"You're screwed" moments


New member
Apr 20, 2012
mario kart is when you can be a 1st place, and go to last because the bots got the blue shell. The biggest thing from that game is when paying slip screen with other friends, so when you are last within the groups. you have to switch with the 5th friend, and you have to wait for the match to be over.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Vault101 said:
ME3 towards the end...

HOW MANY BANSHEES??!! seriosuly how many??!
Basically. Especially when combined with the Brutes that showed up and the Reaper shooting at you while waiting for the missiles to be ready. I had to play that part a few times.

For my own: playing Age of Empires 2 when both of my AI teammates decide they don't want to be my friend anymore and sent their troops to attack at the same moment as all the rest of my enemies (in an 8 player game). I saw all of the armies marching towards my fortress and just turned the game off.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
That ringing that comes up the moment you realize a Care Package in MW3 Multiplayer is actually a decoy bomb.
I hate it when that happens.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Alpha Maeko said:
I've never fought a weapon before.

I start a battle with Ruby Weapon.

The ass handing begins.
he was easy. Of course i grinded all the way to lvl 95 and had everything but knights maxxed.
That was at 4 though.

Full health omnislash+mine=victory.

Bigger you're screwed is when emerald pops Aire Tam storm and you have 9 or more materia.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Didn't happen to me but I do have 1 recent relevant anecdote to which I was witness.

It happened in me3's multi, I had stumbled on a good group and we were acing the normal difficulty, so the lobby leader and his friend (both on mic) switched it up to hard figuring we could handle it.

First few waves went well, we had some nice teamwork and class synergy so blitzed through first half.
We could handle the odd duo of banshees mixed in with brutes and fodder, but when we hit lvl5 the game spawned a trio of them from the start and more came soon after.

It certainly didn't help that the map we randomed was that dark enclosed refinery with plenty of corners and close quarters fighting.

As lvl6 started, we were immediately assault by 4 banshees along with the standard complement of brutes and marauders. They completed routed us and we had to fall back, but were unsuccesful and got cut down 1 after the other till only the 4th was left, the salaran engineer.

He was one of the 2 friends on mic and here was his last words as he was hounded by the reaper forces:
"Multiple banshees! Problematic!"
*fires off 2 rocket launcher shots to kill 3 banshees*
*2 more appear*
*fires a shot to take them both out*
*3 more appear*
"Out of rockets to kill banshees with! Even more problematic!"

Guy said it in mordin voice too :) Shame you can't chat to others without mic in me3, those were fun peeps that even complimented my krogan (said he looked omnimous in the red light <3 )


New member
Mar 9, 2010

Coming in behind enemy bomber, lining up a perfect shot, just a couple more rounds and his engine's toast... THUNK! Oil splatters over the windshield, CHUNK! An object appears in front of you, and you realize it's your suddenly motionless propeller. You notice the notification to the side: Engine: Inoperable.

You: Oh crap.

Captcha: High-flyer

Not anymore.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Schadrach said:
This is a paraphrase (as I don't recall the exact phrasing from in game offhand), but it's close:

You eat the corpse of the grid bug.
Blech! That tastes terrible!
The corpse was poisonous.
The poison was fatal.
You have died.
Oh Nethack, every moment playing is an "I'm screwed" moment.

The pyrolisk stares intently at you
You feel very warm
your potions explode in your bag!
you are splashed with boiling potion and shards of glass!
you have died.
Would you like your possessions identified? [Y/N]


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Playing legend of grimrock and pulling a switch that suddenly lets a good number of monsters into the room and being surrounded.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Heimir said:
RustlessPotato said:
Counter Strike Source on cs_office. 4 teammates and I manage to go into the projector Room where the hostages are, because all the terrorrists rushed the front yard. When we try to save the hostages we realise or whole team was annihilated and there were 8 of them left. They had us pinned down so we decided to go in guns blazing. I was the only one left, managed to kill the last guy with a knife while he was reloading.

It was great.
That's more of a heroic moment then a "IM FUCKED!" moment.

OT: Planetside 1.

Taking a random tower on Oshur to see if we can provoke some enemy attention. After hack we move out and wait for whatever prey comes our way to go in to retake it. 2 ppl show up, 1 rexo and 1 agile. They enter the tower where as me and my mate go in and take'em out. My friends armed with an agile suit and a jackhammer. Im combat engineer with a handful of boomers(basicly remote charges). Some more of them show up, 1 MAXunit(Basicly power armor with big guns) and with 3-4 guys in tow show up. We're both experienced players and easily whipe out the 3 REXO suit guys before fighting a retreating battle up the tower vs the MAX. Got 1 remote charge on him on each level of the tower, the dumb shit kept walking around the corners tightly and was always close enough to take the full force of each charges explosion. He could've just taken a wide birth around and bullrushed us when we had nowhere else to go. So with the REXO down we take a look outside of the tower figuring they wouldn't send much more.

As I walk out I notice that the minimap is quite filled with red blips and blops. As I look out I see 2 Reavers staring at me and my friend, several heavy tanks 100m out with advancing troops on all flanks. 2 guys vs literally dozens of players(This is a small skirmish mind you). We realised that we were quite frankly fucked. Barely made into the tower again, my friend was hit by dozens of rockets from the Reaver aircraft and was pretty dead. I flee down the stairs to see if I can bug out via the spawntubes but instead meet 6 guys in the stairs and decide to just charge them guns ablazing a few cycler rounds and shotgun shells later i'm splattered allover the stairs.
Oh, right.

Gears of War 3 on Horde mode wave 35 with just my brother and I. We were doing very well when I ran out of Ammo, so i went to get some and when I turn a corned a can hear: "SMASH !" and then I died :p


New member
Mar 2, 2011
When I failstab (for some unknown reasons even to God) someone in the middle of 3-5 lvl 3 sentries. (Eternal Reward).

Or when my mom calls me with my full name.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Halo: Reach.

I was in a game of Infection or whatever.

I was last stander, I was in a little defendable area and killing all the zombies. I keep shooting to the left since my radar says they keep coming from there. I turn to the right, I see a flying zombie. I mutter the f word to myself and then I die, but I still have a HUUUUUUGE grin.

I hated the end but I loved the moment. :D


New member
Nov 9, 2010
- The last part of the Hades level in God of War I. When you realize you have to climb a tower with spinning blades...need I say more?

- The Loom chamber in God of War II, without a maxed-out health/mana bar on normal or higher difficulty level. I had to restart so many times that I after 2 days of constant failure had no choice but to go for the easy-mode.

- Every boss battle in the Seraphic Gate in Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. All of them are relentlessly hard, have über high stats, extremely high health, does amazingly much damage. The ones I hate the most must be Bloodbane, Gabriel Celeste, Iseria Queen and the Four Hamsters of Doom.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
- Fallout New Vegas: Dead Wind Cave.
- Killed most of other deathclaws with cunning use of stealthboys, mines, and an AMR I saved up for.
- Prepare elaborate trap for legendary deathclaw involving at least 14 plasma mines. and a timed bomb.
- Set off bait explosion.
- Other deathclaw in the same room runs out first and sets off almost all the traps.
- Ornery legendary deathclaw runs out afterward, perfectly healthy...


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Every time I was playing cod4 multi player and heard the click of the claymore half a second before it blows. Any multi player when you run into the entire enemy team or if they somehow are organized into a driving force and you're team is still tarding about.

Dark souls trying to back up and estus flask as they come rushing towards you most recently smough with the bathtub sized hammer electric hammer (a pity because one hit would have killed him - single player). Being grabbed by an ent, gaping dragon or jumping on by harpies. Being thrown/ knocked around by the iron golem and on two separate occasions Capra demon. Wish that game would stop wasting my bloody time and reveal the story it lacks and hides behind clunky controls bullshit instant kills and various other flavors of bullshit.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Playing Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, everything is going good. Some missions have been difficult and annoying sure, but nothing I couldn't handle with some patience and a calm attitude as I approached them. I reach the second to last level, the pirate themed 'Dead Men Tell no Tales'. This level has been plenty fun, I got to play a game of trashtalk with an old pirate. I got to hijack a pirateship for my own, I got to take to the seas where I could gleefully raid other ships for their loot. I begin to tackle to missions on the map.

-Hunted for treasure on an island. Check.
-Fought a deep sea monster that tried to drag my ship into the depths of the ocean. Check.

Oh here is a mission called Deep Sea Danger, I wonder what this is about? Cool first person swimming with a harpoon gun! Fun!

Wait... Whats that? Was that a shark? I mean I saw them hanging in the pirates bay with huge ass teeth with gore crusted on them but I thought that was for decoration! Well hopefully I just have to avoid them. Got the blast collars, had to swim like crazy a couple times from a shark but I've been able to keep my cool. Caught those little fish. Easy enough, those guys were out of sight of the sharks. Hopefully thats the end- WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO HUNT HAMMERHEAD SHARKS?!

I decided to take a shot at one, the very second it hits that thing whirls around and flies at me at mach 10 with it's jaws gnashing somehow with a fully rendered look of ferocity in it's eyes and all I can let out is a pathetic little 'Ahhhhhh...'

Screw you Bentley. SCREW. YOU.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
So this morning, I was playing Legend of Grimrock. I finished level five, and I descend the stairs to level 6. In front of me is a doorway into an open space, and a switch on the floor immediately in front of the doorway.

Now, they already pulled this on me, so I know what's going on. You step on the switch, the door closes behind you, and some monsters appear and kill you. I check to see if I can trigger the switch with some rocks. Nope.

So I save my game and step on it, prepared to kite around whatever appears. The door shuts behind me, and three giant spiders teleport in and pin me to the wall. Now, this is not the end of the world. Spiders are a pain in the ass, especially when they're hitting your back row characters, but they were introduced in level 3 and I've gained some power since then. The plan is still the same (kite them), I just have to kill one before I can do it.

So I kill one.

And that's when the ogre walked around the corner and smashed me into the wall.


New member
Mar 2, 2009

I am fighting a dragon, when he suddenly lands on a giants camp. After I kill it, I realize I ended up far too close to the camp and trying to absorb its soul makes the giants and mammoths attack me.

Also, once I was fighting a dragon in the mountains, when I discovered that I was close to a dragon priest tomb. During the fight, I somehow trigger him to wake up, so now both of them attack me at the same time...

fish iron4

New member
Dec 6, 2010
Any Mount and blade, If you riding a horse and someone manages to kill it there's a good 75% chance that your gonna end up surrounded by 5 different people all at once, I swear to go every time my horse dies suddenly people just magically appear to finish me off...