Zero Punctuation: A Shadow's Tale

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
dex-dex said:
yeah Why does American always need to be freaking different?
sorcerer's stone? does america think their youth are too stupid to know what a philosopher was?
I remember being so confused when I heard America had done that. The publishers must have a very low opinion of their average citizen.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Great review,too bad the game has "Samey boring tedious interminable prosaic levels" else I would of given it a shot.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I wanted this... this has taken some of the wind out of those sails but I still want to give it a try. The review itself was funny with some good references and tits sprinkled throughout.


New member
May 28, 2009
So, apparantly there are more people with talking airconditioners than me, hurray.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ya this game is just a single neat concept stretched out till it barely holds together, if it was short and sweet it would be quite cool, as it is the entire thing is piss poor.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
The image of the little kid giving you the finger was actually a dutch kid, not one from the UK. But meh :)


New member
Apr 13, 2010
The malfunctioning air conditioner's subtitle at the end made me think of Eddie Izzard imitating a vacuum cleaner.

Good stuff Yahtzee. Thanks for warning me off this one.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
The first and until recently last time I heard about this was a brief article in an Nintendo magazine with the only point being made it that it reminded some of Ico... despite not all from the footage I've seen.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Srdjan Tanaskovic said:
....Why not go with Donkey Kong Country Returns if you want to review a Wii platformer?
He didn't want to review a platformer he wanted to review a recent release. Like for this year. Also he's kinda said his fill about first party nintendo games.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Y'know, I think this was a good concept badly executed. I think the main problem was that it was on the Wii instead of the Kinect. I'm not being an Ecksbawkz fanboy here, please hear me out.

From what I've gathered from this review (because I've never even heard of this game until now, so not much research into it, sorry) this is, more-or-less, a straightforward platformer title with a few (kind-of) puzzles thrown in.

Now, it's okay as it stands, I suppose, it's been done very well in the past, but maybe a complete rethink of the concept might help things and this is where the Kinect would come in handy as it's the only motion control system I know of out of the three that has the technology to pull off what I have in mind.

Basically, what I think might be fun is some kind of augmented reality going on. As you step to one side, up, down or whichever way you like, the "world" will change its angle as if you've moved to that particular place. You'd be the light source so, once you've found a decent vantage point various shadows will combine, split apart or change their shape, kind of like if you had a flashlight strapped to your head, allowing you to create different paths for your character to follow.

You could even move shadows while you character is standing on them, if you wanted, but the danger being that it might change shape and make your character fall to his/her death or that you might squish them into another shadow.

To control your character you would use hand gestures. So to walk you'd point in the direction you wish for your character to walk, to run you'd thrust it in that direction. To jump, you could point up and kind of thrust in that direction, to crouch do the opposite. Obviously there's a much more efficient way to control your character, I'm just giving a very basic (and flawed, I know) example.

Keeping my control example in mind, imagine if you were forced to multitask, would that be enough to create some interesting challenges? What if you had to use one hand to move another light source into place while the other did the direction for your character? What if you had to move some objects across, I dunno, a table or something, to turn a dead-end into an interesting path?

Obviously I'm just blathering on about something that will never happen, but I'm pretty sure there's some potential in the Kinect and, from what I've seen on the hack videos, it almost certainly has the capability to pull something like this off.

If you've made it this far, sorry for wasting your time with my nonsense.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I'd never even heard of this game. Although after seeing this review it makes me think of Blue Dragon which was clearly much better, 'cause in that game your shadow turned into a huge monster with superpowers.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I loved the small cat eared+whiskered Yahtzee at around the 4 minute mark! But overall a very chuckle-inducing review.
I know exactly what he means when it comes to puzzle games giving you two options of travel routes when it's usually a case of "Go down this path first and then this one afterwards" making choice nowt but an illusion!


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Zain Tison said:
man this sucks i dislike America too Yahtzee and im an American seems like alot of people in my country are pretty stupid about trying to be different all the time were the only ones without an energy plan all because were trying to be "original" and all about "freedom" the majority of people dont seem to even be aware of this kind of thing. and don't get me ranting on about our stupid international policies. The only reason i have friends who aren't retards like the majority of the public is because i grew up the smallest highest education and toughtest highschool in my state which isnt much to brag about since it was michigan and that was one of the rare towns uncontaminated by Detroit. It just means i go to the place that has American's with brains well half of them anyway.
Obviously your high school didn't teach you how to use a comma... or to write in complete sentences... or that "American's" is possessive and "Americans" is plural...

Also, isn't the U.K. at the same fault as the U.S. because the Japanese translation of the title is "Shadow Tower" or something along those lines?


New member
Sep 12, 2010
I was actually thinking about this game.... That being mostly because We haven't gotten shit since other M (I enjoyed it, screw off!!!)

that being said, this is pretty damn crushing that it turns out to be bottled crap...

-sigh- back into the abyss

Zain Tison

New member
Oct 28, 2010
djvWOODSTOCK said:
Zain Tison said:
man this sucks i dislike America too Yahtzee and im an American seems like alot of people in my country are pretty stupid about trying to be different all the time were the only ones without an energy plan all because were trying to be "original" and all about "freedom" the majority of people dont seem to even be aware of this kind of thing. and don't get me ranting on about our stupid international policies. The only reason i have friends who aren't retards like the majority of the public is because i grew up the smallest highest education and toughtest highschool in my state which isnt much to brag about since it was michigan and that was one of the rare towns uncontaminated by Detroit. It just means i go to the place that has American's with brains well half of them anyway.
Obviously your high school didn't teach you how to use a comma... or to write in complete sentences... or that "American's" is possessive and "Americans" is plural...

Also, isn't the U.K. at the same fault as the U.S. because the Japanese translation of the title is "Shadow Tower" or something along those lines?
It's The internet it doesn't matter if you use punctuation. But the American's thing was just a reflex.