Zero Punctuation: Devil May Cry 4


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Oh my god. Thanks so much for ragging on DMC4, Yahtzee. I've had to watch this trailer once every four minutes at work for the last two weeks, and the pure egotism of the protagonist makes my blood boil every time. And a dice puzzle game? What the hell?


New member
Nov 9, 2007
I actually liked Love Hina.

Now as for the game, I like it, but the timed puzzles and jump sections make me throw my controller away. I also really relate to the 'fight cutscenes'. I asked out loud 'Why can't I play this?'. A few other things bugging me is the Nero-Dante fight in the middle...I spend a lot of effort to get him down, and the cutscene shows how I am more or less defeated after all. Then why did I go through that effort? The puzzle with the appearing floating blocks I had to walk over and then disappear...Its so goddamn hard to see when the colors change (from white to very very light blue)

And then Dante. I didn't play the previous DMC games, but this guy gives me Tom Cruise flashbacks. Did anyone else have this? For the record, Tom Cruise flashbacks is *not* a good thing.

Sentient Muffin

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Gutterpunk said:
Sentient Muffin said:
Gutterpunk said:
By chance, I played on the 360. I was damn happy not to have lost 20 minutes installing this crap of a game. This is the only positive thing I can say about the game... The gun/sword combo are only cool for so long, seeing as you do the same crap about 2000 times, only to do them again. Trying to make amazing combos gets old fast when you went through a particular room 10 times because of poor level design.

Anyway :)
Suspicious...or a claim to have spent 20 minutes installing it...yet the 360 version doesn't install itself on to the hard drive at all. Only the PS3 version installs...
Well seeing as I said that "I was damn happy not to have lost 20 minutes installing this crap of a game", I'm not sure why you think that I did :)
Oops *looks for glasses* I should read things more carefully. ^^;;


New member
Sep 20, 2007
"I feel all dirty all over, as I was one of the people who read the gawky teenager, buxom girls and mass awkwardness series - Love Hina - that Yahtzee was referring to."

I don't think he did necessarily... There are hundreds of series like that one : P


New member
Jan 9, 2008
Oh yeah. And I'm pretty much convinced at this point that Nero is Dante's illegitimate son. Some people are saying he's Vergil's, but I mean, come on. Of the two, who would be more likely to an illegitimate son? I'm pretty sure it would be Dante.


New member
Feb 27, 2008
Natural Hazard said:
mykayel said:
ok, so I've discovered that yahtzee and I are on a different page. DMC4 is one of the games I'm going to buy on my next salary, unlike the orange box witch is a monstrous pile of shit (I finished Ep0, Ep1 and Portal) The only thing nice in it is PORTAL that was just NICE not GREAT. As for Psychonauts...IT SUCKED BALLZ, I was never more bored in my life, and some of my favorite games include the monkey island series, silent hill 2, broken sword 1 and 2, and so on. Psychonauts was not an adventure game, it was more of a crappy platformed game with a very cliche and retarded storyline. HL2 was just plane stupid, I hated EP1 and EP0. The only good stories I've seen so far are in Anime (except for VERY few British and American TV series and movies) and the only real good games are Japanese with very few old games as exceptions, but other than that, almost every new game that is not Japaneses turns out to be not lame but just plane SHITTY!
Oh the joy, we have anouther sterotypical japanese loving anime person. Your comment had so must justification to it that i now.. officially hate HL 2... -_-, by a matter of interest if you hated it so much why did you play the game and its episodes? Why not waste your time doing something constructive instead, like i don't no... play hide and seek with a can of tuna?

In terms of the review, i cannot personally comment as i hate every DMC ever made and stopped playing after 10 minutes of the first, thats my opinion. However very enjoyable review!
Probably because that's my job retard.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
4mf said:
Esure said:
there is nothing uncool about Dante
Except that he's a carbon copy of the same bog-standard transexual emo protagonist that's used in every single god damn japanese comic, cartoon and game. Ever.

White greasy, spikey hair. Check.
Ridiculous sword. Check.
Looks like a pre-pubescent girl. Check.
Body covered in belts for no reason. Check.

myopiczeal said:
Perhaps a transcript?
Much obliged.

Also, great review, Yahtzee. I feel you've even upped the standard in these last few ones. Although it made me google "yaoi", which I could have done without. :/
you forget that both nero and dante wear butt-less chaps. That part of both of their clothing styles made for some very humorous dialog between my roommates and I.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
True, Yahtzee, the story is rubbish. (The stuttering, monocled Agnus is a new low in Capcom's already shoddy storywriting repertoire.) But I read books for a good story. I just want ultra-violence, coolness and a game which makes me feel like I'm a human being that can actually coordinate his limbs properly. And get girls.


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Dec 20, 2007
Strafe Mcgee said:
psychonauts is one of the most inspired pieces of western gaming since Grim Fandango.
It is also one of the most clunky platformers I've ever played: Collectathon shinanigans so hard to get it makes Banjo-Tooie's forgivable.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
Showing a picture of 'Die Hard 4' i've been a long Die Hard
fan, and seriously 4 (In Yahtzee's words) sucked a big fat 'cocksickle'


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
I feel that this game has been given way too high reviews, in nearly all sources, some evn rating it higher than Uncharted
Wrong, they may have given it a higher scores in some sources than Uncharted, but DMC4 has an 84 on the 360 and PS3 according to Metacritic, Uncharted has a score 88 on Metacritic.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Funny how there is always one banned user at the very first post of every yahtzee review.

Man the end was hilarious, I would love to do that with a spider and a wasp with slipknot in the background :D

Anyone else find it hilarious when Yahtzee makes fun of the main characters? Like when he calls link fagballs, and named Shepard "Titty", or say, this review.


New member
Sep 22, 2007
Zera said:
I also agree with his anime comment, there is a series for everyone really, you just have to look for it. Hmmm I wonder if he likes any anime series....
Yahtzee strikes me as a "Cowboy Bebop" man.

Of course everybody likes Cowboy Bebop.

In any case, yes. Damn fine review, but at this point I'm wondering if there are any games left to review. Usually Yahtzee is at his peak when he is reviewing critically acclaimed games.