YouTube Issued Copyright Claims Against Miracle of Sound


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
So, can we just have people hired to do the copyright claims, instead of bots? I mean, come on, this is a major problem and I think the best way to go about this is to not piss people off. Yay!


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Antigonius said:
You can't. Justify. Laziness. At all. Everyone who's doing that should be ashamed of themselfs
As in, "Let the big corporations do whatever they want and fuck over people, that seems easier."?

You might be in a position where you're financially secure enough not to care when you're just randomly not paid for your work, but most people can't afford that.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Antigonius said:
The most funniest thing - Even if every lets player and guys who are getting flagged about copyright would be banned from Google, they all STILL would whine about it, like a bunch of spoiled children.

If you don't like it - move from there/don't use it. There's you're "ultimate" solution. Kinda getting tired from this *waaa, mean evil YouTube steals mah money, waaaaa*

Don't like new YouTube? Then don't use it, Jesus Crist - there are tons of other services all over the world.

P.S And if someone decides to comment on *There's no monetising on other services, bla-bla-bla*: You can't. Justify. Laziness. At all. Everyone who's doing that should be ashamed of themselfs
That was painful to read. My god. Ouch.

Youtube was quite happy to allow these lets players to earn them billions of dollars in revenue and attract millions of viewers to their site. Everyone partnered with Youtube (me included though I'm a musician not a let's player so I'm alright in this situation now) paid Youtube a large percentage of our ad revenue while building them an audience and making them filthy rich - now they're happy to let these same lets players/reviewers/commentators get shafted by copyright claims which are more often than not, not even legitimate and not wanted by the game publishers.

Tie your fingers together in future until you've researched the topic. It'll stop you spouting nonsense.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
That was painful to read. My god. Ouch.
It's posts like the ones that Antigonius made that seems to be every-so prevalent now, and really makes me sad that I'm an LPer that doesn't monetize, but will still be labeled a "spoiler child" or other things. It's rather sad how people who don't create content think it's as easy as snapping their fingers and then they can make a bunch of money. Never mind the large amount of time and work that people have to put into their channels to build a following. >.>
I find that ReviewTechUSA pretty much nailed it on the head with his video.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Antigonius said:
Google can buy Polaris, Angry Joe and rest 3 times and turn them into a fast food restaurant network by now.
I'd eat at Angry Joe's©? :p


It seems the solution is to use/create another video hosting site. Youtube is the monopoly we created. But I also think we can't escape it because it's in our nature.

This reminds me of the time(s) when people complain about the decline of certain industries in first world countries, and all the jobs being lost, but aren't willing to spend money on "Home Grown" products.

The solution to the problem has to start with us not Google.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
wulf3n said:
The solution to the problem has to start with us not Google.
The problem with that is Google has a monopoly over pretty much the entire internet. Ads that display on other sites, they are hosted and run through Google; most search engines are integrated with Google as well. It's pretty much impossible to not use Google in any way shape or form because Google in this day and age pretty much is the internet.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Antigonius said:
wulf3n said:
The solution to the problem has to start with us not Google.
Thank God at least someone understand my PoV (or maybe not...who knows).
Give it time. A few subscribers I follow on YT are looking into, or falling back on, Blip or other sites for their content now.

It's not a question about balls and having them, it's survival. If YT won't do it for them they will find another method.

If Google doesn't amend this in some passable way then people will move on, sooner or later.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Neronium said:
wulf3n said:
The solution to the problem has to start with us not Google.
The problem with that is Google has a monopoly over pretty much the entire internet. Ads that display on other sites, they are hosted and run through Google; most search engines are integrated with Google as well. It's pretty much impossible to not use Google in any way shape or form because Google in this day and age pretty much is the internet.
I'm not saying it would be easy [or doable for that matter] but the alternative of hoping Google change their practices because we complain enough is a lot less likely IMO.

O maestre

New member
Nov 19, 2008
Antigonius said:
O maestre said:
You must be a troll
No - If I was a troll - I would be a hell lot more carefull (like write from a name of some music corp, etc - that would be more funnier to read).

I'm just sick of people who are just yelling about it over and over. We get that the copyright system is ridiculous - I agree with that. MOS situation on this article is mind-crushingly stupid (and also lazy - every average programmer knows what is a white/black list and could probably made the official channels into it BEFORE the bot launch) and I agree (read - AGREE) with that.

But guess what ladies and gentlemen. Google. Doesn't. Care. Not sure if "at all", but pretty much don't. The new "GOOGLE+ or no commenting" situation showed it quite well. This new system is going to stay - like it or not. It may have some tweak here and there (like the white list) but it won't go. And there's nothing - I repeat - nothing, a simple user can do. Hell, I doubt that even major freedom fighters can - Google can buy Polaris, Angry Joe and rest 3 times and turn them into a fast food restaurant network by now.

I repeat (don't know why - tl;dr rule still stands) that I understand why are people angry (and understand why people are trying to have my mouth shut). But I still gonna say - "Don't like the new policy? Move on another service and don't be a crybaby".

O maestre said:
I feel sorry for MOM because of this ridiculous situation. I really hope that the internet community can stop being apathetic to this and punish Google through mass migration. But to be honest it seems like a crapshoot, at this point they seem as unavoidable as Microsoft, both in terms of software services and ad services.
My point, but....

MiracleOfSound said:
Youtube was quite happy to allow these lets players to earn them billions of dollars in revenue and attract millions of viewers to their site. Everyone partnered with Youtube (me included though I'm a musician not a let's player so I'm alright in this situation now) paid Youtube a large percentage of our ad revenue while building them an audience and making them filthy rich.
+ we all know no one is going to migrate. Most of the people don't have that much balls

Oh and yea - just because I have a different opinion then the rest of you have, doesn't automatically make me a troll.
Your opinion boiled down to "stop crying over loosing money on your work" Doesn't that seem like dickish thing to say,hence why I thought you were trolling. It is not fair that people should get ripped off for their work. How would you feel if your wages were withheld?

You call people lazy, but there is genuinely not a viable alternative for adrevenue as vast as google, they are too big to avoid, Adsense and Adwords along with their analytics(which even invades social media) for monitoring.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Want to hear something mind-numbingly stupid?

Gavin's own videos were taken down. The video I shot of his performance at this year's Expo? Not even touched. Granted, the audio isn't of the best quality, but it seems that YouTube's system is a world away from perfect.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Like with all companies, they bend over backwards to support the people to use their system because at that time, they needed us. But once they have succeeded and own a large portion of market share they begin to get greedy. They then see the people as needing them instead of the other way round.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Antigonius said:
Your point of view belittles those who would suffer legit financial problems for no fault of their own or any except that of the big dumb corp in charge who - like a few our fellow Escapists could mention - fails to see the real big picture or the true effect of what they THINK is a good idea when it really isn't. Because your opinion glosses over the suffering and injustice of others, the clear hypocrisy, and certainly the terrible mishandling at the source, that opinion is wrong. Because you think this is about lazy fucktards and not people just doing what they like for a living, you are wrong. Any case where a person ignores how a thing is painful to another without consideration or at least a little real sympathy is wrong.

Oh, and obviously I will not sell a torch or pitchfork to you either.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Well, I missed this one. This is just more proof that having automated systems dealing with people's livelihoods and fiddling around with the ad revenue income while its being resolved is broken beyond fucking belief.


Pinky's Brain

New member
Mar 2, 2011
MiracleOfSound said:
People just love throwing that line around, don't they.

Tunecore changed the terms & conditions of the arrangement in 12/12/13 without telling any of the artists.

They amended the terms & conditions without the knowledge of us, their customers. So please, spare us all your 'read your contract' line.
If they are allowed to unilaterally change conditions with only notification and no consent then you still signed a bloody bad contract. If not and you disagree with the new terms why not send them notice that they were wrong to do so and if they don't come to a reasonable new agreement with you you will seek legal aid?

As of the article all I'm hearing is that you are trying to get them remove individual copyright claims, not that you are trying to resolve your fundamental disputes with them which caused this mess.
And when Youtube allows third parties to claim any video they like, without having to prove they have the rights? You bet your ass they messed up.
You can send bogus DMCA takedown notices too ... this isn't really much of a problem. The moment this causes monetary damages/gains it becomes grounds for a lawsuit, so it's unlikely to be abused.

If you truly believe they have no legal right to claim the rights then you should send a letter to Youtube to that extent too ... if you have exclusive rights in that regard you might have enough content to register it on contentid yourself.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
This video does a really good job of talking about copyright law and YT's bot system.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

(link if embedding doesn't work )

OT: What crappy news to get before the holidays. I hope MOS hears something better soon.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
TheMadJack said:
Hey internet! We're still waiting for the next-gen YouTube! Get to it!
It exists. there are plenty of videosites, ranging from older than youtubes popularity and lets plays specific gameanyone to stuff like twitch that specializes in this stuff. There are plenty of sites like dailymotion, vimeo, ect for nongaming stuff. The problem is to make your viewers who only turn youtube once a week to see the video to move to another site, because if they are unaware/toostupid to see youtubes fault, they wont understand the move.

josemlopes said:
I dont really see the problem though, isnt he payed by The Escapist? The videos are still up, right? He just doesnt get money out of them, isnt that what it was like at the start except now he is working for The Escapist therefore getting paid by The Escapist?

EDIT: At least my understanding of how The Escapist used Youtube was to gather more viewers/fans for their own site (and get the money out of the ads on the site), not exactly to make money directly from Youtube
Escapist gets ad revenue for their videos on youtube.

RicoADF said:
He needs to sue google and the publisher for lost revenue, if they didn't have his permission then their liable for this huge fuck up
When you agree to youtube monetization you wave that right and thanks to how US treats EULAs as worth more than toilet paper - he cant.
Who he could sue is that CORE entity though.

Vzzdak said:
Well, there really need to be significant financial penalties for corporations, so that incompetent activities are discouraged. Otherwise, stupid decisions are simply shrugged off.
This right here is a huge problem. The system has turned from innocnt untill proven guilty to guilty untill proven innocent and wrong claimant never gets punished, so corporations like Nintendo can use infinite claim loop to stop everyone they want without any actual proof or reason. And they DO that. If we were to punish wrong claimants (like same 3 strikes rule that users have) then the corporate trolls would quickly be removed and we have a nicer enviroment.

Living_Brain said:
Goodbye YouTube, and hello Vimeo!
Sadly Vimeo does not accept game related videos.

Big_Willie_Styles said:
It seems like Google is just trying to kill YouTube at this point. They're trying to piss off their biggest moneymakers enough to leave. Makes no God damn sense.
To be honest it seems like google is trying to kill everything it has at this point.

loa said:
This ain't fun and games, this is peoples livelihood youtube is messing up here.
What they're doing is fraud and slander on a massive scale and they should be hit with a class action lawsuit.

I wonder to whom the ad revenues of all those fake claims go.
Wouldn't it be ironic if it was google?
If you read the article, it said that those revenue go to claimant, who then takes 20% of it for administration and should send the rest to the content owner, however as of last post here Gavin so far has recieved nothing.

schrodinger said:
Jesus fucking christ, this youtube content ID program is an abomination. Gavin has become another victim to this endless automated clusterfuck of a program, which Google seems to give zero shits about.
Original content creators like the developer of VVVVVV and Johnathan Blow are being affected and it's their own content!
Its funny how Google is doing this for 4 years now but shit hits the fan only when people that get ad revenue get hit. You create your content for free - noone cares that you get illegally blocked.

lacktheknack said:
OT: What WOULD it take to get copywrite rewritten for a modern context?
United effort of people without majority just sitting at home and "Waiting till its over". In other words - impossible. What you basically would ahve to do is either
A) a revolution
B) create official candidates who cannot be bribed (a feat in and of itself), elect them, and make sure they rewrite copyright laws and dont destroy the country in the process.

Antigonius said:
The most funniest thing - Even if every lets player and guys who are getting flagged about copyright would be banned from Google, they all STILL would whine about it, like a bunch of spoiled children.

If you don't like it - move from there/don't use it. There's you're "ultimate" solution. Kinda getting tired from this *waaa, mean evil YouTube steals mah money, waaaaa*

Don't like new YouTube? Then don't use it, Jesus Crist - there are tons of other services all over the world.

P.S And if someone decides to comment on *There's no monetising on other services, bla-bla-bla*: You can't. Justify. Laziness. At all. Everyone who's doing that should be ashamed of themselfs
Can you rephrase your point here because other than "dont like it leave it" it does not make sense. Also, dont like capitalism - leave it. Oh, wait, you cant, there is no place on earth that doesnt have it.

No, what we should do instead is dont like it - make it better.

Neronium said:
It's posts like the ones that Antigonius made that seems to be every-so prevalent now, and really makes me sad that I'm an LPer that doesn't monetize, but will still be labeled a "spoiler child" or other things. It's rather sad how people who don't create content think it's as easy as snapping their fingers and then they can make a bunch of money. Never mind the large amount of time and work that people have to put into their channels to build a following. >.>
They should try lets playing. No, really. I watched some lets plays and thought it would be fun to try making some myself (i never intended to monetize). so i just picked a mic, a game i never played and went with it. The result was so bad i deleted it before anyone else saw this.

wulf3n said:
The solution to the problem has to start with us not Google.
No. The solution is to make what google is doing - illegal. If we just move to another website the story will just repeat itself.

The Rogue Wolf said:
Want to hear something mind-numbingly stupid?

Gavin's own videos were taken down. The video I shot of his performance at this year's Expo? Not even touched. Granted, the audio isn't of the best quality, but it seems that YouTube's system is a world away from perfect.
Thats an old trick people use to trick the google bot. Alter the audio slightly and it will miss it.

Pinky said:
You can send bogus DMCA takedown notices too ... this isn't really much of a problem. The moment this causes monetary damages/gains it becomes grounds for a lawsuit, so it's unlikely to be abused.
Except that it is abused, daily, hundreds of times. and im not talking google only. DMCA takedown notices that shoft the burden of proof to the defendant are PURE EVIL.