Zero Punctuation: Mailbag Showdown


New member
May 25, 2008
Jebril said:
Holy shit Yahtzee I had to actually make an account on this god forsaken website just to show you the flaws of your argument. In your review/critique of SSBB you make assumptions, lots of them. You make the assumption that studying a game and getting good at it isn't fun to people.

Well guess what they're are people who enjoy studying Chemistry and I absolutely hate it, what's fun to some might not be fun to others fun is subjective. You talk about the cluster animations, the too many particles on the screen how the camera zooms out all these excuses to why this game isn't fun.

Well fact of the matter is you can take off items if you really need to, take off the much bigger stages that don't you let you see your character, and theres still plenty of variation in this game.

And last but not least you take an absolute pure shit on yourself when you call yourself a critic but than blame the game for making you unlock characters. If you had the IQ of a monkey you can figure that fighting games all have unlockable characters! And just because you played the game for one evening doesn't mean you should be able to get everything in the game, in fact if you played this game for one evening you shouldn't even be able to review it! And becoming 'that guy' is what makes it fun, the Smash community was built on competitiveness, of course you don't understand that because you live in Australia where I guess there are just no where near as many tournies in your place as in the US.

And here's so mindless insults while I'm at it, your a fucking twat, you forgot who got you where you were, it was viewers like me and many others who liked your charismatic style of reviewing but than somewhere along the line you became a cocky sucking asshole, who would just bash games on endlessly just even simply forgetting to mentioning anything good about them all in the name of being a critic. And you simply insult me when you label me as a Nintendo fanboy for liking the Smash Bros. series when I actually never played games like Super Mario Galaxy or Twilight Princess or Mario Kart Wii or Metroid Prime 3. I actually only play the Wii when I'm playing this game.

God I had to make an account just to vent was so bad.....
God I had to make an account just to vent on you, sir. The reason Yahtzee is a twat about the games he reviews is precisely the reason his vid's are so popular. pays Mr. Crowshaw to castrate games (great, and, cuntastic) and the crybabys who love them (i.e. you). What would you do if you were in the position to do what a typical hedonistic, jaded, young fellow with a chip on his shoulder and a love/hate relationship with videogames and people alltogether, that got a check every payday to play videogames and review them once a week in a manner that would make sailors blush, little girls (and emoboys) cry, and leave small retarded children and those slow to the bloody punch scratching their mishapen heads? You'd roll with it wouldn't you? You started that way, why not go on with what's been working since the beginning? Yahtzee, like many of us, is the sort of person who's into originality, something never seen before, something daring and out-there like psychonauts. To put it plainly he's in to some trippy and goofy shit. It's his niche, and since you seem to assume the position of "to each his own," wouldn't your post be both contradictory and unnecessary at the heart of what you were trying to argue? Yahtzee seems to have hated Turok, I rather enjoyed myself. I liked Smash Bros. I did, but the beauty of having an opinion and posessing the power to voice it over internet through the majesty of streaming video and toilet humor is what makes trying to prove the validity of ones' opposition both moot and almost retarded, however, funny and such. This truth also makes the virtual world great...
and shit.
Love, Tick


New member
May 25, 2008
Reality writes the best comedy, congratulations on another entertaining episode.
I also like the way you illustrate your text a lot. God moves in mysterious ways is <3


New member
May 25, 2008
I completely respect Yahtzee's point of view, however I believe that many of the points he brought up were simply assumptions on his behalf and his personal preference and nothing else. I like creative games, I don't like fighting games isn't exactly a review. I know this reviews aren't meant to be taken seriously but I can't help but feel that Yahtzee did this review purposely to garner attention.

"pays Mr. Crowshaw to castrate games (great, and, cuntastic) and the crybabys who love them"

So I'mma crybaby when I defend a game I play? xD First they call us fanboys now they call us crybabies because we can't accept the fact that our games are shit. LMFAO, your logic is hilarious....>,<


New member
May 27, 2008
(leave my grammar alone btw o_O) Well after viewing the first page then realising that they where the first several of thousands of posts I had to move to the final page because of the sheer mass of posts. Anyway reading Jebril's post then looking at rudeboysaint's reply to that I would just have to say that it is extremely difficult to change the way people view things and how they think. Because like everyone should know; every single mind thinks differently and just because people think differently towards your views you have to start an argument? Personally I don't have much variation in games, I have a Game Cube and a PS3, have played Xbox, Xbox 360, PS1, PS2, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. I personally just like to kill, wreck things and make all sorts of mayhem in my games (mainly shooters :p), I also like to find faults in games and point them out to my friends. E.g. At the start of GTA4 i noticed that when i accidently jumped out of Roman's car it got stuck in some boxes; forcing me to goto Roman's side and actually jump in his seat, site inside his characters graphic then move to my original seat. Like that isn't a major bug or anything its just a little thing i noticed :p ........ANYWAY no one will probably read my post and if they do they will probably argue against my point (if i have any). omg almost forgot what is with people having a massive defence against others opinouns when they critisize things that relate to them? I dont care if you say the games I play are bad and not worth buying or that my console is way other priced and Isn't worth it, im happy just mashing my fingers on buttons and experiencing the sheer entertainment that is percieved by my brain :D actually here is something i know people LOVE, i play WoW (world of warcraft) let eveyone know i have no life or taste in games, HAHA ^-^

Shipmate Clive

New member
May 27, 2008
Well said! It always amazes me how much people piss and moan about every opinion that doesn't exactly match their own. Good to see them brought down a peg or two.


New member
May 27, 2008
First off great review.

Secondly... am I the only one who felt like I was doing the wave with the number of people quoting one another on the way to the bottom of the ruddy page?


New member
May 28, 2008

I enjoy Yahtzee and found the video funny, but I like him knocking on games more then groups of people. Not that those people shouldn't be fornicated with a rusty spoon, I'd just as well pretend most of the time 90% of society is glibbering monkies, then them having enough thought process to form opinions on an opionated review.

Yes, Yahtzee is biased. Look at his Orange Box review. Yes, he didn't like SSBB. So what? Were you expecting everyone to like it? Did you want an unbiased review? Almost impossible, as a review is person's or group's opinion on a video game stacked up against past experiences. Did you like the game? That last question is all that mattered. No one else has to like it for you to go out and buy it.

Anyway, bottom line, I think the only reason they put these threads down here is so controversy could be made over these videos. Gives more hits to the site. Unless they're here for us to remind yahtzee to spell check or tell him to go to the super market and buy milk. Maybe he gets a stiffy for cheering squads?


New member
May 28, 2008
That kind of stuff confuses me. He didn't like it for his own reasons, but your saying that he's not liking it for the wrong reasons. Do you mean that his review was off as in that what he listed as reasons were not correct as the flaws don't exsist? or that you hate the game and that the reasons you hate the game differ and think that the reasons you find for the game are better then the one's he's listing.

Either way you look at it, he's entitle to whatever opinion he so chooses and as long as he continues to bring these reviews in a manner that make me laugh, I hope he continues to make them, even if his reasoning toward video game reviews is skewed compartively to others. He's like an insult critic. He's supposed to hate everything. It's a form of entertainment. I'd just take it in stride. :D It's not like he's paid to be nice.


New member
May 14, 2008
How is it possible for me to be a hardcore Smash Bros fan and like this?
Hmmm..... Maybe..... Because..... I don't feel the need to defend a game/console and that something I like can be made fun of without me going mad, but rather have fun.

Oh, sorry. I'm almost wasting time defending something on the internet. We all know that, that's pointless, eh?

Have a great day!

Post: 1111 in this thread.


New member
May 14, 2008
Jebril said:
Holy shit Yahtzee I had to actually make an account on this god forsaken website just to show you the flaws of your argument. In your review/critique of SSBB you make assumptions, lots of them. You make the assumption that studying a game and getting good at it isn't fun to people.

Well guess what they're are people who enjoy studying Chemistry and I absolutely hate it, what's fun to some might not be fun to others fun is subjective. You talk about the cluster animations, the too many particles on the screen how the camera zooms out all these excuses to why this game isn't fun.

Well fact of the matter is you can take off items if you really need to, take off the much bigger stages that don't you let you see your character, and theres still plenty of variation in this game.

And last but not least you take an absolute pure shit on yourself when you call yourself a critic but than blame the game for making you unlock characters. If you had the IQ of a monkey you can figure that fighting games all have unlockable characters! And just because you played the game for one evening doesn't mean you should be able to get everything in the game, in fact if you played this game for one evening you shouldn't even be able to review it! And becoming 'that guy' is what makes it fun, the Smash community was built on competitiveness, of course you don't understand that because you live in Australia where I guess there are just no where near as many tournies in your place as in the US.

And here's so mindless insults while I'm at it, your a fucking twat, you forgot who got you where you were, it was viewers like me and many others who liked your charismatic style of reviewing but than somewhere along the line you became a cocky sucking asshole, who would just bash games on endlessly just even simply forgetting to mentioning anything good about them all in the name of being a critic. And you simply insult me when you label me as a Nintendo fanboy for liking the Smash Bros. series when I actually never played games like Super Mario Galaxy or Twilight Princess or Mario Kart Wii or Metroid Prime 3. I actually only play the Wii when I'm playing this game.

God I had to make an account just to vent was so bad.....
Stop watching his reviews and let Yathzee have his opinion. That simple.
There is no reason to defend a game.


New member
Jan 12, 2008
i Just hope Yahtzee Doesnt Become Maddox or sumthign.
Me Losing Hope, me Losin Faith.
at Least hes back to normal now............
Still didnt really think he'd bother in the firrst place to do a HateMail run-thru tho...


New member
May 7, 2008
OK, rant time, inspired by the PMS-suffering guy quoted above.

Look at the average number of comments he gets for his reviews: 200.
Look at the number of comments on his SSBB review: 1100+.

Enough said. It's not that the review was worse or less fair than the others - it wasn't. It's that the Internet is full of fan boys who can't stand their games being criticized. It's like the idiots I talked to when venting my anger on The Sims - no matter what argument I brought up, no matter how valid, they'd shrug it off as "too complicated", "that's not the kind of game this is", etc - and then rush off to buy the first of the many, many, many "milk-this-title-for-all-it's-worth x-packs that brought them the very features they claimed to hate.

For example:
Me: Er, how come they take showers after pissing themselves, but then get back in their pissy pants? Shouldn't they have to clean their clothing?
The Sims fanboy: OMG WTF LOL thatd be 2 complicated, u phail lol!

Er, right. You have no problem with doing the dishes after dinner, but having to do the exact same thing with pants is suddenly "too complicated". Sure.

Fanboy mindset: If it's in the game, it's good. If not, it's evidently because it's bad, because the developers are almighty and don't make mistakes.

Still didnt really think he'd bother in the firrst place to do a HateMail run-thru tho...
I'm surprised it took him as long as it did.


New member
Jan 12, 2008
All Right Lets get this straight.
I Like Yahtzee's reviews.
I view this video as a departure from his normally ' goes in the folder marked To be liquidated' approach to Hate-mail.I'm glad he's Back to reviewing games.
That's it and I dont see what in my earlier post tipped you off to my fanboyishness .
I am an Ardent Fan of the Witcher.
I do not care what yahtzee thinks about, yet i enjoyed his review on it, and did not label him as mentally ill for it. I think of it as just an Opinion.

I just thought A hate-mail runthru, however relevant, was beneath him.
He's never commented on his own videos, even when people Provoke him and such.

The Pattern reminded me of Maddox, An internet personality, i'd rather not be associated with.
You'll excuse me if i felt a bit paranoid and down on my spirits on Future prospects.

I'm Quite sorry Deadwings, Im Done now.
And i hope everyone else is too. This has been made out to be Much too Significant for its merits.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Here's the thing.

I didn't like the Brawl review. It was clearly(lawl) lazy, made few attempts to be funny and outright inaccurate from start to finish, missing every single one of the thousands of valid complaints he could've made. It reeked of the idea that he only did it out of a sense of obligation, and there was no substance at all.

I did like this, er, "review", because he actually looked like he put some mental work into it. This makes it funny and enjoyable. Yay! god, could there be any more mindless ballsucking in this topic? Not to say it's entirely comprised, but holy.


New member
May 22, 2008
Jebril said:
Holy shit Yahtzee I had to actually make an account on this god forsaken website just to show you the flaws of your argument. In your review/critique of SSBB you make assumptions, lots of them. You make the assumption that studying a game and getting good at it isn't fun to people.

Well guess what they're are people who enjoy studying Chemistry and I absolutely hate it, what's fun to some might not be fun to others fun is subjective. You talk about the cluster animations, the too many particles on the screen how the camera zooms out all these excuses to why this game isn't fun.

Well fact of the matter is you can take off items if you really need to, take off the much bigger stages that don't you let you see your character, and theres still plenty of variation in this game.

And last but not least you take an absolute pure shit on yourself when you call yourself a critic but than blame the game for making you unlock characters. If you had the IQ of a monkey you can figure that fighting games all have unlockable characters! And just because you played the game for one evening doesn't mean you should be able to get everything in the game, in fact if you played this game for one evening you shouldn't even be able to review it! And becoming 'that guy' is what makes it fun, the Smash community was built on competitiveness, of course you don't understand that because you live in Australia where I guess there are just no where near as many tournies in your place as in the US.

And here's so mindless insults while I'm at it, your a fucking twat, you forgot who got you where you were, it was viewers like me and many others who liked your charismatic style of reviewing but than somewhere along the line you became a cocky sucking asshole, who would just bash games on endlessly just even simply forgetting to mentioning anything good about them all in the name of being a critic. And you simply insult me when you label me as a Nintendo fanboy for liking the Smash Bros. series when I actually never played games like Super Mario Galaxy or Twilight Princess or Mario Kart Wii or Metroid Prime 3. I actually only play the Wii when I'm playing this game.

God I had to make an account just to vent was so bad.....
damn if you dont like his reviews complain to your mum and stop watching his review you twat


New member
Jun 8, 2008
Oh my freaking God! What is your problem! I like Turok and he slaughtered it but you don't see me whining like a little *****! He said all that one because the game SUCKED like all fighting games and two because he gets paid to that is how he makes a living i mean we don't attack you because you live in your parents basement and bum money off them so you can buy your crappy Nintendo games and your gay porn. So why should you attack him for having a life when you clearly don't.