Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead 2 & New Super Mario Bros Wii


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Bowzer Vs. Tank:
Sure yes, Bowzer can spit fire at the tank and light him on fire. But he's too slow to escape the tank.. And he'll be pumbled into a nice can of turtle salad before what's left of the Tank's eye brows have fallen off. And there is only but a single hair left.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
OK, (first time posting)

While i think that the video, is pretty funny, i denifitely don't agree with pretty much all he said.

1) i haven't played L4D2 so im not going to talk about it

2) regarding NSMBW, i do think the bashing was excesive, and didn't review the game for what it is, instead of what is not.

It strikes me as odd for yahtzee to concentrate on "innovation" rather than "fun" or gameplay, heck, he didn't talk much about the single player mode, like if it didn't exist

and the question WHY this game exists?

1) because there a huge number of people who likes that gameplay, old school 2d mario, there are people out there who started in the nes eras and just didn't like much the 3d marios (i do recognize their aports to gaming, mainly 64 and now galaxy), and what do i base this opinion?, on the best source of all: game reviews?, nope, game sales? absolutely

how many sales have the new super mario in ds?: it should be around 20 millions now, 20 MILLIONS of copies sold!!, heck, and all those are the "casuals", i don't think so, there still people (like me) that have played since the nes and love old school gaming, just pure gaming, pure fun.
no cinematics, no stupid unskippable story, no BS, just gaming, and that's something that appeals to me and to the wii sports crowd, a simple game to play but hard to master (even for old ones, this is no walk in the park), without being a party game or mini-game compilation.

How many copies sold the most innovative mario game in recent history, galaxy: 8 millions, and the game bombed in japan, japanise don't like much 3d marios, yet they love 2d, why?, because 3d are puzzle oriented and somehow slower, the 2d ones are precise, you know in 5 seconds what the goal is, and the only thing preventing you to reach it are your skill, and the nsmbw has excellent level design in spades. whya you seen the sales from dec. 3 to dec. 6 for nsmbw?: almost 1 million ONLY in japan, where console games don't sell very well.

is really innovation what gamers want?, maybe is if with good GAMEPLAY and got good CONTENT, everything else beside that is widowdressing, and is fresh to see these games focusing on that when almost all of blockbuster titles overprice budgets with things you want to skip, after 3 seconds. and why the hate how many console 2d marios, no, 2d plataformers have been playing lately?, little big plantet? and control wise-leveldesing wise, nsmbw wins hands down, if u dont belive me play one after the other. have i been complaining about hte flood of fps lately?, why the hate on a game with no oversaturated genre 2d console games?, come on.

at the end why nsmbw exists?: because
1) it got a big market that wants it
2) it sells like crazy and nintendo loves it's profit (remember it doesn't matter if your game is OMG! awesome if it doesn't sale enough to cover costs is no good)
3) it appeals to old arcade/nes type of players (Like me) and to "casuals" as well if not check out the youtube videos of granpas and kids playing the damn game and havinf FUN.

Sorry for the long post (and the bad english, is not my 1st lang.) i just needed to say that, even though the video was funny (a bit unfair btw).


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Bowser'd win. He's got a castle and everything. All tanks have is lame "let me rip up fifty feet of roadway to fling at you" powers.

...on second thought, that is pretty scary, after all.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
MB202 said:
jdnoth said:
Theory: Nintendo is spiting Yahtzee by overtly making the same mistakes over and over again.
Mario is dead in every shape and form; but if Nintendo made a third Golden Sun game I might actually buy a Nintendo console again. Or at least not end friendships when I find out a mate owns a Wii.

Also, did Yahtzee just get through a review of a Wii exclusive, without ripping on the Wii once?
They ARE making a new Golden Sun, for the DS. It will be supposedly released next year. And Mario isn't dead. Not even close, if you ask me. His popularity his high, and unlike Sonic, he doesn't just have nostalgia to back him up, he has awesome gameplay.
The "new" Golden Sun is just a remake of the first, and you are a fanboy.


New member
Dec 17, 2008
i think the new mario game would acceptable if it were $20 or something, since it is a little new since you couldnt play snes online but when i found out it was $50 the small place in my heart for mario erupted


New member
Dec 3, 2007
Motakikurushi said:
Once again, Yahtzee has bestowed some poignant wisdom regarding the worst gaming company in recent history. Never in my life have I heard of a more absolutely retarded concept than 'New Super Mario Bros DS on the Wii', because that's all it is really; repackage a previously released title (which has been released prior New Super Mario Bros Wii about a billion times) and sell it again. How the hell could anybody have bought this? If Darwin's theory of evolution could be applied to Video Games then Nintendo should technically not exist. They become more powerful the more repetitive and unoriginal they are. I heartily look forward to 'New New Super Mario Bros DS' and 'New New Super Mario Bros DS on the Wii'.

Oh, and L4D2 does fall into this hole as well, but I'm willing to forgive Valve because they've actually released something original in the past decade.
Really? So the DS, Nintendogs, Brain Age, the Wii, Wii Sports and Wii Fit don't qualify as 'original'? What does under your definition, because it's different than the one I'm familiar with.

As for the video, some complaints about the two games are valid, but I strongly disagree with the closing rant about how NSMBWii "has no right to exist". What are you trying to say with that statement, Yahtzee? That Mario games shouldn't exist, or that 2d platformers shouldn't exist, or something else entirely? Also, you seem to have taken a 180 from your position that Nintendo "couldn't be bothered" to make Mario and Zelda games anymore, what happened to facilitate that?

jdnoth said:
MB202 said:
jdnoth said:
Theory: Nintendo is spiting Yahtzee by overtly making the same mistakes over and over again.
Mario is dead in every shape and form; but if Nintendo made a third Golden Sun game I might actually buy a Nintendo console again. Or at least not end friendships when I find out a mate owns a Wii.

Also, did Yahtzee just get through a review of a Wii exclusive, without ripping on the Wii once?
They ARE making a new Golden Sun, for the DS. It will be supposedly released next year. And Mario isn't dead. Not even close, if you ask me. His popularity his high, and unlike Sonic, he doesn't just have nostalgia to back him up, he has awesome gameplay.
The "new" Golden Sun is just a remake of the first, and you are a fanboy.
Where did you come across this information? Also, being a fanboy has no impact on the validity of his post.

L4Y Duke

New member
Nov 24, 2007
Caradinist said:
L4Y Duke said:
Uh, isn't it a bit hypocritical for Yahtzee to review Left 4 Dead 2, despite the fact that he seems to hate online multiplayer with an almighty vengeance rivalling that of the various denizens of Mount Olympus? Or New Jersey?

Well, he did review games like EVE Online, which are strictly or intended to be multiplayer only. I think he has no problem reviewing multiplayer only games, just has a problem with weak single player, with competitive multiplayer. Maybe he has an exception for co-op games.

either that or he reviews whatever he gets only, discounting GAME TRADERS ROBINA.
I suppose that's true. I guess he will review multiplayer games so long as they are only multiplayer.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Do I think L4D2 is fun? Yes.

Was it worth the $32 I paid for it? Yes.

Did it not only fracture the L4D community, but also fracture my Steam friends into those who own only L4D and only L4D2? Yes.

When I heard that Valve was releasing L4D2, but heard no mention at all of Half-Life 2: Episode 3, was I annoyed? Yes.

Seriously, enough Left 4 Dead, get back to work on Episode 3.

hallow eyes

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Wow finally I was waiting for a critic to say holy shit why does this game exist. "New super Mario Brothers" if that isn't the biggest lie Nintendo ever told I don't know what is. I understand how 4 playing co-op is such a new thing when everyone else has been doing it for years. Also what the hell is up with you people addressing your complaints to Yahtzee anyway I'm sure he doesn't read them and even if he did I seriously doubt he gives two shits what you assholes think.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
I never post on Yahtzee's reviews despite watching them for a couple of years, but WTF was that? Even when the man has little to say it usually comes across with humour and hubris in equal measure. However for once that was just pure ranting shite, I got no feel for either game. I'm starting to feel ZP has become a parody of itself over the last few months and unless Mr. Crosshaw pulls something funny out of the spite bag soon I'm just gonna go watch my box-set of the Young Ones each week for some outdated yet somewhat relevant laughs each week..


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I vote Bowser in the Tank VS Bowser fight. He has a shell, he has a flying ride, and he crushes things under his ass.

Huh? What? Game-talk? Feh. All the good jokes on that were taken by the man in the hat.


New member
Jun 13, 2008
Speaking of TF2 updates, they teased a new one on the TF2 blog today, go check it out, I don't want to spoil the awesome:

Sven und EIN HUND

New member
Sep 23, 2009
shotgunbob said:
I loved the Fresh Prince Refrence
Same here ^^ Good review all around. His voice sounds a bit hoarse, the aftermath of flu perhaps? But then again, I'm not about to go on about his voice.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
The rapid switching between games was awesome and the whole thing was really funny, altho the left 4 dead 2 review probably wouldve been funnier if hed gotten a hold of the uncensored version