Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead 2 & New Super Mario Bros Wii


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Campbells soup.
This was a pretty good review-It sums up what is wrong with Nintendo.However,I think that the quality of critisizm fell due to the multi game thing.
Perhaps they are gaining plenty of monies in order to make a console which is actually good from a gamers perspective next generation.But seeing as they are a business and this makes them MOAR!(Requires evidence) money then there is little chance of that.

Whatever,my opinion sucks.

Anonymous Overlord

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Sep 21, 2009
I want this cross over to happen, imagine playing as Mario, Luigi, and what ever 2 assorted Mario universe characters you prefer as you run screaming through Mushroom kingdom filled with toad zombies, Yoshi smokers, Boo Boomers, & Hunter Goombas. Bowser could be a tank.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
AD3N said:
good point, where the hell is hl2:episode 3!
I know! I feel stupid because I think valve's bait and switch as totally worked on me. I completely forgot about HL2:3!


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Gutterpunk said:
funguy2121 said:
Dear God, are you trolling me? Am I being punked? Surely you get this. Where's Ashton? Where is he?

In october 1988, Nintendo of America released a video game entitled Super Mario Brothers 2. The original sequel to Super Mario Brothers had been deemed too difficult for North American audiences, so a very different game, Doki Doki Panic! was transformed via character-swapping. The playable characters in the platformer were Mario, Luigi, Toad AND PRINCESS FRIKKIN TOADSTOOL, LATER RENAMED PRINCESS PEACH.

Are we clear now? Ha ha, Ashton, ya got me. How's Demi doing? Ok, I gotta go swallow a gun now.
Yes, and in Super Mario 2, the plot wasn't to save peach.

Also, as it has been pointed out, Miyamoto didn't want Peach as a playable character.

Changing the 4th character to Peach would require a plot overhaul (animations and al.)

So I ask again, which character should they have used? I am not attacking you, I am asking you which one would've fit the best in your opinion.
Well, if you don't mind someone else stepping in,why not Toad (the original red/white mushroom hat one) and Toadette? They'd fit with the "save Peach" plot and be more recognizable.


New member
Feb 5, 2009

After seeing the review last week, I was afraid that Yahtzee was beginning to run out of interest in this, so he was going to do them all in a very bored, half-assed fashion. Thank God it was a one-time thing.

His points continue to be valid, and his speech is as rushed and energetic as ever.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Gutterpunk said:
Sonicron said:
As unfocussed as his rants often turn out to become as of late, I have to agree with his opinion on the Mario game. "This shit will not fly!" is about as perfect as it gets regarding a summary of a game from a company that's deleted the words 'innovation' and 'creativity' from its vocabulary.
If you want a different game than Mario, well then... play a different game than Mario.
Oh, you see, I have nothing against Mario. In fact, in think I lost count on how many hours I've spent on Galaxy, because it's just that good.
I do have something against Nintendo though when they take the whole concept of innovation (in regard to gameplay, anyway) and flush it down the crapper. Yes, I liked Mario Bros 3, but that's just the thing: If I want to play that game, I'll play that game. And if I decide to shell out good money for a new Mario game, I want a new Mario game, not an old one with new graphics.


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Feb 12, 2009
cordeos said:
good to know that 5=20, each section of a map is not a map. 20 weapons, a few new enemies and some minor AI and graphics improvements and one new game mode. I dont see how this justifies a $50 game.
This logic would apply to any sequel. Modern Warfare 2 is just new guns in a new location, same old killing. AC2 has a few new upgrades and a new protagonist, big whoop. God of War 2 goes through the same weapon upgrades and story. The thing is, all those sequels were great games (well, MW2 was alright) that improved on already good games. That is exactly what L4D2 does. I had my reservations about it too, until I got my hands on it. I realized why the boycott died after those guys got flown out; the demo does not do it any favors.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Better than before. Good that you didn't do only Left 4 Dead 2 or Super Mario Brothers wii in your review, because that'd be boring, cocidering that they don't differ enough from their prequels to make a good review.


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Dec 14, 2007
It's obvious. Tank will win, due to his amazingly cheap tossing punch, so Bowser will fall off the bridge.


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Sep 1, 2008
CG55 said:
I do agree that New Super Mario Bros. Wii having two players play as toads is very stupid. Ya couldn't have picked anything at least a little more interesting, Nintendo?
I figured Waluigi and Wario, really. Made more sense in my head.

Either way, after playing L4D2, then watching this video, I have to say, this review wasn't very much. He didn't really say anything regarding the game. He didn't mention the long list of things to be hated in L4D.

Similarly with Mario, it sounds more like he just didn't much feel up to playing the game, and instead just wrote a review based on pre-established points.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Yahtzee, do you see anything good comming for the Wii? I find myself scorning my purchase of the console and wish something would make it worth buying. Metroid Other M looks promising but I don't think anything is making this console viable.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Radu889 said:
It's obvious. Tank will win, due to his amazingly cheap tossing punch, so Bowser will fall off the bridge.
I think Bowser would win, since killing a tank is just lighting him on fire and running behind a rock.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Am I the only one who thought that during the 2nd half of the review he sounded really really pissed off?


New member
Nov 25, 2009
another brilliant review. I think he should now double team Halo 3 ODST and Killzone 2 together becuz that would be very lolz with brutes going after space marines. Oh wait.

Jens Viking

New member
Nov 19, 2009
I don't care one jot if HL2 part three (millwall nil) has to be put on the backburner in order for L4D2 (Millwall one) to be released. My point is, it should not matter in a review of L4D2 weather or not that is the case. That is just nid picking, non? (Yes I am a fanboy, I admit it)


New member
Dec 14, 2007
Taneer said:
Radu889 said:
It's obvious. Tank will win, due to his amazingly cheap tossing punch, so Bowser will fall off the bridge.
I think Bowser would win, since killing a tank is just lighting him on fire and running behind a rock.
And waiting 40 seconds for him to die and he becomes faster if lit, making the punch much harder to avoid.