Noticing how all the bad posts got cut and the users banned, I'd guess I'd have to give a shiny two cents - not that I wouldn't anyways, you know... *cough
Anyways, I'd have to agree that using the Wii can get pretty straining, bad responses, and it's really a matter of opinion on how you swing it as well as having large electronics near it makes it go haywire.
I'd also have to agree that Madworld was special in the sense that there are rarely any violent games out for the Wii. The Wii has a fairly soft opinion from people, not being helped by the commercials with the two little Asian girls playing with it all the time. Trying something new, failed yet again. Yahtzee's dub "Spectacle Fighter" really sums the game up pretty well, where the whole point is to kill your enemies in as creative a way as possible, not really an image that Wii has been trying to push for the past few years.