Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead 2 & New Super Mario Bros Wii


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
jackelbeaver said:
More importantly, why can't a balance be found between both the story and the game play? Why can't the two blend together, as was the case with Prince of Persia: Sands of Time? What about the StarCrafts of our day, where there was incredibly interesting, varied and balanced gameplay and a rich background story?

In any case, you say you want a "game experience". Great. So do I and so do most gamers, I assume. Now, if I wanted an "arcade game experience", I'd roll out my NES or else buy some points for Live and get something there for cheap.

I'm not saying your points are not valid since I agree overall, but I don't see how people are justifying spending sixty clams on either of these games, when they only have the gameplay covered and ignore all other tenants of good modern-day game making. Just having good gameplay does not a good game make.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
What's this? Yahtzee is shredding two games per episode now? Fun times are ahead if he ever has a threesome going on outside his bedroom and inside his next review.

Buck Wilde

New member
Jul 15, 2009
Well, it's probably been noted but still fuck reading through all these pages but anyways whats with the Shawshank references? I enjoy them a lot so he's a good man but still I'm just curious, and I think that makes 3 references now?


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Ben, ben can we have you autograph on a fedora hat! You're THAT much a good presenter and strictly a man of his guns :9


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Hey, the Wii has some use. It made No More Heroes. Good video, truly entertaining. Really, though? Tank or Bowser? C'mon...the tank can't jump. How could he win?


New member
Sep 17, 2009
I'm excited for the Silent Hill: Shattered Memories review. You know he's gonna take that on one of these days.

Also, valve really needs to work on Half-life more. Yeah, zombies sell better, but its been nearly three years...for an expansion pack. Zombies get their expansion pack in a year... that's some bullshit.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
mario is dying the way sonic is dying. he wont die as fast because hes more versatile, but he will die. and fanboys and nintendo need to come to terms with that.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Great reviews, as always. That being said, it's a touch ironic that you lament the well executed sameness of L4D2 (combined with the trickling updates to TF2), and savage the completely unoriginal SMB Wii while at the same time longing for a sequel to the Half Life series.

Don't get me wrong, I want to swing that crowbar around as much as the next guy, just found it an amusing piece of cognitive dissonance.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Bowser vs. Tank: Who would survive?

Bowser, because he's just as strong and can breath fire. As we have seen, fire can be very effective against the Tank.


New member
Oct 17, 2009
chewbacca1010 said:
jackelbeaver said:
*Snip snip*
It can be (MGS is one of my favorite franchises), but does every game NEED to have an indepth story to necessitate a price? Why does a long campaign matter more than replay value? I'd rather pay 60 dollars for a game that I'll keep and come back to every now and then rather than a game that I'll sell in a month and never want to play again.

I'm not against stories but I don't think an in depth story should be required for a game to be "worth it". If it's not adding to the game then it's just tacked on nonsense. (AKA: The story mode in Super Smash Bros Brawl) Many games' stories are more enjoyable when experienced exclusively than through gameplay. Short games can be worth it if it's something you deeply enjoy or want to play again and again. I almost always REGRET buying long games because it feels like I'm buying a job that I'll just end up quitting.


New member
May 14, 2009
Never tried the SMB game. Not getting the Wii until Christmas. I have played the L4D2 demo and I've put an embarrassingly large number of hours into playing L4D. I have to agree that L4D2 is much more like an expansion. While there are a couple of interesting additions that probably couldn't be added to the original like zombie minus arm = zombie not dead yet, Things like the added weapons, zombie types and new helpful items probably could. (I could start a whole new rant about how absurd the defib item is, but not right now...Phoenix Down anyone?) Now, if they had added drivable vehicles with levels designed for them, that could have made a significant difference in my opinion...


New member
Dec 6, 2007
The_Toony said:
I'm also loling hard at the people whining that Nintendo dares to use a successful franchise like Mario, and then asking when Valves gonna release HL2:EP 3.
Number of games involving Half-life: 6. 7 if you count Portal being referenced as the same universe.
Number of games involving Mario charaters: Several hundred.

Yeah, that's TOTALLY the same thing. /sarcasm


Some guy on the internet
Dec 17, 2008
snowman6251 said:
Glad to see the return of the triple cunted hooker.

And I wish valve weren't so anti-PS3. I like zombies and I'd like to give L4D a go but they seem to have dismissed it as an unworthy platform. Why I can't really tell. They may sell more copies on the 360 but there's certainly money to be made on the damn thing.
1. It is difficult to program for, meaning they would have to use tons of money to train a whole new team of programmers and then fire them all when PS4 launches.
2. Even if they had a team of programmers who could program for the PS3, making games for it would still be expensive.