Fuck! I never thought Yahtzee would spout a review that I could find fault with, but QUIT CRYING ABOUT THE FUCKING DIFFICULTY for fucks sake. It's only 5 buttons, and yes, its a nerfed down 'fisher-price' guitar that makes me feel like i need to start overcompensating... but my point is, I play real guitar, as well as hero guitar, and it comes with the equivalent of 144 buttons. Nailing a song for real is much more rewarding, and earns you FAR more respect with your friends, and more importantly, it attracts MUCH MUCH more pussy. Another thing... Tom Morello truly is a legend of rock. I've seen him use a guitar in ways that only Jimi Hendrix could imagine. Finally, if you want more songs, heres how to get them on PC. Go out and get Guitar Hero for PC, or get an adapter to turn an XBOX Mk1 cord into USB, then go download FretsOnFire from Sourceforge.net (its a home dev'd Guitar Hero for PC, and fully moddable), then go to www.fretsonfire.net. There you will find links and instructions on how to get THOUSANDS of songs to tear up on your PC with your GH controller. They even have global high scoring for the truly competitive.