Zero Punctuation: Fallout: New Vegas


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Condiments said:
While its true that bugs are inexcusable, and are a big detriment to the experience I won't completely discount a game because of it. Why? Many enduring classic games lauded around here were originally incredibly buggy. Yet they are still remembered for years to come...

Planescape Torment
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Baldur's Gate series
Temple of Elemental Evil
Vampire the masquerades Bloodlines
NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer
(Unsurprisingly a lot of these are Black Isle/Troika/Obsidian)

If anything wait a couple months until patches come out so the game is completely fixed. My game hasn't really been that glitchy but I can't speak for everyone.
I'll temporarily discard a game, sometimes to wait for bugs to be fixed, even though that should never be an issue, or sometimes because I don't want some companies to succeed with their work ethic, I hate obsidian because they mostly jump onto succesful properties and leech off of others, and several of the games you mentioned are great because they came out in a time when many games weren't.
I personally love the Baldur's Gate series, and I'll forgive early versions of a company's games or early gaming history in general (back when it wasn't very good) for being buggy so long as it doesn't destroy my experience or if you can see there is no way for those bugs to be caught in testing.

For example, in Baldur's Gate 2, there was a certain moment when an npc was supposed to talk to you, if you were invisible, he couldn't and the game would get stuck, I found this out accidently and didn't mind it, but if that game came out now however, I would call Bullshit.

Also for the record, fallout new vegas didn't work for me, it corrupted every save game I had because of constant crashing while I was saving and loading. At least with the earlier games you mentioned I could fucking play them.


New member
Oct 28, 2010
I know this is a strange thing to ask, but how the hell do you pronounce the name "Croshaw"?
Is it "Cro-shaw" "Cross-haw", or what? Never heard of it before :S

No offense, Yahtzee.


New member
Oct 28, 2010
I have to say that the only bug I found difficult in the beginning were the scorpions and that was only before I robbed a grave at a memorial site and learned that when you encounter wildlife you KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!

And how is it that Yahtzee hasn't noticed that sodas (especially colas) make you thirsty? I thought it was common knowledge just like how alcohol makes you thirsty.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Condiments said:
Warachia said:
you're preaching to the choir, I was referring to sequels actually, which I don't have a problem with wining a game of the year like mass effect 2 did, so long as they take the old stuff, and completely change it into a far superior product, better combat, guns, ai, new enemies, and a new focus of the story.
Believe it or not, I actually posted things almost identical to what you are posting right now when new vegas came out, WHY THE FUCK ARE WE RELYING ON THE USERS AND THE COMMUNITY TO FIX THESE GAMES? I am so sick of sequel after sequel where people keep deffending these, thanks for the reant though, I'll keep it in my reply becuase you made all of the points for me.
While its true that bugs are inexcusable, and are a big detriment to the experience I won't completely discount a game because of it. Why? Many enduring classic games lauded around here were originally incredibly buggy. Yet they are still remembered for years to come...

Planescape Torment
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Baldur's Gate series
Temple of Elemental Evil
Vampire the masquerades Bloodlines
NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer
(Unsurprisingly a lot of these are Black Isle/Troika/Obsidian)

If anything wait a couple months until patches come out so the game is completely fixed. My game hasn't really been that glitchy but I can't speak for everyone.
Good games, good times... *being nostalgic*


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Cool Now I know what to expect from FO:NV also wth? Why were the first three people who posted on probation for their post? there doesnt seem to be anything bad in em...


New member
May 28, 2008
People asking 'wheres the review' need to go watch his Fallout 3 review because like he said the game is still that.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Sigh* I was just about to point out that soda dehydrates you, in opposition to the bit in Yahtzee's review. However, not wishing to look like a complete douche, I looked it up and apparently soda will not dehydrate you unless consumed in massive quantities. I just saved myself from looking very foolish.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Soda does dehydrate you - at least, the amount of sugar in it requires more water for your body to process it than the drink itself supplies - so, while soda wouldn't instantly dehydrate you, it wouldn't hydrate you, and it certainly would slightly dehydrate you (compared to the amount of water your body had before).

Fun review, but stopping instantly because of one game crash just looks like lazy reviewership from my point of view. If I stopped playing a game because there was a bug... well,m there wouldn't be many games to play.


New member
May 12, 2009
"Soda makes you MORE thirsty? HOW does that work?!"

Yahtzee... Most sodas work like that IRL.


New member
Dec 30, 2008
mad825 said:
wait, what!?! no complaints about the invisible walls?
There aren't *that* many invisible walls, and those are mainly at the tops of mountain ranges. Admittedly, some are annoying, but I kind of like the ones around Quarry Junction that function to keep the Deathclaws in...a few Deathclaws wandered out of the back entrance of QJ in my game and set up camp in the Cazador stretch of road, which really makes a difference for my (by now level 30) character. Ironically, I've completed the unmarked Sloan quest, which makes Quarry Junction proper far safer than the road that leads behind it now. Imagine, though, if there weren't invisible walls and Deathclaws were free to wander into Goodsprings...that'd make for a rough tutorial...


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Is it me or did that seem like the quickest 5 minutes and 27 seconds ever?

Just about the time you get into it and want to hear more it just ends. Even Candle Jack gives you more time before he jus


New member
Mar 28, 2010
aristos_achaion said:
mad825 said:
wait, what!?! no complaints about the invisible walls?
There aren't *that* many invisible walls.

I've playing Fallout:NV for 5 hours now and I've bumped into 20 different invisible walls but thankfully I've got the PC version so I can remove them with a mod.

anyway they are different methods of preventing creatures from wandering too far (not to mention that I doubt they would wonder from Cell A to Cell B without provocation) the use of invisible walls is cheap...


New member
Apr 5, 2009
LOVED Fallout 3 and fallout new vegas. This review made me laugh so hard. It was so spot on how you can only go one way at the start. I totally lost my shit as the part "I settled down that night on a prison mattress that smelled like it had seen it's fair share of brutal romantic conquests". It's the first time in a while I ha to watch it twice it was so good.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
The fact that Yahtzee ignored all the good aspects of this game makes me lose much respect for him. That and the fact that soda does make you more dehydrated. Also this game isn't for pussies, whining because you ran into a Cazador (giant flies) nest is just stupid, this game doesn't use the bullshit leveling system like Oblivion and Fallout 3. Also the voice acting in this game is far more superior to Fallout 3 especially considering New Vegas had more than 10 voice actors.

Also Yahyzee seriously thought the menus were confusing? What the hell is so confusing? The "help" section in the pause menu explains what every abbreviation means so there's no excuse there.

Also judging by the way Yahtzee explained everything it didn't seem like he payed attention to any of the games lore at all. The Fallout series has a massive lore and he just seemed to ignore it all.

Also a while ago Yahtzee complained about Red Dead Redemption and I clearly remember him writing in an Extra Punctuation article that RDR would've been a lot better if you had to eat and drink while in the desert. New Vegas does exactly that and now he's complaining about it? Also why is he complaing that he stepped on a land mine, it's after all his fault. Also why would a doctor patch you up for free? It's not very easy being a doctor in post-aocalyptia and do you really think a doctor is just gonna patch you up for free?