Zero Punctuation: Condemned 2: Bloodshot


New member
Apr 9, 2008
One of the best yet. Made me laugh. And his points were all valid (I think), just like in no more heroes.
Yeah Fahrenheit got lame at the end.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Dectilon said:
"A cult did it!" is a tired plot device in itself
"A cult did it" was the final revelation of the first game.

If it was that much of a turnoff then anyone who played the first game should have never picked this one up. Not complain that the game was going great until the halfway point, where they reiterate and expand on _what they already told you_.


New member
Mar 15, 2008
"like a white-collar-worker with a bukkakeworld expenses account"

look, Yahtzee's a genius, we all know this but really I'm torn. I'm torn between the obvious greatness that is the Z.P.motormouth and the equal greatness that is The Chalkboard Warrior []. What's a citizen of planet truth to do?



New member
Feb 10, 2008
Oh good lord, I spit Vanilla Coke Zero onto my keyboard at the "Fucking Retarded DBZ super powers screen."

Oh yes. This one was the funniest since CoD 4, I dare say.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
NoPantsMan said:
I'll agree on the need to remain subtle, but as for keeping the plot unresolved...

No No No! Resolving plot points is a GOOD thing. You don't want games to end up with plots from the show Lost, do you? Do you really want your stories to RELY on unresolved, ambiguous plot points that get dragged out through the franchise till you're frustrated and pissed at the stupid resolution?

...then again maybe such a story will self destruct their franchise faster, thus forcing game developers to come up with more original stuff...GOOD! Disregard the above.
I find myself disagreeing with you. Cliff hangers are good to resolve, or details about main characters past or motivations are usually important...

But in atmospheric games, what you do not understand is always way more creepy. So a lot of times, you give your villain extra scare factor when you don't understand him. Who's scarier, the monster that you understand and can predict, or the monster that you know nothing about but is still an ever present problem for you?

But then again, maybe it's just another stalk trick to scare you, like having something jump up at you in dark, poorly lit rooms.

The Gil-Monster

New member
Nov 26, 2007
Eleo said:
Dectilon said:
"A cult did it!" is a tired plot device in itself
"A cult did it" was the final revelation of the first game.

If it was that much of a turnoff then anyone who played the first game should have never picked this one up. Not complain that the game was going great until the halfway point, where they reiterate and expand on _what they already told you_.
Well hang on, now. The "it was a cult" line annoyed me at first, but by then the game was over and I didn't have to deal with them. Because plays of the first game always sent me to bed clutching my chest in terror, I knew I had to pick up the sequel. I don't like FPS games, but I love Condemned.

You've made some excellent points in your defense of the storyline, but even if I did know the backstory (kudos to you for 100% completing the game, btw) I'd still be annoyed over the stupid sonic scream attack- however well-explained it is.

Weird-looking enemies and nightmares not withstanding, that could easily be me treading fearfully about the subway, swinging a broken conduit at drug-crazed attackers.

Then the game gave me the power to kill with but a word. And because I can't do that in real life (alas :p ) I'm no longer as immersed as I was in the game.

I'm not sad that I played it- on the contrary, the game was fun, terrifying and memorable. But when too much sci-fi creeps into my horror... sigh.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Yahtzee delivers a great review and a really good point. A good writer knows that if you want to keep a mystery interesting, especially when it surrounds a scenario and characters you would already know and your first impression of the current situation is something that's different from it, you don't spoil everything at the very beginning. You need to make the people ask themselves questions and see if they'll get an asnwer. That's a clever hook.


New member
Dec 5, 2007
Another thing that really bothered me in Condemned 1 is the "Black/white slow motion moments" when your supposed to see something interesting but your looking somewhere else and you have to restart the saving point to watch it.

About the t-shirt desing, I don't like de "ZP" basically is the same motto the spanish goverment use to promote our president. So I have some some alternatives ideas:
"I prefer to die rather than press X"
"Rock Band is a urban legend"
"Portal is great and if you don't like you must be stupid"
"My hand shoots bees. You're going to fucking loose"
"Zero punctuation: enjoyed by Peter Molyneux"
Also, a t-shirt whith all the game characters (Gordon Freeman, Mario, the big Daddy, Peter Molyneux...) around Yathzee holding a cake could be great.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Excellent as always.

I'm definitely on board for the ZP shirts. Heck, I finally signed up for the site just so I could say so.
Jan 24, 2008
Great Review Mr. Croshaw.

I've sent my email telling the tshirt gods that i would love one. or 2...maybe 3?

lets not make them obvious though. i want to show i love my ZP, not turn it into an advertisement...make it a word of mouth thing if you must.

make somebody ask me, "hey, whats that shirt all about?".

plus...well then i get to sound like i know everything about the internet...


Burrowed Lurker
Apr 10, 2008
rebochan said:
Admit it. Who turned around and looked for a serial killer behind them?
I didn't actually although it was extremely hard not to.

Brilliant review, one of the best i daresay.


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Man, this guy is always spot on...Except for Halo 3 of course, witch is beyond criticism. Great review as always, though.