Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead 2 & New Super Mario Bros Wii


New member
May 25, 2009
To all of those ignorant people that disagree with this man's genius at critizing and reviewing games to give everybody a better perception on what they are like before you waste all your hard earned money, then frankly you can fuck off (excuse my french) because almost everything he has ever stated in these videos is nothing short of the complete truth. Left 4 Dead 2 should have been an expansion to the first game because both games are so mind blowingly short that it would only make sense and the second game only changed well...very little so there is not big deal about it being a stand alone title because NOTHING CHANGED get over yourself you crazed Valve fanboys, and Nintendo is an evil, greedy corporation which should burn in the deepest bowels of hell for bleeding out every single title they have ever released...we do not need 400 games about an Italian plumber with a knack for jumping on things and so on...listen to his words, I trust Yahtzee to tell me if a game is worth the money, and the rest of you are insane and need to whack yourself's across the head with a blunt object several times until blood rushes from your ears.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Mazty said:
Right, look at it like this: If old games are still good, why did Sony, Nintendo etc make better consoles, when the money is made on the software not hardware?
Why do companies make improvements when it'd be cheaper not to if games from the 1980's are still good?
You are horribly massacring a very simple concept. Technology progresses, so what? Of course to make money you have to change with the times. It doesn't matter if your product is good or bad. This is just business sense.

You are acting like there is a magical switch in your head that makes you enjoy games less.

Diablo is inferior to Diablo 2 as the graphics are better in D2, the levels are more original, more classes, more balanced, better online etc (Technically speaking)
That makes Diablo 2 better on a technical scale.

And no, watch Top Gear. THose guys have all realised good cars were good then, nowadays they aren't good. Clearly you don't understand the concept that what makes something good develops over time.
1) You are comparing video games to cars. Last time I checked, video games were not killing machines that needed constant updating due to safety regulations.

2) Explain to me why people work on restoring muscle cars, or drive cars from the 1800s.

And yes good games do turn into bad games, because if say Starcraft had never been released and was a week from now, people would say it looks like shit, it's unoriginal, the AI is appalling etc Same with GT2, a popular game back in the day, but now people would say it looks awful, handles even worse, and is utterly forgettable.
Completely forgettable? Must be why they have so many sequels.

And once again, you're basing quality on the technical aspects.

Can you please state how a game which was made in the 90's which looks bad, has limited gameplay and technically is dire
Nobody is saying that graphics of old games aren't outdated. So you can stop acting like people are. Also, if you accuse people of saying things like "because it is", then you need to stop using explanations like "technically is dire".


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Wait, why can't Yahtzee import L4D2 like he does other games banned in Australia?

And was that a spider he showed in food or something? I can't get myself to watch to video again to check what I saw.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Low Key said:
I like Left 4 Dead 2, although I have admittingly never played the original. Are they really that much alike?
Remove the melee weapons and a small handful of other weapons(the variations in the shotgun, rifle, pistol, and automatic) and you have the same game, just not in broad daylight like L4D2.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
EN1GM4 said:
To all of those ignorant people that disagree with this man's genius at critizing and reviewing games to give everybody a better perception on what they are like before you waste all your hard earned money, then frankly you can fuck off (excuse my french) because almost everything he has ever stated in these videos is nothing short of the complete truth. Left 4 Dead 2 should have been an expansion to the first game because both games are so mind blowingly short that it would only make sense and the second game only changed well...very little so there is not big deal about it being a stand alone title because NOTHING CHANGED get over yourself you crazed Valve fanboys, and Nintendo is an evil, greedy corporation which should burn in the deepest bowels of hell for bleeding out every single title they have ever released...we do not need 400 games about an Italian plumber with a knack for jumping on things and so on...listen to his words, I trust Yahtzee to tell me if a game is worth the money, and the rest of you are insane and need to whack yourself's across the head with a blunt object several times until blood rushes from your ears.
He's a satirical critic, he doesn't mean most of what he says and his personality isn't really as it appears to be in his reviews, which you'd know if you watched any interviews he's appeared in. But I guess it's just hard for you to see a Yahtzee's true colours, you're too busy conentrating on sucking his dick. I suggest you spit it out and learn a bit about what you're talking about before you make a fool of yourself here.
P.S. There can never be too many games about Italian Plumbers who have a knack for jumping on things.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Was a pretty awesome review as is to be expected :D, not surprised that l4d 2 is similar to the original really, but yeah getting it in like a week :D and getting the english version not the australian one thankfully XD


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Whatever Mazty, if you don't like old games, well fine. That's you. I don't have time to argue around here anymore.
Super Mario Land is 2D eyecandy for me, same as for other people. You might think it looks like crap, I don't.

Megaman 9 was a huge success, and Megman 10 will be released in a few month. It seems like people still enjoy good "old" games after all.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
EN1GM4 said:
To all of those ignorant people that disagree with this man's genius at critizing and reviewing games to give everybody a better perception on what they are like before you waste all your hard earned money, then frankly you can fuck off (excuse my french) because almost everything he has ever stated in these videos is nothing short of the complete truth. Left 4 Dead 2 should have been an expansion to the first game because both games are so mind blowingly short that it would only make sense and the second game only changed well...very little so there is not big deal about it being a stand alone title because NOTHING CHANGED get over yourself you crazed Valve fanboys, and Nintendo is an evil, greedy corporation which should burn in the deepest bowels of hell for bleeding out every single title they have ever released...we do not need 400 games about an Italian plumber with a knack for jumping on things and so on...listen to his words, I trust Yahtzee to tell me if a game is worth the money, and the rest of you are insane and need to whack yourself's across the head with a blunt object several times until blood rushes from your ears.
I think Yatzee has himself commented on people who agree with every single thing he says being as dim as the people who DISagree with everything he says. Such people who, as you have described above, look to another to do all their thinking for them, certainly have no business telling other people to "fuck off," or that they are insane or moronic because they disagree.

Yatzee's style is certainly refreshing in a field overflowing with fanboy critics mindlessly loyal to certain companies and viciously opposed, needlessly, to others. He is, however, an entertainer. I look at him in a way similar to how I look at Stephen Colbert. Mr. Croshaw doesn't believe everything that Yatzee says, but there's certainly some of his personality in the character.

Anyone who holds up every single statement a celebrity utters as pure gospel is himself a lunatic and an idiot.

Mazty said:
snippity snip
Mazzteiieye, purely because every single person in the world can disagree with a person and that person can still be right, I humbly suggest that you may be right about the new Mario. And of course, as you have stated and is still on the last couple of pages even though you will deny it, if you are correct then every one of us who disagrees is mentally retarded. Except that to be right or wrong on the subject, Mario would have to be objectively good or bad. Your tastes, which from your words hinge more on how many fans or critics agree with you depending on the convenience, are certainly not refined enough to consider yourself a renaissance man.

Super Mario Galaxy was objectively awesome. Grand Theft Auto 4 was objectively mediocre and derivative. New Super Mario Oh Forget It is a nostalgic trip back in time; it's not trying to forge any spankin' new territory. See the difference? If I like RPGs, and you like beating Kevin Smith off, then of course I'll prefer a Square Enix title to pleasuring a shark-jumping filmmaker, whereas you'll be offering him fellatio and now it will be legal since you're finally an adult.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
The first time it was an honest mistake; then you tried to call me out for it whilst simultaneously trying to pull a prepubescent ploy to make me repeat myself. Call it lampooning your poor English (...and people are worship it because...) and mis/over-use of words you imagine are bigger than they actually are(dire, abysmal). Again, this does not look good on a person who's telling everyone they're dumb and their beliefs are absurd.

Why don't you tell us which Michael Bay film is superior in every way to 2001? On what basis is the shot-for-shot remake of Psycho by the guy who directed the Hanson videos superior to the original, or the new, nearly identical Omen superior to the classic? Is Liev Shrieber really that much better an actor than Gregory Peck? Would you then suggest that Haze and Too Human were better games than Goldeneye and Street Fighter II? ON WHAT MERITS? I'd love to hear it.

Placing a divider somewhere in the 80's, I'd say your argument that old = shit, new = your wife is taking lapdance lessons actually has some legs, but only in the realm of TV. I'd certainly rather watch Community than MASH any day.

Oh, and does that also mean that 3 Day's Grace beats the shit out of Jimi Hendrix, and Adam Lambert kicks Jello Biafra's ass?

Your arguments are not based upon merit but rather on shiny newness. New packaging, new box art, and a name change. Halo's not very bloody original, but I don't recall hearing you rant about how it's Doom/Goldeneye/Etc. all over again. Because Bungie snookered you.

The very movies you threw at me when I took you to task for claiming to be the champion of original and fresh ideas were Clerks and Chasing Amy. I don't know if you're aware, but those movies are over a decade old. There seems to be some disparity in your arguments.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Mazty said:
Bryy said:
I think it can simply be summed up by if a PS1 game was never released, say GT2, Driver, MGS1, and were a week from now, no one would buy them, or the sales would be significantly lower than they were from being released back during the peak of the PS1. Why is that?
As for old cars, its for nostalgia, or the looks of the car. It won't be for performance or how the car handles.
That's because of the vast inferiority of the PSOne compared to its competition. I still wince when I see video of Resident Evil 1 or Metal Gear Solid or the early Tomb Raider games. Jaggies everywhere, and not even in the distance. Make Laura Croft take 3 steps and she looks like she's being electrocuted or the molecules in her legs are coming apart. It's my humble opinion that the overwhelming majority of PSOne games were overhyped or shovelwear and the flood of brand new gamers purchasing this as their first system didn't know that there were better games out there. So why doesn't this work when applied to Nintendo titles like New Super Mario Brothers, you ask? Because their hasn't been a 15 year hunger for a new Panzer Dragoon. Playstation 1 games aren't crap because they're old, they're crap because they're crap (there are exceptions, of course). It's clearly your opinion that Mario is crap but the folks who disagree with you outnumber you. They don't see some fancy bump-mapping technique and ignore gameplay because of it.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
You want to take all the power ups and one in front to get all the deaths :p

As usual, a great and amusing performance Ben.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
And so Yahtzee craps all over Nintendo all over again. I had to see this coming as much as I didn't want to.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Mazty said:
So PS1 games are mostly crap because....? I think you are overlooking the fact that many of them were original ideas, making them "good" because they hadn't been done before, meaning there weren't better games out there.
Though when something is repeated again & again, whilst not keeping up with technical innovations, surely that should make it "bad" I'd have thought, as peoples expectations should have moved with the times. Then again, I find games fun because I like to be challenged. Maybe some people are just entertained by bright colours and childish sounds, I'm just not one of them.
Masty, I've figured it out. Ya know that old Norm McDonald bit about the three robbers who...oh, right, you were barely speaking English then. Okay, well the punchline of the joke was "They really like irony!" And I think that's what we're seeing here with you. Once again, not only did you not address anything I said, but you accused me of the same thing that I, and others on this thread, have already pointed out about you: you're all about the technical, the flashy, the gaudy. Even though that don't mean shit when the gameplay isn't worth a damn. But what do I know, I'm just a --oo! Lookie!

Psstew! Pssshtew! Zing-zam, whooooooo!

Edit: And you still haven't backed up your argument that Transformers 2 was a superior film to Full Metal Jacket and Adam Lambert beats the crap out of Pink Floyd any day...


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Mazty said:
Ienjoygames said:
Whatever Mazty, if you don't like old games, well fine. That's you. I don't have time to argue around here anymore.
Super Mario Land is 2D eyecandy for me, same as for other people. You might think it looks like crap, I don't.

Megaman 9 was a huge success, and Megman 10 will be released in a few month. It seems like people still enjoy good "old" games after all.
I enjoy a good challenge without being hindered by archaic controls and shoddy graphics. Plus, great response....."Whatevar, I still likez them", not that you totally avoided answering my question...
I've already answered your questions a several times, and it seems like you still don't get it. And I still don't get why you got such a hard time on old games. What's your problem? If you're having problem with "archaic" controls, well then you're just playing the wrong games. Your loss. Oh, and if you want great controls then you should really try out the Megaman series, with great control and lovely 8-bit graphics. As I said before, people still want more of those games, I'm sure Megaman 10 will be a huge success.

Oh and yes, I "likez" them very much. After all, they're good games, even if they're old.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Mazty said:
Bryy said:
I think it can simply be summed up by if a PS1 game was never released, say GT2, Driver, MGS1, and were a week from now, no one would buy them, or the sales would be significantly lower than they were from being released back during the peak of the PS1. Why is that?
As for old cars, its for nostalgia, or the looks of the car. It won't be for performance or how the car handles.
I figured I'd throw in a little spiel here too. They did in fact release games in such a manner, such as Ocarina of Time: Master Quest for the Gamecube. Even though the controls and graphics remained the same, the dungeons were remastered to present new and difficult challenges, which compelled myself, and many others I'm sure, to give this new challenge a try. Were they to release Majora's Mask: Master Quest tomorrow, it'd be on my christmas list in a heartbeat.