Zero Punctuation: Hyrule Warriors - Nintendo Holding Pattern?


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Some of these quotes will be perfect for my MLPxYahtzee fanfic.

OT: I love me some Dynasty Warriors but I'll be the first to admit that I'm saddened by the prospect of no Wind Waker, people do love that game for more than the aesthetics Nintendo, why not let me fight as an adult Medli.

I wonder what an adult Medli by Team Ninja would look like...



New member
Jun 19, 2013
Wow... I was laughing so hard by the end of the review that I almost fell out of my chair. Well done Yahtzee!

Edit: And judging by the game Cia is possibly the worst female character in the history of games.

There's just many levels of terrible it's laughable:
Obsessive, crazy, sexualized, glued her dress on, stalker/implied rapist and she has a good "sister" made out of the goodness inside her having separated into a new person.

If she'd have been a man obsessed with Zelda, rather than a woman obsessed with Link, I think there'd be more of an outcry about just how fucking creepy and laughably bad she is.


New member
Sep 4, 2014
Racecarlock said:
erttheking said:
Ugh. If you don't like it, fine, but do you really need to shit on the fans?
I'm a COD fan, you get used to it. Hell, you've been here since 2011. How are you not used to it? The only difference is he's shitting on a fan base you may or may not be a part of.

Funny you should mention that. I've been calling ___ Warriors the Asian equivalent of CoD. That being said, stil love the game series, even if it gets repetitive. And Yahtzee needs to fear not, Wind Waker will probably be DLC.

Personally I think any form of recommendation for anything in that series or crossovers is boiled down to this: "Do you like any of the previous Dynasty Warriors? Do you like the crossover subject? If yes, then this is a game for you!"

LordTerminal said:
Even when I love the games, the thing that kinda always bugged me about the series is the emphasis over characters rather than movesets. Could pretty much consider the games as the design team showing off their skills.

Anyways, I find it hilarious how people are finding this caustic critic upsetting when it's their favorite franchise being lambasted. Similar to how Smash was being smashed by Yahtzee. Looking forward to seeing how many will be... upset when he gets to Smash 3DS or Smash 4 on the Wii U.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Take off your Silent Hill 2 brand winter socks and say that last part to my face, Yahtzee....


Never really been into Dynasty Warriors. Not because of the gameplay (I actually think a fusion of beat-em-up and tower defense sounds pretty cool), but because the worlds always struck me as kinda boring, as I'm not into the who feudal era Japan theme, or wherever those are placed. I might rent or try out Hyrule Warriors, but since I'm not all too huge a fan a LoZ, I have to try out Pirate Warriors 1 and 2 first before I conclude whether or not the gameplay's for me.

AlouetteSK said:
Anyways, I find it hilarious how people are finding this caustic critic upsetting when it's their favorite franchise being lambasted. Similar to how Smash was being smashed by Yahtzee. Looking forward to seeing how many will be... upset when he gets to Smash 3DS or Smash 4 on the Wii U.
*Flashbacks of Mailbag Showdown*

I'm hoping he stays far, far away from Smash 4. Hindsight applied to that video makes it one of the only videos I can't rewatch because of how insufferable it is, for a bunch of reasons (not the ones you're thinking). Hoping he doesn't persue the self-fulfilling prophecy that is a Smash 4 review.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
geizr said:
Racecarlock said:
erttheking said:
Ugh. If you don't like it, fine, but do you really need to shit on the fans?
I'm a COD fan, you get used to it. Hell, you've been here since 2011. How are you not used to it? The only difference is he's shitting on a fan base you may or may not be a part of.
I'm an enthusiastic Apple user. Try having to deal with the pile of techno-religious zealot Haterade we get lobbed in our direction all the time (and never so much as an apology when it is shown to be unfounded), having any logic or justification we may have made for our choice to be categorically dismissed as invalid and idiotic.

At the end of the day, haters are gonna hate. That's just what they do. Just don't let yourself fall into the same trap of snidely sniping at other people's choices and preferences for the purpose of trying to compensate for personal insecurities about your own choices. Just enjoy your own thing and give others the latitude to do the same. All these terms, troll, fanboy, SJW, etc., they've all devolved in meaning to just become "someone who made a different choice or has a different opinion from my own and thus fails to reinforce my own egocentric need to be correct all the time".
I like JRPG's. Around here that's the equivilent of dressing like a clansman in public.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
GamerMage said:
Toblo1 said:
(As my inner self screams "Fuck you Yahtzee") *calmly* As much as I can understand why Yahtzee would shit all over Hyrule warriors, He kinda missed the mark on the original characters thing. Yeah there's the fanservice-y main villain Cia, but there's more than just one original character (Lana, Volga and Wizzro). I know thats not much, but he's kinda blowing it out of proportion by saying there's only one......
Glad to see another sensible opinion here. I kind of had a hunch Yahtzee wouldn't like this, as he's on record as a guy who "doesn't really like JRPGs". Jim might like this though.
I think this is more of a case of "doesn't really like bad games" though.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Jim's going to kick your bum at this in Uncivil War.

You know that is a thing that is going to happen, right?


New member
Feb 20, 2008
One of the many things that had me laughing out loud again was: "...They are to put as generosly as possible, untroubled by the complexities of life." + reading the sign. Funny as.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
erttheking said:
XDSkyFreak said:
erttheking said:
Ugh. If you don't like it, fine, but do you really need to shit on the fans?
Well ... I am a fan of *insert theme here* Warriors games and with the exception of Skyward Sword (though I still can;t figure out why I never played it) I've been through all the Zelda games. Does that mean I feel insulted by Yahtzee pointing out how dumb the AI in warriors is, how much the fandom of Zelda games refuses to see the repetitive nature and/or flaws of those games? Nope. I still love those games, I consider myself a fan of them, but that will never stop me from admiting their flaws. Yahtzee is only shitting on the mouth-foaming rabid "fans" that can't function properly if there is even a hint that their beloved franchise to which they religiously wank every night is anything less than perfect. And I am all for more of that, hell I can even provide some ammunition.
He isn't just insulting shit heads though. He's insulting people for enjoying Zelda
Except he's said multiple times that he really likes Windwaker, including in this very video, and he's said good things about some of the other games too.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
erttheking said:
Flatfrog said:
erttheking said:
Opening it up, he found a card on which was written a single word. '****'.

Now that's timing.
I can respect that. But was this affectionate or well timed? It feels like it's the same tone I would expect someone to shout at me in the street. I'm sorry if I'm being a party pooper, but this really left a bad taste in my mouth.
Depending on culture, context, tone, and timing, "****" really can be anything ranging from the instigation of a vendetta spanning over centuries, to the expression of deepest and most sincere bromance.

In this case I'd say it's in line with the rest of the review - scathingly acerbic, but hardly offensive.


Poisoned by Pomegranates
May 2, 2012
I actually agree with everything in Yahtzee's review; the game isn't very good, but I like it anyway. Why is that, you ask? Because sometimes what you need is to sit down and play a game that isn't very good, honestly. I can turn my brain off and smash about a gazillion baddies, and if I want I can do it as Link and Zelda or Sheik fighting an army all by themselves, thereby making my thirteen year old self shriek and practically pass out with fanfiction-y joy.

Do I hold the game in high regard? No. Do I take it at all seriously? No, I think the plot and everything else about it is ridiculous. I mean, both your and their generic soldiers literally just stand there most of the time; the AI is revolting. And the game frequently announces the start of missions right when I'm about to finish completing them, or declares I've captured a keep a good minute later, once I'm on the other side of the battlefield doing something else entirely. The difficulty tends to swing from easy-peasy to very occasionally abruptly hard due to poor design, then right back to easy-peasy. Frankly, I feel like the game got released while still in beta.

But is it fun? Yeah, it is. And thus Nintendo got my money. Ironic, really, given I stopped buying actual Zelda games a while back.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Oh, Yatzhee, never change... The mangy, bin-diving old coyote that bites wherever he please, rather than the fanbase's well trained attack dog.

Suppose all will be forgiven when the next Aliens: Colonial Marines equivolent comes out.