New member
Jun 11, 2009
Aw jeez, not this shit again. Lighten up, guys, it's a thought exercise.

OT: Ashley Williams. I'd clean her assault rifle any day.


New member
May 26, 2011
gabmed said:
Tirunus said:
I do not have one because I am not a loser.
I'm happy for being a loser. You?

I actually don't care about the definition of "Loser" and "winner", because it implies that life is just a game.

Which is not. I love my life, and I'm not either losing or winning in it.
Pfft, haters gon' hate, my friend. Keep on rollin', good sir. The naysayers can eat a d*** and so on. Of course, I'm saying this with as much respect as possible.

Anyway, sure I got a waifu - actually that should be plural, since there are so many. But honestly, I'm not the type to crush on a person, real or fictitious. If I find a chick hot - regardless of whether she's flesh and bones or just ink/lead on paper - I just want to plow her. And, by God, if that's wrong, I don't want to be right.


New member
Jul 2, 2011
Lord Beautiful said:
Daria Morgendorffer

I she were real, I would marry that woman.
Holy crap.. Yes, this!

Abandon4093 said:
Catolf said:
Abandon4093 said:
I suppose, to an extent, yes. But freaking cartoon ponies? I actually struggle to think of anyone I'd like to fuck out of fiction. I just don't catalogue that type of stuff.

I'm sorry, but some of the things I read in this, it seems pretty..... I probably can't even carry on here without risking a suspension. So I'm just gonna back out and say 'different strokes for different blokes.'

There are plenty of characters I'd love to talk to etc. I mean, that's why I play games, read books, watch films. Because I invest in the characters. But short of live action, I don't think I've ever thought sexually about anything.
It's the best way to take it. I don't think they said they are sexually attracted to them though XP Just that they would love them for a waifu. I'm not really into MLP:FIM but i'm not gunna bother to judge, we all have our quirks after all.
If you edit a quote into an already existing post, the person you quote doesn't get the message. I know you were just trying to save space. But people won't know you've responded if you edit in a quote.

And I know, but at some point. We really should be allowed to comment on the bizarreness of a situation.

And a waifu is a weebo term for a character that you want to marry. I think sexual attraction is implied.
Okay I'll make note of not editing.

Though I really wish the word "weebo" would die out. XP

But no, you'd like to marry them, your not planning a romantic evening, it's in the end very much like a saying, I could say I want to marry Sesshomaru from inuyasha but I'm not gunna sit and think about our romantic evenings or something.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Mai Waifu:

She's far sexier than Keira Knightley, despite having terrible hygiene and the worst case of crabs in cinematic history. What happened to her character in the third film still makes me rage.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
I'll go with Alastair from Dragon Age Origins or Tycho from Penny Arcade (voiced by the guy who voiced him in Poker Night at the Inventory - so hot.) At this point in my life I haven't figured out if I prefer guys with a cutesy sense of humour or a toxic one, but I know I like them funny with a smooth, sexy voice...


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Jarrid said:
XelaisPWN said:
Marik2 said:
Is that Twilight Sparkle or Stocking?
No horn, skin isn't purple, so I'm thinking Stocking...

Marik2 said:
Stocking but lets face it thats the closets thing you're gonna get to a humanized twilight sparkle.

And I demand to know if twilight was influenced by stocking.

Bookworm that can do magic versus goth girl with a sweettooth, two katana that she wears and a bondage fetish... outside of their hair looking similar, I don't see what they have in common.
Well last time I checked humans didnt have horns nor purple skin :p

Only thing that be the same would be the hair, but hey its better than nothing imo.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Jarrid said:
Marik2 said:
Jarrid said:
No horn, skin isn't purple, so I'm thinking Stocking...

Marik2 said:
Stocking but lets face it thats the closets thing you're gonna get to a humanized twilight sparkle.

And I demand to know if twilight was influenced by stocking.

Bookworm that can do magic versus goth girl with a sweettooth, two katana that she wears and a bondage fetish... outside of their hair looking similar, I don't see what they have in common.
Well last time I checked humans didnt have horns nor purple skin :p

Only thing that be the same would be the hair, but hey its better than nothing imo.
Well, if you wanna split hairs, Stocking isn't really human.
Yeah but she looks like one


New member
Jun 5, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?
pretty sure a pony is an intentionally bred minature horse ie shetland pony, the word for young horse is a foal.

So we all had a thing for saria right, or was that just me