Zero Punctuation: MadWorld


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Ok, this, finally, is the episode where I say: Bloody hell, I want the old titles back.
Just about any version of "Mad World" would have been nice, though obvious.

Nice episode, and nice Alex DeLarge costume for Rick.


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
Majere613 said:
I suspect that the problem Yahtzee has with the Wii is the same problem that I have with it, the DS and the iPod Touch. I've yet to see any game which I felt was improved by the Wiimote controls, other than sporting games where the motion was a direct analogue of what you're actually doing. When it's doing stuff like Wii Sports or Wii Fit, the Wii is in a class of its own. But a classic-style actioner like Madworld is always going to work better with the precision of button and pad controls, and once you take the Wiimote out of the equation you're left with a console with markedly less horsepower than its competitors. I accept completely that this is due to my being an older gamer- I don't want to play games by drawing on the screen with a pen, tilting the display all over the place or putting my fingers on the game screen. I want controls that do the job of control and then get out of the way and let me play the game, and that doesn't seem to be what the Wii is about.
Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime 3 IMO were greatly enhanced by the Wii's motion control scheme, to the point where it's hard to go back to the old "regular" style of playing with a basic controller in your hands. The problem is that these games are few and far in-between, or rather, GOOD uses of them.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Glad as hell I looked at this I was thinking about getting this so my wii was more then a dust collector. Thanks for another useful review.


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
karmapolizei said:
Ok, this, finally, is the episode where I say: Bloody hell, I want the old titles back.
Just about any version of "Mad World" would have been nice, though obvious.

Nice episode, and nice Alex DeLarge costume for Rick.
Knowing the old style, I doubt he would have used "Mad World" for the theme. The only time the opening theme was the same as the game title was "No More Heroes" and Yahtzee stopped it in mid-song and said, "No No, that's a little too obvious."


New member
May 8, 2008
HardRockSamurai said:
Well done Yahtzee! I think everyone would like to know WHY THE FUCK IS THIS GAME ON THE Wii???
No, I wanna know when will Yahtzee by shoved in a box and dropped of a cliff on some jagged rocks. Seriously, enough is enough. Alright we get it, he hates the Wii, he hates the games that get on it. Can we move on? He drove this topic to the ground faster, than thoes Wii-mote jokes lost their wit (even if they didn' have wit to begin with.) I don't like the Wii myselfe, but this is just fucking annoying to no end.

Iori Branford

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Techni said:
Syntax Man said:
Funny as always, but I must say that Yahtzee seems to always pick on the Wii itself a lot. Especially considering the massive exaggeration present with his complaints about the motion sensor. Come on, it works pretty well and the delay between 'input' and game registry is only a fraction of a second..
Then he's not exaggerating. A fraction of a second is still huge, especially in videogames
Truth. Even 1/10 second of delay can kill you in certain games. Actually, all games should strive for no longer than 1/60 second.

Kage Me

New member
Jul 10, 2008
He's right about the commentators' habit of repeating themselves, but other than that... I find that the graphics on this game are actually pretty good, and I never had any problem with the Wii's reactions to my movements. Perhaps Yahtzee is just waggling his wand instead of actually doing what the screen tells him to do - my brother has the same problem, and he also complains frequently about it "not responding well" to his franctic shaking.

JoeNut said:
you're right, it's like developers are just trying to make something slightly different so that everyone who owns a wii will buy it, even though it'll be shit and worse than it could have been if it were on any other console.
You are wrong. Instead of intuitive Wii Remote movements, you'd have to blandly press buttons in the QTE - it would be much like pressing Play every few seconds to continue watching your movie. On the Wii, it actually feels like you're contributing something to the power struggles, which is something that could not be achieved on any other console. I dare claim that if this game had been released on the 360, it would not be half as much fun.

Techni said:
Because every wii game suffers simply because they are on the wii, and the complains are no less valid. The game would have been better simply by being made on PS3 or 360 instead.

He's not a PS3/360 fanboy, he harps on PS3 all the time. He's a quality game fanboy. And Wii doesnt have them
Metroid Prime 3; Corruption. I assume you get the point, yes?

Agent Larkin

New member
Apr 6, 2009
I very good reveiw as always but one question has been bothering me with all Yahtzee reveiws who is the picture of the guy you use to show people, the one with red hair?


New member
Jul 7, 2008
yourbeliefs said:
Techni said:
Henriksen said:
Why dont you just stop reviewing games for Nintendo if you hate them so mutch. Its getting pretty boring to listen to you wine about Nintendo all the time. It seems like nomather what comes out for it you will hate it.
No, he complains cause what comes out on Wii must suck compared to what it would have been on a real console. He doesn't hate it cause it's on the Wii, he hates that being on the Wii means they wasted potential.
How did it being on the Wii make it not live up to it's potential? Rather than a graphical and audio upgrade, what added potential would have been realized by putting MadWorld on a 360 or PS3?
He wouldn't have had to try to adapt to a control scheme that doesn't fit his brain despite him liking it originally?

Oh wait, I forgot who the primary crowd on the escapist is and who he's pandering to.


And how much is this Pub Club?
May 18, 2008
Spinwhiz said:
Hi Everyone!

The Escapist has been nominated for another Webby this year and we could really use your help to win The People's Voice Award for Best Game Related Website! Here are the easy steps:

1) Sign up for a free account at
2) Click on the "Website - Vote Now" link
3) Click on "Game Related" under Entertainment
4) Then submit your vote!

Thank you for all your help! It's because of you, the community, that we win these great awards!
And yet we rip into turbine for stuff like this.

Very funny review, one of the few that have made me laugh out loud lately. I think I have grown to used to Yatzee

Justin Holmes

New member
Apr 15, 2009
I've never posted here before, I don't ever intend to again, but I had to respond to this.

The criticisms about MadWorld are by and large funny and on the whole very fair -- it's a good, short game that's entirely crippled by a frustrating camera and somewhat iffy controls -- but what I don't get is this bent against the Wii. Do you people get all excited and bothered if there's an E rated game on 360 or PS3? Should a game not be released for PC, as an example, if it contains drug or gambling references? What's with the arbitrary fucking restrictions on what should or not should be released on hardware, not based on control or graphic capabilities, but on content? What the hell is that?

Was the Blu-Ray/HD DVD race decided because studios decided violent movies should be put out on HD DVD? You people are the problem. Some idiots on the internet decide the Wii is for kids because there are no games with a mature bent to them. Developers come out with mature games and then the internet jackoffs demand that they stop.

People will want to buy these games or not. Let the market decide. If they sell, they sell. If they don't, they don't. In the mean time instead of slagging the Wii, why don't you go outside and maybe try getting laid or something?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I have to agree with Yahtzee on the fact that this game should not be on the Wii. As Yahtzee said the Wii should be left go casual gamers and leave it at that. Developers should realise this and when they get the concept for a new game that gamers may actually like, they should look into developing it on the 360 or PS3 if not both.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Daymo said:
Spinwhiz said:
Hi Everyone!

The Escapist has been nominated for another Webby this year and we could really use your help to win The People's Voice Award for Best Game Related Website! Here are the easy steps:

1) Sign up for a free account at
2) Click on the "Website - Vote Now" link
3) Click on "Game Related" under Entertainment
4) Then submit your vote!

Thank you for all your help! It's because of you, the community, that we win these great awards!
And yet we rip into turbine for stuff like this.

Very funny review, one of the few that have made me laugh out loud lately. I think I have grown to used to Yatzee
"WE" don't rip into Turbine at all. Some people may have but I told Turbine (and every other developer) they could do it.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
You know, I really understand what he means about the Wii. If I had all 3 consoles of this generation, I think I can safely say that the Wii would probably be my least used console. Yeah, there are some good games for the Wii that work well with the motion controls (Such as Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition), but I used to look at the rack of potential rentals for the Gamecube at my local Blockbuster and I would have at least heard of the games on the shelves. Now I look at the Wii's line up and find myself asking "Wait, what the heck are these?" I haven't heard anything about any big Wii releases for a long time now (However I admit that I don't keep up to speed as much as I should). I haven't heard a thing about Mario or Metroid for the longest time and all I know is that Zelda is aiming its guns at the DS again.

Its sad to say, but the Wii for me has been reduced to nothing but something to use to go down memory lane and play things like Super Metroid, Star Fox 64, and other old titles I loved.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
Techni said:
Sylocat said:
Every time he reviews a Wii game, he reiterates all his nitpicks about it before getting down to the actual review.
Because every wii game suffers simply because they are on the wii, and the complains are no less valid. The game would have been better simply by being made on PS3 or 360 instead.

He's not a PS3/360 fanboy, he harps on PS3 all the time. He's a quality game fanboy. And Wii doesnt have them
Apparently Metroid Prime 3, RE4, NMH, HotD, etc., don't exist.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Ok, I had to register just so I could say this. The part where it says "Oh Frabjous Day" above the TV and Yahtzee is saying "Calloo Callay" is AWESOME.

Made me laugh out loud for real.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
My friend bought a wii, then sold it, then bought another one, then sold that one.

I wasn't really listening to the details of why my friend did this because I don't care about other people or what they do. But it seemed to me that every so often the console held up something shiny that made people want to buy said shiny thing and the console to play it on, but after a short while the charm had gone and the console neglected. That is not the establishment of anything worthwhile so I won't ever get a wii.