Zero Punctuation: Prince of Persia Retrospective


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I enjoyed watching this review a lot, it's been a few years since I played a PoP game and as a big fan of the series this review made me want to go back and play through them all again. So I did.

I have to say I'm actually very surprised Yahtzee holds the first game in such a higher regard than the second. I personally think that the Warrior Within made massive steps forward and blew Sands of Time out of the water, which in itself is very impressive because Sands of Time is an awesome game. Here are my reasons why I think Warrior Within is superior:

1. Massively improved combat. Thought I'd get the obvious one out of the way first, we all know this is the best change.
2a. The game has attitude. The Prince in Sands of Time was somewhat of a whining, sarcastic know-it-all. His light-hearted approach was humorous at times but to me it didn't really fit the bill of a sword-wielding hero slashing sand zombies to death. In Warrior Within, the Prince is darker, moodier and more aggressive. Conversation is short and to the point. I agree there are no relationships of note that have had much thought put in to them - but does there need to be?
2b. Part of the reason the game has attitude - the score is superb. The heavy guitar music suits the game perfectly and fight scenes kick ass because of it. Does anybody else feel genuinely exhilerated when running from the Dahaka? It's one of the most exciting moments in any game I've played running away from the giant beast, knowing you have to time every jump and run to pefection else he'll catch you. I love those chases. Plus the Godsmack music works beautifully in tandem.
3. The Dahaka represents a genuine bad-guy! Let's face it, that Vizier bloke (who was a blatant rip-off of Jafar from Aladdin by the way) was hardly a worth adversary was he? He appears, what, twice in the entire game? And we're supposed to feel like the final fight with him means anything? Going mano-a-mano with the Dahakta on that massive platform suspended in mid-air was great!
4. Much better puzzles. The game is still entirely linear but there are moments when it's not entirely clear where to go. The first time I played the game I got lost in the first clock tower. It's frustrating but it's fun too, Sands of Time felt like my hand was being held the entire time to make sure I didn't take a wrong turn.
5. More boss fights! And sort of mini boss fights too. Because everyone loves a good boss fight.

So in summary, I agree with Yahtzee's points about characterisation to an extent, though I think the new tone actually suits the game slightly better, and I don't think you can let this detract from the absolutely superb gameplay.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
You don't have to love him bodiddly, but if you're going to critise then at least do it without making yourself look like a complete tosser in the process. If you can't do it constructively then nobody is interested in what you have to say. You're so ANGRY. Get a hobby or something, its pathetic.

If you don't like him then you are allowed to say so and critisise, as you have been doing. We're NOT Yahtzee butt kissers (at least i'm not), but MOST people manage to critisise without shouting and swearing every sentence. It just makes YOU look bad, and because you don't even try to be civilised, nobody is going to care what you have to say or take your opinion into account.

Just because you think the things he says are retarded doesn't mean everyone does - Its OPINION, so everyone has a different OPINION on Yahtzees videos. Just because we enjoy his videos doesn't mean we want to have his babies. People might think differently from you, thats life. You don't have to be so damn angry.
Jun 13, 2008

Also I find it funny how he tells me what I said was wrong and didn't even respond to the fact that I was agreeing with him.

With the videos he's saying his opinion and his review. It's a professional opinion. A trainer at a gym might say I'm out of shape and should listen to his crap about weight lifting. I trust his professional opinion, but I believe I'm not out of shape enough to pay $50 for a weight set.

Your suppose to just take his thoughts into account when looking at the game. If you don't believe it then that's fine. Don't watch it if you feel so strongly against it.

The truth is most people watch it for fun not because they actually care what stance he takes. Like when I watch cheat, not because I have that game and need tips, but because it's entertaining.

Connors M.C

New member
Jul 3, 2008
it go's

1. portal
2.silent hill 2
3.prince of Persia:sands of Time
4.spider man 2
5.fantasy world dizzy
(like it matters)


New member
Aug 23, 2008
Well I'm pissed he hyped it up so much, I bought two swords for the wii and the graphics are so bad its unplayable. It's comparable to turok on the 64.

The Thief

New member
Apr 24, 2008
bodiddly83 post=6.68312.657460 said:
It is a FACT he plays on easy. It is a fact he doesnt even play half the shit he is reviewing. It is a fact he doesnt have a fucking factual leg to fucking stand on for his shitty little "opinion"
You're really fact in the head, aren't you...


New member
Aug 20, 2008
You swore 43 times in that post... I'm actually quite impressed that you can manage to fit that much cussing into one post.. LMAO. Why don't you just calm down? Act like an adult if you are one.

Anyway. I'm not going to waste my time actually replying to the contents of your post (or should I say, scan through it and try to make sense of your points beneith all the angry gibberish) - I can see theres no way to discuss with you, because all you can do is argue angrilly.. I'm not wasting my time with someone whose just going to scream and shout like an angry 12 year old who had his candy taken from him. I don't think anyone else really wants to either...

So you just carry on being the way you are, and we'll just carry on pointing and laughing at you.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
For being a Yahtzee hater he sure can't stop talking about him.

I believe you secretly think he's awesome, bodid.
Jun 13, 2008
bodiddly83 post=6.68312.657998 said:

Anywho, I'm done as well. Your passed cursing into the town of smutville. I can't even read your posts without wanting to punch the nearest person to me and question humanity. Also your just redundent. You don't put any knew information on the table.

It is an opinion.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Well, i created this account purely because mr. bodiddly83 here has piqued my interest. You sir are a gaming elitest, you believe that a game is only understood on it's deepest and most complex level. You believe that you only know whether or not a game is good once you know every little niche of it. It's nice to meet you.

I'd like you to meet me, i'm a human being, i have a job, a social life, and many other things that take serious precidence over being a game on its highest difficulty. Thats not to say that you're a jobless social reject, my point is merely that you put a lot more effort into these things.

Here is where the problem kicks in, yahtzee doesn't care about you. Your opinions, your perspective and your attitude are all aimed in a different direction than him. His target audiance, also doesn't care... at all. You have two choices here, you can realize this and understand that his reviews mean absolutly nothing to you, or you can go on making a laughable spectacle of yourself, one way or another your actions have no influence on the outcome.

Sorry to bust your bubble

p.s. sorry, i'm a terrible speller

gaming as a hobbie

New member
Sep 3, 2008
uhhhh, yes, the prince of persia siries, one of the last games played just for the fun of it. and it makes me think that ubisoft can read brains, because every single time a new POP came out it fixed the exact problem that i thought was major in the last game. i really hope this new one can fix all those flaws without making any new ones.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is for the GameCube, right? So I can still get it!

Also, it's:

1. Portal
2. Silent Hill 2
3. Obvious
4. Spider Man 2
5. Fantasy World Dizzy

Portal, Silent Hill 2, and FWD were obvious, but Spiderman 2?

Also, sorry Yahtzee for earning your disgust.