Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead 2 & New Super Mario Bros Wii


New member
Dec 9, 2009
So, Yahtzee, are you planning upon doing a review of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories once you get your hands on it? It's really worth looking at, in my opinion.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Can't get the video to load. I've tried from two different computers with different internet so that's not the problem. I'll have to keep trying.

EDIT: Thanks to the curse of awesome magicness the video loaded frst time after posting this!


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Radu889 said:
Taneer said:
Radu889 said:
It's obvious. Tank will win, due to his amazingly cheap tossing punch, so Bowser will fall off the bridge.
I think Bowser would win, since killing a tank is just lighting him on fire and running behind a rock.
And waiting 40 seconds for him to die and he becomes faster if lit, making the punch much harder to avoid.
Meh, I never found the Tank that tough at all. I would rather fight a tank than a horde of zombies or a Witch.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
new on the forums, but have been watching ZP since the beginning and had to ask:

what's up with the over abundance of scatological references in this one?


sneaky sneaky
Jul 23, 2009
This was a pretty good one.

The 30 ot 6 reference cracked me up. I'm glad he actually showed a legitimate image of it too.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Wow no stupid "first" posts! Yahtzee must have finely killed them!


Mario games... why are they still around? again Yahtzee said that Mario would be moving in to the cardboard box that Sonic lives in. And why has that not happened? Or maybe it has because games that are made over and over with "new" parts added in. Is the same game right? yes its fun but who cares at new price what makes me want to go out and pay $50-$60 for a game. While I know games at one point were $30 to #50. (God I am dating my self) I would buy if it was $20. As a side note L4D2, I belave it is best to play at LAN Gaming centers. I do not want to pay what ever it is for new price is. I will as well side with Yahtzee, Valve WTF no Half-Life 2 Ep. 3?

Mirrored Jigsaw

New member
Feb 25, 2009
This is one of Yahtzee's better reviews in the past few months. I'm glad to see someone else point out that Nintendo is just ripping off past ideas. Yes it's nostalgic, as a single player experience it might even be fun, but is it good? Fuck no.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Once again, Yahtzee has bestowed some poignant wisdom regarding the worst gaming company in recent history. Never in my life have I heard of a more absolutely retarded concept than 'New Super Mario Bros DS on the Wii', because that's all it is really; repackage a previously released title (which has been released prior New Super Mario Bros Wii about a billion times) and sell it again. How the hell could anybody have bought this? If Darwin's theory of evolution could be applied to Video Games then Nintendo should technically not exist. They become more powerful the more repetitive and unoriginal they are. I heartily look forward to 'New New Super Mario Bros DS' and 'New New Super Mario Bros DS on the Wii'.

Oh, and L4D2 does fall into this hole as well, but I'm willing to forgive Valve because they've actually released something original in the past decade.


New member
May 21, 2009
Fantastic episode, one of the best he has done in a while! Disagree what he said about L4D2 but hey!
Actually enjoyed the whole reviewing 2 games idea and especially liked the animation at the end. Oh, and a Tank. Obviously.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I feel like Yahtzee was way too harsh on New Super Mario Bros. Wii, especially considering that there hasn't BEEN any, or rather many side-scrolling platformers these days, and the fact that he said it shouldn't exist makes me feel very angry and upset.

Yeah, he's got a point about not making progress, but then again, when most of the games these days are just 3D platformers, maybe the best way to make progress again is to go back to basics, you know?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Theory: Nintendo is spiting Yahtzee by overtly making the same mistakes over and over again.
Mario is dead in every shape and form; but if Nintendo made a third Golden Sun game I might actually buy a Nintendo console again. Or at least not end friendships when I find out a mate owns a Wii.

Also, did Yahtzee just get through a review of a Wii exclusive, without ripping on the Wii once?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Why the hell are the top two posters suspended?

on topic: nice video as always, particularly enjoyed the predictable yet acutely deserved jab at the ridiculous video game laws in australia.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Motakikurushi said:
Once again, Yahtzee has bestowed some poignant wisdom regarding the worst gaming company in recent history.
Yes yes they certainly are the worst gaming company in recent history. You are correct with that statement. They are definitely the worst gaming company in recent history.

And, I know this just makes me a Nintendo whore, apparently, but the game is actually very fun. I know that in this day and age making a game that is purely fun is an awful sin among the likes of rape and murder, but I enjoy playing it. I enjoy playing it with friends (not seriously, of course, that really does breed hate among even the closest group; playing it as PHUN PARTY GAME is a much more pleasant experience) and I enjoy playing solo.
It is true that, aside from the new suits, the game doesn't introduce any particularly new concepts. It is also true that, aside from the suits (and Yoshi, obviously), World didn't add too much to SMB3. Yet it is regarded as a classic nearly equal (sometimes, even better) to 3.
So why can't NSWMBWii (Christ, that name is stupid) also be regarded as such? Because it's a side-scroller, in 2009? The game is a phenomenal 2D platformer, easily tying with World for me, and I understand that games don't need to be 2D anymore, and Nintendo can make absolutely amazing 3D platformers, but goddammit, it has excellent, challenging, and creative level design.

So, now that that's done, this was quite a humorous review! I laughed quite a few times!

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Dexter111 said:
Yes, thank you, L4D2 feels like and could be sold as an Expansion, finally someone to "notice", and a Valve fanboy no less xD
Yahtzee certainly isn't the only one to say this. Many of gamers have said this, and they have all been equally wrong.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
jdnoth said:
Theory: Nintendo is spiting Yahtzee by overtly making the same mistakes over and over again.
Mario is dead in every shape and form; but if Nintendo made a third Golden Sun game I might actually buy a Nintendo console again. Or at least not end friendships when I find out a mate owns a Wii.

Also, did Yahtzee just get through a review of a Wii exclusive, without ripping on the Wii once?
They ARE making a new Golden Sun, for the DS. It will be supposedly released next year. And Mario isn't dead. Not even close, if you ask me. His popularity his high, and unlike Sonic, he doesn't just have nostalgia to back him up, he has awesome gameplay.