Zero Punctuation: Alone in the Dark


New member
Mar 10, 2008
At the ending, when he summed up the game, it disturbed me.

I don't know why, but the word "spunk" really...errr...disturbs me o_O; *shudders*

Still great, my favorite one to date.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
My fiancee is playing this game right now. She deliberately went against Yahtzee on this one, but so far she's had the exact same complaints. Right now she's doing a driving sequence for about the 20th time while flying hellbats eat pieces of the car and her useless companion shouts out directions about four seconds after they would have been useful. Part of the problem is an obnoxious hintbox that tells her every time she restarts that she needs to drive fast or hit obstacles violently to shake the bats off, that prevents her from seeing several of the turns early on in the sequence so her car is already messed up before she gets halfway.
She ran through and restarted the sequence three times while I wrote this. no wonder finishing a chapter without skipping earns an achievement on the 360. The fact that there are a lot of gamekilling flaws like this has honestly killed any desire I have to play it, and I was willing to overlook the killer floor goo and ham-slice wound decals because what the game does have is a lot of great gameplay elements and is generally quite interesting enough to make up for those flaws. Other parts feel just plain broken.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Awesome vid Yahtzee ! Funny as always. I wonder, will you be reviewing rockband anytime soon? I would love to here your opinion on the whole plastic instrument band concept.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
This review is one of your better ones in awhile! No. No I do not. i reject your stupid arbitrary game play... that part with the visual of you kicking the TV had me dying.

and like many others mentioned the Terry/Gonad was great. Darn that Gonad he has to ruin everything....


New member
May 21, 2008
This Saved Yahtzee for me. His last few videos have been really bland and i was about to label this the same (bit above the recent blandness), but then my new favorite quote appeared
Yahtzee - No... No i do not. reject your stupid arbitrary game play


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Another funny, insightful review from everyone's favorite curmudgeonly Aussie gamer.

As for the intro music, it'll never grow on me, but I've resigned myself to it.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Lord_Seth said:
windfish said:
It's not to make more money - it's to avoid breaking two copyrights every Wednesday. And plus, the new music is perfectly fine. There is probably a way to still use the old songs and not break copyrights, but it probably involves a lot of paperwork, which is in a way MORE professional and boring. So this way we stay legal, we get some kickin' metal intro every week, and Zero Punctuation doesn't get shut down by Michael Jackson or whoever the hell owns all of the Classic Rock recordings these days.
I don't know...even if it's copyrighted, does just using like 5-10 seconds of it really count as infringement? I would think it falls under Fair Use...
Meh, international copyright law is complicated. Fair Use usually doesn't mean what [most people] think it means, as well. Anyway, Yahtzee said at the end of one of the vids that he prefers to avoid using copyrighted songs, so I'll believe him.

Doctor Panda

New member
Apr 17, 2008
Huzzah! I thought he'd been a little off lately, but that was fantastic. And i do sincerely hope that 'gonad syndrome' becomes common vernacular.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
well in my opinion the only genocide that should be alowed in this world is for the people like gonan which some incredible idiot must've created on spore.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Probably already been said, but he pulled off the same joke as CAD xD Sort of Ironic i guess. Anyway, great review :D


New member
Jun 16, 2008
oh and by the way i, like most others, miss the old credit music to no end. it gave each review a sense of individuality and personality, and something fun to look forward too-as the songs we're almost always relevant to the review somehow. not to mention that he had great taste in music. now it feels generic and sell-out-ish


New member
Jun 16, 2008
windfish said:
Lord_Seth said:
windfish said:
It's not to make more money - it's to avoid breaking two copyrights every Wednesday. And plus, the new music is perfectly fine. There is probably a way to still use the old songs and not break copyrights, but it probably involves a lot of paperwork, which is in a way MORE professional and boring. So this way we stay legal, we get some kickin' metal intro every week, and Zero Punctuation doesn't get shut down by Michael Jackson or whoever the hell owns all of the Classic Rock recordings these days.
I don't know...even if it's copyrighted, does just using like 5-10 seconds of it really count as infringement? I would think it falls under Fair Use...
Meh, international copyright law is complicated. Fair Use usually doesn't mean what [most people] think it means, as well. Anyway, Yahtzee said at the end of one of the vids that he prefers to avoid using copyrighted songs, so I'll believe him.

i think i can speak for most of the viewers when i say that it is still disappointing that the 2 weekly songs are absent. as i said elsewhere, they gave each review a bit of personality and were a fun addition to the review-especially seeing how the song he chose relates to the game review. idk. if its too much trouble for yahtzee then i guess the reviews dont suffer too much without them. its just nice is all. although i'd rather have the reviews keep coming and have this music then for production to be halted due to copyright lawsuits


New member
May 26, 2008
I hope he freaking reviews stalker already

I hear nothing but great things about that game, but i want to know just what the fuck its about before i buy it

some parts look scary ;~;

Also as for the songs, they do represent a pretty substantial legal infringement when he uses them.

Also i wish he would cut out that gay 'reel rolling' sound at the beginning of the videos, but these are not deal killers. I just hope some of those songs he has put in his videos aren't stuff he actually listens too on a regular basis *coughcoughGREENDAY*