I imagine the problem will mostly be that while you can always make weird creative solution to problem, there's always going to be one that work better than anything else and pretty quickly player will just constantly use the same one (ie, if most puzzle are traverse mechanic, making a bridge might end up the solution that's used every time). At that point, the flexibility of the system becomes more of an hindrance because the control aren't specialized enough to let the player quickly make a bridge, ending up with a lot of messing around in menu to just essentially make the same thing over and over.
It's like all those creative game where you watch video of player doing all kind of crazy over complicated build, but as a player yourself you get bored very quickly because there's no reason to and anything you make will be less interesting than the stuff you've seen player who can dedicate days to perfect their build.
The ur-Example of this is Minecraft. Sure you can build this Redstone nightmae contrapation that opens valves and swaps out magma blocks to make a water elevator.
You could also just put down 12 ladders or literally 12 blocks of dirt lol.
(And yeah, I'm the guy on Ark who has the fancy stables and drawbridges and gabled roofs next to all the 20x30 concrete boxes lol)
From what I've seen most of the puzzles are pretty baseline (which is fair, tis like a E for everyone thing I believe) and not eally stretching your brian out to figure out how to use the bits they gave you either.