Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 3


New member
Jan 17, 2011
sravankb said:
Metalrocks said:
good thing that the game is not available for pc. cant say i will miss it.
since he is playing hard reset, maybe he will review it next week. its a good game. played it already twice. just the story is not really amazing but gameplay wise its fun.
I'm surprised people actually use these videos as reviews. Yahtzee himself said that his videos are not reviews; they're critiques. If you followed his advice, you'd end up playing 2-3 games every year.
Believe it or not, there are plenty of people that could afford maybe 2 or 3 brand new games a year.

I, myself, get most of my games years after their release, for $5-20.

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
Good review, I think I'll end up borrowing this from a friend rather than buying it. I'd like to finish up the trilogy but from what I've heard so far Gears 3 doesn't sound all that stellar.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
You know, I'm pretty sure at least one person here was one of those fanboys who went to a GoW3 midnight release or probably got the chainsaw replica thingy. Yet, they're all being "Oh, quite so, Yahtzee good ol' chap! Glorious and most wise review as always, pip pip!". It's like...the tru fanboys are scared of telling everyone that GoW3 made their life. It's not a bad thing, you know. if you like the game, you like the game. I like FFXIII despite all the negative feedback towards it. I'm not afraid to say it either because that doesn't make the game any better or worse.

I, too, agree with Yahtzee on this review. I would like to see a FPS where the world isn't about to end or where the main character isn't a macho, buff guy (Or an abstract interpretation of one). I might just buy that game.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I gott a admit for the most of the franchise I was a dangerously obsest fanboy of Gears of War.

Loved it mainly because it was doing for me what other shooters bloody well weren't.

My hopes were dropped like a kick in the nuts with Gears 3 mainly because I had hoped it would be as badass as the first. Which I now realise is impossible because that part in GoW1 near the end of act 1 is unbeatable in its' brutality.

Also I was hoping for more story in the realm of the locust origins and motivation, the deal with Queen Myrah and what the fuck was up with the sires in the second game. The first game ended with Myrah saying "They do not know why we wage this war" which I assumed was going to be a big twist.

Unfortunately however the so called big twist of Gears 3 was its' "immulsion is the problem". I mean c'mon we knew that in the pendulum wars and we weren't exactly introduced to the lambent properly imo. All we got were wretches in the first game and a war in the background of the second that we didnt get to crash... which sucked btw.

Anyone remember the big reveal of the berzerker in GoW1?... Dang that was kickass... Didnt get that though... Didnt even get an interesting fight with the final boss of Gears 3... Wasn't really implementing enemy class traits with combat like with the first where not shooting or staying out the dark was the key.

You didnt even go underground in this one... And characters were just dropped on us. That major character death wasn't necessary in the situation... Granted I'm happy they did kill the character off but better, more fubar circumstances could've been happening.

On the bright side Baird is 5x funnier in Gears 3, should've had a origins story for him just like with Cole. And horde 2.0 is an epic game mode now that just blew my mind with the enemies you can now get in it.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
sravankb said:
Metalrocks said:
good thing that the game is not available for pc. cant say i will miss it.
since he is playing hard reset, maybe he will review it next week. its a good game. played it already twice. just the story is not really amazing but gameplay wise its fun.
I'm surprised people actually use these videos as reviews. Yahtzee himself said that his videos are not reviews; they're critiques. If you followed his advice, you'd end up playing 2-3 games every year.
Man you sure took his opinion of the game rather personally didn't you? I've read through all 8 pages of the comment section and you constantly pop up and announce how wrong yahtzee was and how right you are. You really love the game don't you? And don't say you aren't a fanboy, you really seem to care about the game to comment all the way to the eighth page


New member
Feb 10, 2009
I too have been thinking about making an extension on the cleavage department, maybe now I can spend my time doing that instead of playing Gears 3.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
This game is such a lazy cash cow. It was a total blur for me, there weren't any standout moments and it wasn't even challenging. I only played GoW2 a couple of times at a friends place like a year ago and I still smashed GoW3 on Hard difficulty, on the day it was released, and without any trouble or remembering any significant plot updates, so I took it back to EB and now I've got store credit to blow on something equally shit like MW3 of BF3


New member
Oct 6, 2011
Not the best review, but then again choosing to talk about a game like GoW3 of any other '3 is kind of redundent, cause fans of the serie have in most cases already made up there mind before the game hits the streets and new players who becomes interested or just remoutly curious about it, should make it a habit to checking a trailer on UT before buying if in doubt.
Really hope Yahtzee reads this cause in my opinion he needs to review games where we, as consumers and gamers, can't estimate from the cover and/or gametrailer alone, but need a closer look in to the game itself with a fair but critical eye and that's why we happelly await Wednesdays and the Wrath of Yahtzee c",


New member
Mar 10, 2011
I only played GOW1 (pc gamer). I thought it was good. It had a cool setting and cool gameplay. This review seemed to be about GOW2 more than 3 and about hte franchise in general. I bet it is still a cool game.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Still obligated to play this, since it's a ritual my friend and I go through for every new instalment. I hate myself for funding this atrocity of a series, albeit only in rental fees.

Existential Banana

New member
Jan 7, 2010
I enjoyed the first Gears of War, got bored halfway through the second one, and will likely wait to see if I want to pick up Gears 3 when it's not $60. Pretty solid shooter mechanics, terrible walking speed (even slower than Baldur's incredibly slow movement speed in Too Human, or as Yahtzee said, Baldur's "Gait"), so-so story.

The Noble Shade

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Took me a while, but here is my discussion provoking comment: I (RE: me personally) cannot take Yahtzee's opinion on shooters seriously anymore.

Clarify: He expects too much out of them.

I remember him complaining that the action paced in CoD: Black Ops was to frantic. What the hell do you expect in a FPS.

Maybe it's because I can appreciate the story. It's awkwardly convenient that the whereabouts of Marcus's dad are imperative to the survival of the world, but I enjoyed that. I enjoyed the Gears series in general (even though the multiplayer in Gears 2 was poorly structured). I enjoyed navigating cover to skillfully murder my foes with whatever weapon I had equipped

And I hate the often toted "gray-brown" trope. The boat was made of steel and had crops growing on it. There was on level that took place in the ocean, and then a rainstorm. And yes, sand is brown. But mark my words, I will play a shooter that makes a point of avoiding gray-brown to appease gaming snobs.

Shooters have a unique narrative, "if there all going to be the same", than the narrative relies on character and context. Sure, these are "big, 'manly' men" but what do you expect out of guys fighting a war? I like Marcus, I have empathy for all of his trials.

What I agree with Yahtzee on: "The sacrifice" was touching, but reeks of deus ex machina (I think I'm using that phrase wrong); Sam was useless, you don't really learn anything about her, along with a few other characters, the "implied romance" with Marcus and Anya at the end was really stupid.

Apart from that, I don't get what his problem is.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Existential Banana said:
I enjoyed the first Gears of War, got bored halfway through the second one, and will likely wait to see if I want to pick up Gears 3 when it's not $60. Pretty solid shooter mechanics, terrible walking speed (even slower than Baldur's incredibly slow movement speed in Too Human, or as Yahtzee said, Baldur's "Gait"), so-so story.
FYI, Gears 3 is much faster and in my opinion, the story and mechanices are much stronger than the second one.


New member
Oct 6, 2011
But no matter what, the GoW serie will still be a second hand duck toy, compared to Metal Gear Solid 1


New member
Sep 9, 2009
RedHighwind07 said:
This game is such a lazy cash cow. It was a total blur for me, there weren't any standout moments and it wasn't even challenging. I only played GoW2 a couple of times at a friends place like a year ago and I still smashed GoW3 on Hard difficulty, on the day it was released, and without any trouble or remembering any significant plot updates, so I took it back to EB and now I've got store credit to blow on something equally shit like MW3 of BF3
lazy cash cow?


seems that any sequel to any game that sells well (And yes, i think GOW deserves high sales) is instantly branded as this.. if anything is lazy its you and the thought you put into that post

GOW3 is highly polished - the graphics on some of the set pieces are stunning

Ill admit, there are very few "stand out" moments.. i cleared it on co-op and am now replaying it on single player, and yeah, it is difficult to remember what happens at times, but so what? its quite a long campaign - and i genuinely think forgetting what happens increases the replay value! Im tempted to replay the campaigns in 1 and 2..

tbh GOW3 is all about the multiplayer.. horde mode, the new (and very fun) beast mode... i dont usually play online, but GOW has a massive online gamer following, and this is the best one to play online.. if you dont have XBL or a friend you regularly play with, i wont fault the trade in, but it is not a BAD, nor "lazy" game.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Jkudo said:
JSRT said:
Thing is you don't even get to Tibet until toward the end of the game and it's a fuck load of shooting and explosions getting there, not that i'm complaining. UC2 is one of my favorite games this gen, but it's a shooter plain and simple...
And What exactly did Enslaved do for gaming? What did any of Ninja Theory's games do for gaming? They have nice art and facial animations, stories are decent enough but what about the gameplay? Enslaved was a glitch fest with shallow and unresponsive combat, and the "platforming" is even more of a joke than in UC2. They basically hold your hand to the point that it's almost impossible to die while platforming. Enslaved represents everything wrong with gaming in my opinion, putting more emphasis on presentation than gameplay. (And now Ninja Theory will shit up DmC in the same way, a game known primarily for great gameplay.)
NT should realize that they are making games not movies. In movies stories matter more because it's a passive experience, a video game is interactive and lives and dies on it's gameplay. Stories are secondary to gameplay when it comes to vieogames.
The game is a shooter, but it's fucking filled with platforming. It even starts out with a platforming section. The only moment that is extremely reminiscent of gears is right before he gets on the train. Platforming is fused within the core of the gameplay. I know enslaved was a glitchy mess haha. I know the gameplay was frustrating. It's not an emphasis on presentation, but an emphasis on art. If enslaved leads to a greater emphasis on story, dialogue and better writing then it's already done better for gaming than gears has. Ninja theory aren't handling the gameplay in DMC btw. An interactive experience DOES NOT negate storytelling. It's a brand new way of telling stories. There are games where they put work into the plot, and games where they do not. Story is supposed to be a part of gameplay so saying story is secondary is just ridiculous. If you intend to tell a story through an interactive experience it has to be a large part of the gameplay. I think the real problem is that you aren't looking for stories, and if so that's fine. An emphasis on better stories is NOT what's wrong with gaming. It's just something you don't like since you care little about stories .

I feel like this was less of a review and more of yahtzee talking to himself wondering why he liked the series and bashing it because he sort of admitted he liked it, because he just finished resistance 3 and may or may not be playing hard reset. Resistance 3 he really liked so i guess it's sorta like playing what he likes in an fps then going back to all the shit he constantly complains about. Gears 3 had bad timing with hard reset and resistance reminding yahtzee what he liked, so he took it out on the game.
First off my point was not that putting an emphasis on better story telling is what's wrong with gaming, putting an emphasis on presentation while neglecting gameplay is the problem. ( sorry if i didn't make this clear) You said yourself the gameplay in Enslaved is "frustrating" which it is. The control isn't responsive either( Heavenly Sword had the same problems) I have zero problems with games telling great stories, and having great presentation. I agree with you that it's part of the over all package. The problem arises when it's the only thing the devs seem to have put any care into. Like i said before your game could have one of the greatest stories ever told, but if the gameplay itself isn't compelling and i don't have fun playing it then what is the point?

This is my problem with Ninja Theory, i love the art direction of their games and their presentations but it's wasted on bad gameplay because they don't put as much care into it as the story.( oh and BTW yeah they are handling the gameplay in DmC, it's also using Unreal engine instead of Capcom's MT Framework) This is not a DVD movie i am buying for 20 bucks , where i just sit down and watch. It's a 60 dollar VIDEO GAME. If i don't feel the game is polished, responsive or fun to play i feel that i have wasted my money.

As for Gears story as i have said before if you've ever played the Gears games from the original to the last it has a decent story it's just not told as well as it is in the expanded fiction. Funny thing is the first Gears didn't have much emphasis on story and people complained about that, so in Gears 2 there was greater emphasis on story like people wanted, but then it was made fun of for being too serious. (Sometimes i wonder if "gamers" these days really know what they want. I also wonder how much flack Gears would be getting if it were a PS3 game or multi plat but that's for another thread)

And for what it's worth Gears 3 story attempted to do everything that you claim it doesn't. many of the many characters had their stories expanded on and it attempted to deliver actual character development and in many ways actually succeeded. For example Augustus Cole going back to his hometown and reliving his past glories as a thrashball star ( Serra's version of Football) they even incorporate it into gameplay at one point. Dom's sacrifice IMO was actually well done. Marcus's reaction to it wasn't overblown at all. He didn't shake his fist in the air and vow revenge , he didn't drop to his knees and yell "NOOOOOOO" or any such thing. He reacted as one would imagine to a close friend getting killed, sucked it up and kept on with the mission. In fact all of the squads reactions to Dom's death were well done. I like how the end is bittersweet, they won the war, the locust and lambent are dead. But the government is gone , half the human population is dead, everything is still fucked, and Marcus is like "what the fuck are we supposed to do now?!"

The reason for the Locust Hoard attacking humanity was basically out of necessity rather than the usual alien invasion schtick in these kinds of games. (I also like the fact that the Locusts aren't "aliens" they are native to Serra, it's their planet and the humans are the "invaders".) The story didn't succeed in every way though, their are some things they left open. Like who Queen Mirrah really was and why she looked human. Did she turn her back on humanity, if so then why?

They also didn't continue the story of the creature experiments in that lab in Gears 2. Those complaints aside it's funny that you people accuse Gears of not trying to tel a story then when Gears 2 and 3 were VERY story heavy. (Maybe most of you would realize this if you'd actually played it as opposed to just hating on something popular to seem cool. (You're not impressing anyone) Even with it's flaws i feel that they have gotten a lot better with the story telling going from one to three and i applaud Epic for at trying to better the story and characters, unfortunately everything i said just now will be dismissed since you've already got it in your head that "lol GEARZ HAZ NO STORIES".

Whatever though Gears is a total package, they delivered on nearly everything. Vastly improved the gameplay, the graphics , the performance, and added a fuck load of features to multi and SP. Listen to fan complaints about Gear 2 and fixed everything that was wrong with the game, Lazy release my ass. This so far is my personal GOTY ( we'll see what happens with UC3 and Batman: Arkham City) and just an all around great game. Fuck the haters....