Zero Punctuation: Devil May Cry 4


New member
Mar 5, 2008
ZenMonkey47 said:
Anyone else find it frustrating that nobody in the game ever acknowledges that Nero and Dante are exact carbon copies of one another?
Same here. The whole time during the game I though "Well maybe Nero is Dante that came back in time, or his illegitimate son or something". Not just that he has the same abilities. Being able to do the same thing as the next guy doesn't mean I have to act and steal his wardrobe. If it was the case, I'd sport Bill Gates' glasses and get my clothes at Programmers 'r'Us.

On a side note, I am all for big breasted blob of pixels, they give me something to look at while the cheesy story unfold, but why the heck was she in the castle? I never saw her there, I never saw anything she had done either. Apparently I need to learn how to use trampolines and go through walls to play, while she just go around without any other skills than having big boobs. She *works* for the bad guy, so she probably came from the secret lab in the basement, and still she had to carve her way through the said bad guys, and exit through a windows.

Maybe she did it to confuse Nero, or try to befriend him, but instead she just go away, never to be seen again. Instead of introducing a new dangerous/interesting character, they cop out and recycle an old one, which might look into staying a crazy sexy Barbie doll with white hairs instead of trying to be the blonde next door.

Hopefully they select their other employees with more care. Oh wait... no they dont... The whole organization was as dumb as the good guys are uber cool.


New member
Aug 30, 2007
I've never really found the series as a whole to be that entertaining any of the numerous times I've been encouraged to try it by my friends who insist that playing the games is like drinking the sweet, sweet nectar of the gods.

The gameplay is repetitive and the games I played seem to suffer form Capcom's typical laughably bad dialogue. After about 20 minutes of juggling enemies and jumping around in circle I feel that I've seen all the game really has to offer me. Maybe I'm missing the point entirely but I've found the game to be about medium bordering on fucking annoying.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
"a hallway full of balloons" thats why i love his reviews. he can put to words exactly what people are thinking only they dont know how to express it.

as i listne to his reviews in between the laughter i have more than one instiance of the light coming on and thinking YES thats the EXACT impression i got.

man thats talent you cant teach. im glad to see him get back in the game after the GDC beeping feasco and last weeks rather dull and pointless review. well done from start to finish.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
njsykora said:
I take exception to the His Dark Materials reference.

Fun stuff though, even though most of the issues have become 'hallmarks' of DMC since the first game.
I also disagree with the His Dark Materials reference. The Amber Spy Glass is quite good, but aside from that it wasn't a sequel that was begged and pleaded out of the creators. The Golden Compass was written with the intent to make it part of the His Dark Materials Trilogy (and it to this day remains a trilogy despite people wanting more).

Other than that, yeh I've heard bad things about this game, not going to disagree with the rest.
Jan 24, 2008
keep up the good work Yahtzee.

made me laugh loud enough to cause those around me to give me perplexing looks. o.0

p.s. those around me are my dogs, because im a lonely, friendless, misanthrope.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Does anyone know what the cover on the bottom right corner was when Yahtzee showed Die Hard and Amber Spyglass covers. I recognize it and its driving me crazy.


New member
Jan 8, 2008
Awesome ZP this week, Yahtzee! Ah, and like lemmings, another couple people get the smite for attempting a first post without actually watching the video, gotta love it. n_n


New member
Jan 14, 2008
Garfgarog said:
4mf said:
Except that he's a carbon copy of the same bog-standard transexual emo protagonist that's used in every single god damn japanese comic, cartoon and game. Ever.

White greasy, spikey hair. Check.
Ridiculous sword. Check.
Looks like a pre-pubescent girl. Check.
Body covered in belts for no reason. Check.
Whoops, looks like you're ignorant. Sorry about that, try harder in the future. Maybe you might be able to come off as knowing what you're talking about.
Wow, dude. If you're just going to say FAIL! and move on, maybe think about don't posting. Anime does have a few ideas that it's worn down to a nub, common ones being what 4mf mentioned. I've played through most of the DMC, so I do know that much. If you're a Japanophile, great... but try to at least have a reason for dumping on someone. We try to play nice, here at the Escapist.


New member
Dec 31, 2007
J.theYellow said:
Sequels to games that were better than previous games:
Monkey Island 2
Call of Duty 4
Ultima 4

Yeah, that's a minor quibble. Good job otherwise.
u must be joking right ?
cod4 better than cod1 ?


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Even though a fair few people have complained about his comparison of the Amber Spyglass, I can't help but agree. The first two books of His Dark Materials were amazing. I couldn't believe I'd lived my life without them, they really were two of the best books I've ever read. But the third one was a huge let down.. The main body wasn't all that bad (but by no means on par with the first two), but the ending was just atrocious. The whole story was building up to some gigantic epic ending, which it just never delieved. I was left with a very sour taste in my mouth.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Good choice of music as always!
Finally someone realizes the tediousness that comes with games like DMC.
GOD I HATE THESE GAMES!!! Sorry, I had to say that...


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Awesome as always.
However, one question: Why don't we have any RTS reviews? So far we've had 14 FPSs, 3 RPGs and a lot of other weird games but not one RTS. Is there any reason in particular for this?


New member
Jan 2, 2008
ok, so I've discovered that yahtzee and I are on a different page. DMC4 is one of the games I'm going to buy on my next salary, unlike the orange box witch is a monstrous pile of shit (I finished Ep0, Ep1 and Portal) The only thing nice in it is PORTAL that was just NICE not GREAT. As for Psychonauts...IT SUCKED BALLZ, I was never more bored in my life, and some of my favorite games include the monkey island series, silent hill 2, broken sword 1 and 2, and so on. Psychonauts was not an adventure game, it was more of a crappy platformed game with a very cliche and retarded storyline. HL2 was just plane stupid, I hated EP1 and EP0. The only good stories I've seen so far are in Anime (except for VERY few British and American TV series and movies) and the only real good games are Japanese with very few old games as exceptions, but other than that, almost every new game that is not Japaneses turns out to be not lame but just plane SHITTY!
why is it shitty? Why was HL2 just plain stupid?
give reasons = constructive critysi...crytii..err slamming.
if something is not to your taste you are free to try something else.


New member
Jan 10, 2008
I still can't believe these reviews are so consistently awesome, unlike the Devil May Cry series. Though I did buy DMC4 I don't really regret it. It was still a fun game despite all the Japanimation Cliches and poor level design. It definitely had the best voice acting and story of all the games, although admittedly the bar wasn't exactly set very high in either category.